Chapter five : Evolved

When he approached them he pressed his way through the people as he spotted the boy dancing in their midst while the others cheered on.

'This is strange,' Thomas thought to himself as he ran his gaze at the people and back again to the pale skin young man with blue coloured hair who was about the same age as him.

Still witnessing the scene he was mistakenly pushed into the centre from behind as he turned around, but with the people cheering, he wasn't sure who it was that pushed him.

"Who are you and what are you doing in my ring?" The young man said as Thomas turned to him.

"I'm sorry, but I think I should just leave," Thomas walked towards the crowd but they would not let him leave.

"You are going nowhere. Anyone that interrupts my show must have a duel with me," The young man said.

Thomas turned again to him. "Look, I don't have time for this. and I won't do any duel with you, Okay..?" He replied as the young man ran quickly towards him, then gave in a striking punch to the belly.

"Ahh," Thomas stoops as he begins coughing.

"Jerry! Jerry! Jerry!" The people began to cheer his name while he took a few steps backwards, still holding his gaze on Thomas.

"I hope that you get my point now?" Jerry chuckled.

While coughing, the first image that came into his mind was Elise. 'That brat!'

"What… will… you… do?" Jerry counted his words as he chuckled. "Come on, show us what you are made of," he said and Thomas gently stood upright then looked forward to Jerry who curled a smile.

"Like I said before, and will repeat again. I will not fight!" Thomas wobbled while his hand was placed on his stomach as the people laughed out and Jerry frowned angrily.

Thomas drifts his gaze down to Jerry's clenched fist and back up again to his face, he knew what was coming and that punch was one he should avoid the second time.

When Jerry was about coming against him again, they were interrupted by a whistling sound as Jerry stopped and they quit cheering.

"What is going on here?" A man walked in as Thomas turned to him. 

The man looked about Thirty years old. He had a pale skin complexion, brown eyes, black coiled hair, thick eyebrows and a barely noticeable moustache and beard.

Thomas found a few things which distinguished him from the other authorities who had addressed them, and that was his casual dress code. He was wearing a red striped long sleeve shirt, ash chinos trousers, and a white sneakers.

"Aren't you all supposed to be in your classes? What are you all waiting for? Move!" The man commanded as everyone started leaving and the man turned to Jerry.

"And as for you Jerry, aren't you supposed to be in the classroom? Come here, we have a lot to fix!" He said as Jerry glanced at Thomas then walked up to him and together they left towards the building entrance.

"Are you alright?" Thomas heard a baritone voice as he turned to see a young man beside him who had similar brown eyes like the man who had walked in, except that he was more fair in complexion and good looking too, but there was still a notable resemblance.

"My name is Silas," He said.

"I am Thomas," Thomas replied.

"How is your stomach?" Silas asked as he looked down to Thomas' hand which was still on his belly.

"Terrible, but I'll be fine," Thomas answered. "Sorry to bother you but, do you have any idea where the electricity class is?" 

"Your specialty is electricity?" Silas furrowed his eyebrows as Thomas nodded slightly. "If that is the case then you are with the right person, come with me?" 

Silas was about walking past him as he heard Thomas groan. He stopped then turned sideways to him. "Are you alright?" 

"Yeah, I can manage," He replied.

"Let me help you?" Silas put Thomas' arm around his shoulder as they both made their way towards the building.

When they walked inside, Silas led Thomas towards the left side as they made their way into an elevator then he closed it.

"Who was that man who intervened earlier?" Thomas asked as he turned to Silas who walked to his right side.

"He is my uncle and also the electricity teacher," he answered.

"That explains your resemblance with him. Nevertheless, I am still curious why he wasn't dressed like others,"

"Well, let's just say he likes It that way," Silas said as soon as the elevator opened up to the fifth floor and they both walked into the narrow passageway  which was painted in white with white tiles.

They stopped before the first door by the left as Silas opened the door and they walked inside.

The room was large and spherical in shape. Towards the left were seven white wooden chairs on which sat two girls, three boys and the other two chairs were empty. Apart from the chairs there was nothing else save another door directly opposite the entrance door.

