It was just a typical day in England, nothing out of the ordinary, I was simply walking home, I and my friends had a friendly game of football against our rival school, they out bested us so we lost, the reason for our loss wasn't only because they were better but because they also were in a better mood than us, well now I'm mostly speaking about myself, for some reason I didn't feel good, I felt like something isn't right but oh well, there isn't something I can do so might as well just head home, it looks like it's about to rain again
Damn, I hate the rain, and it rains every day here, and all it does is prevent us from playing football, here in London we don't even have many plants so why rain here? Go shower the Sahara desert or something, they need water more than us
"We have a report that today Jorge Barkonson, a 16 years old boy went missing! According to his family, he went outside with some friends, and after splitting with his friends he was nowhere to be seen, the policemen are trying hard to find him but no trace of him has been found yet, If someone knows something or has heard anything please contact the police department"
I heard from a random television shop, the TVs were on display and I could easily hear what they were saying, a lot of people have gone missing lately, not just in England but in the whole world, and this one is the same age as me, it's kind of scary how people can vanish
"Tragic isn't it? Another young man is lost, the police force will have to step up their patrols because if they don't people will keep on getting lost, and who knows what happens to them"
A man dressed in black told me as he was watching the news with me, I didn't reply but I agreed with him, I then left to go to my house, it was 6 P.M, and mother is probably wondering where I am
It didn't take me long to go home, my house was a small apartment where I lived with my mom and dad, my dad is a construction worker so he works until night and my mom is cleaning houses for a living, our economical state isn't the best, that's why I try to stay outside as much as possible
"Welcome home sweetie! Food is on the table, make sure you eat all of it!"
she told with a warm smile as soon as I opened the door
"Sorry I was late, I was playing football with some friends of mine"
I told her as I took off my shoes and sat on a chair, I then started eating the food my mom made, it was beans, they say beans are the meat of the poor and they are not wrong, it's rare when we get to eat beans but every time we do I make sure I enjoy them, and it's hard not to because my mom is an excellent cook
After quickly finishing my food I went to do my homework, dad said that I have to study well if I want to succeed in life, and judging from our age gap I can't really go against him, Once I finished I realized the time was 8 o'clock, that means it's time to sleep, my father is not back yet but he will eventually come, I hope...
When I woke up I went to the living room, my father was there, he was drinking his coffee while he was listening to the radio
"A huge earthquake happened yesterday in the epicenter of San Andreas, the earthquake was measured at a magnitude of 6.9, the residents are panicked and destruction has spre.."
My father suddenly closed the radio
"Good morning!"
I told him, and he didn't say anything back, I then grabbed two slices of bread and a piece of cheese, and sat at the table, I began eating breakfast silently and out of the blue my dad asked me
"Have you ever wondered what's like to live somewhere else?"
It was an odd question, normally he doesn't ask things such as this
"Not really but if I make it as a footballer then I will take us three to America and live happily there"
my father's face showed a sad emotion, was I dreaming too much? My father didn't say anything else after that, he simply wore his hat and went back to work, that's when my mom woke up
"What are you doing up so early?"
she asked confused
"I just naturally woke up, I also ate breakfast so you needn't make me something"
I said as I placed my shoes
"Where are you going?"
I answered as I picked up my backpack, it was very early but I can't stay at home, it feels like I'm trapped if I stay inside a place for too long, that's why I also don't like school, but if I don't finish it then my life is done for
"Be safe"
She told me as she opened the door for me, I quickly exited my apartment and then my building, Today I took the long way to school, I had all the time in the world, it was very silent, almost as silent as it is at night, I felt kind of weird walking but thankfully I saw a person walking my way, he was black dressed in a black hat on and a black coat, when I got closer to him I realized he was the same person I talked to when I saw the news of that one missing child, as we got closer and closer I felt the atmosphere get intense, why do I feel afraid?
"Hey, kid do you remember me?"
He asked, my heart skipped a bit when he talked to me
"I can't say yes sir"
I was lying and he could easily tell
"Come on! I was the one we saw the news together, do I have such a forgettable face?"
he asked as he smiled, his smile is fake, I'm sure of it, this man is up to no good
"You must have heard my name so what is it that you want? Drugs? Weapons?"
I asked as I opened my backpack, I know that it was a risky thing to do but he doesn't look like a good guy so he probably wants to buy some of my goods
"Oh no I'm not here for your loot, I'm here for YOU"
He said as he pointed his finger at me, you? What does he mean by me? Is he a cop?
The man then started walking at me so I quickly picked a knife out of my backpack
"Stay away! Before I stab ya in the gut!"
I told him to intimidate him but he didn't listen, he kept on walking at me
"I swear to god I will do it!"
I yelled but he didn't hesitate even for a moment, when he got closer I stabbed him in the gut 3 times and then backed down, the man placed his hands at the wound and looked up
"That's not a nice kid!"
the man said with his eyes wide open and a smile that reached his ears, this guy... no, this thing is not human, its wounds slowly closed, he just stood there as his wounds were closing, I stood still watching him from shock, it was not my first time stabbing someone but this time it was different
"Did I take my own drugs? Or am I just dreaming?"