"It seems like white is something common around here?" Thomas whispered to Silas then looked towards the seats as his eyes made contact with the young man he had gotten into a fight with earlier.

"Yeah, let's get seated before my uncle arrives," Silas said and they both walked down to the two vacant seats by the left then sat down.

Anyone will be stared at on their first day's in any class and Thomas' case wasn't different but maintained his position and avoided eye contact with them.

"Okay," Silas's uncle walked In from the left door directly opposite the entrance door as he makes his way before them. "I think we are all set," He lifted his eyes from the notepad he was holding as he gazed at them one after the other and when he saw Thomas, his eyebrows lifted.

"You, what are you doing here?" He asked in a way that would be less frightening.

"He is one of us sir, he is new here," Silas intervened.

"Really, it is quite unfortunate that he will allow himself to be treated as a punching bag," He said as he removed his gaze from Thomas to all of them. "Since we have someone new here, and we are only a few in number, it will be a good thing to introduce ourselves. My name is Kelvin, and I am the leader of this sector," he said then looked at the lady who was seated on his left end.

"My name is Alex, and I am number two," she said.

"My name is Rachel and I am the number three," The second lady said, then turned to the young man who Thomas had gotten into a fight with earlier.

"My name is Jerry, and I am number one," He answered.

"My name is David and I am number four,"

"My name is Mike and I am number five," the young man said then turned to Silas.

"My name is Silas and I am a sentry," He answered then turned to Thomas who had been staring while they were introducing themselves.

"Your name," Kelvin said and Thomas looked forward to him.

"I am Thomas," He answered.

"We will consider you the weakest for now, so you are number seven," Kelvin said then looked back at them.

"What about number six?" Thomas asked curiously.

"The number six didn't survive the last game, he died. Now Thomas can you step forward?" Kelvin said to him.

Thomas recalled the last time he was asked to step forward, which ended him up in a basement, where they would have used him for an experiment if not that he escaped.

"Thomas," Kelvin's voice called him out of his thoughts as he glanced forward to him.

"I'm sorry," Thomas said, then stood on his feet as he walked up to him.

"Can you face them please?"

Thomas did as instructed and Kelvin moved away from his side. "Everyone of the people you see here have the same specialty like you, and you might be wondering what is the reason this section is called the most vital, and to your advantage, we have the answer," He paused as he took out a small ball gulf from his side pocket.

"The reason we are considered the most important is not only because we are few, but because we are more helpful in this academy, mostly in intelligence. Outside this wall it's not the same and we are not strongest either. Until now, the fire section is the most feared, but if we use our intelligence we can defeat them," 

"How many sections do we have within these walls?" Thomas turned to Kelvin.

"The Institution has eight but there are more," Kelvin answered. "We have the fire, electricity, water, earth, matter manipulators, dimension openers, and mind readers,"

'Mind readers,' Thomas installed that section in his memory. To the rest of them it was a lecture but to him he had just figured out the section to find his first accompanist.

"That will be enough for now, we have to proceed with the class," Kelvin said. "i need you to make an electric ball for us to see," 

"Okay," Thomas turned to the others who were staring at him as he heaved a sigh then closed his eyes.

"What is he doing?" David said to the hearing of Jerry and Mike as he folded his arm with a constant gaze on Thomas.

It was strange to them, Including Kelvin, because normally they usually make balls of electricity with their hands stretched out but Thomas was different.

While they stare, they all noticed electricity sparks in his fingers and gradually it became so visible and unlike anything they had ever seen.

"This is strange," Kelvin muttered as he lifted his gaze to Thomas' face as he noticed his eyes were open and were displaying a deep blue colour.

Thomas didn't make a ball out of the electricity. He was the electricity itself.

"That's enough!" Kelvin said as soon as he realized Thomas' eyes were already sparking out electricity and things could get out of hand. "Stop it Thomas," he repeated.

Thomas closed his eyes as he took a deep breath and gradually the electricity vanished.

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