I asked myself, the thing answered for me
"This is no dream kid, this is simply your fate"
He said as his right hand turned into squid tentacles, this kind of thing is something I saw when I read superhero comic books, it is not supposed to be real so what is happening?
"You are going to pay for your crimes"
The thing said, he then used his tentacles to catch me but I sliced them off, but they were quickly regenerating, the man then launched himself at me with an incredible speed, the man punched me launching me into the street with force, my knife fell out of my hands and I was defenseless against that monster, yeah monster is a more fitting name, the monster then started slowly coming closer to me, I tried to get up but I was way too dazed from the hit, the man tried to crush me with the now oversized tentacles but I barely managed to dodge the attack, if I hadn't dodge then I would have ended up like a crushed watermelon because this attack managed to break a big part of the street like it's nothing
"What the hell are you?"
I asked in fear, the monster smiled even more than before, it was scary
I started running away as fast as I could, I didn't care about school or anything else, if I'm not fast enough then I will die, the monster chased back after me, I ran to the woods since I know them better than this stupid monster. As I was running downhill and crossing multiple places I had previously marked, to be specific I followed the short way to school, and after what felt like hours of running I finally reached my school, people saw my traumatized face and wondered, I can't possibly tell them about the monster, they will think I'm crazy, but what else can I do? If there is a monster looking for me out there then it will not stop following me, staying at school is my safest option, and generally stay in a place with a lot of people
"Are you okay? You are bleeding!"
A girl said and when I place my hand on my face I noticed that blood was running down from it
"It's okay"
I said as I tried to leave but the girl insisted
"Come with me, I will take you to the nurse"
she then grabbed my arm and took me to the nurse against my will, when the nurse examined me she look frightened
"One of your ribs made a scratch on your lungs, so I can't have you staying here, I will call an ambulance to come and pick you up, please stay put"
She told me, she then probably went to the office to call the hospital, I wasn't sure where she went since my eyes were focused on the window, I was afraid that the monster would follow but thankfully it never showed up, after waiting for ten minutes an ambulance came to pick me up and my parents were informed, I don't remember the ride inside the ambulance, I possibly lost my senses in there but am really not sure, once I completely regained my senses I found myself in a hospital bed, the bright white light of the ambulance was blinding me and the annoying sound of the lights also ticked me off, my mom and dad were nowhere to be found, after some minutes a nurse told me that I had a visitor, I expected to be my mom but it was not, it was something way worse, way way worse
"You sure are a sneaky one Johan Berdton, but luckily for you my orders changed so if you don't mind please close your eyes"
the monster told me as he pulled a vaccine out of a bag it had, I was unable to move or speak, I just froze up in front of this monster as I was getting injected with a syrup he had inside this vaccine, after that, I passed out, hopefully, nothing wrong goes to me...
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The man theory The yellow wallpaper
After what happened in the hospital I woke up inside a weird-looking room, the room had greasy yellow wallpaper, this room had the same annoying lights that the hospital had, this annoying ring of the lights just couldn't stop, I slowly got up and looked around me, this weird room extended to as far as the eye could see, it was a quite unsettling thing to see, the room just didn't endI took a walk around the rooms but there were no doors in sight, there was nothing at all, only an endless amount of similar empty rooms, the sent those rooms left felt dusty, it really reminded me of my attic, this place had a very similar sent but not quite, because these rooms also leave a sent of moist, as if the rooms were not well ventilated, well no windows were in sight so I guess this has to be the case, this place also reminded me of a book my mom used to read, it was called "The yellow wallpaper" it was about one woman forced to stay in a room just like that, the woman ended up insane, will I
The man theory Infusion
When the monster created wings I felt kind of relieved and scared at the same time, if he could do that all the time then why didn't he do it when he chased me into the forest before, was that all planned by him? It doesn't matter now since he will probably be the one to save me"You did a good job finding him for us Johan, now leave him to me"the monster said, it then flew at it while transforming his hand into a big crab's claw"That's how you use a claw!"He said as he used his crab claw to chop the other monster in half, it then created kicked the remaining of its body at me, the monster girl's body was slowly regenerating but before it could fully heal the monster quickly stabbed it with a blade created by a swordfish's nose, and out of nowhere some people dressed in a hazard suit came and secured the monster girl with something like a cage"Now that this problem is resolved how about a walk? I bet that you are stunned and confused"the monster said as he offered me a hand to ge
The man theory Not a cult, but a cult
After what happened I had no other option but to accept the embrace of the woman, she told me that her name was Ambrose Kicks, Ambrose introduced me to my own room, the room was relatively big and more than enough for two people, having such a room for myself feels crazy "This will be your room for as long as you want, I hope you stay safe, oh and if you hear banging from your window at night just ignore it, I'm telling you this for your own good" Ambrose told me with a sweet smile as she closed the door, after telling me that I feel a bit bothered but I'm sure I can make it, I mean how hard can it be to live here, if the banging isn't a big deal then I will simply close my ears and sleep and that's what I did, thankfully I didn't hear any banging at night 20/8/1989 When I woke up I walked up to the entrance and to my surprise, all of the church-like seats were full, with random people, everyone was listening to Ambrose talking, she was talking about something spiritual, her words
The man theory Deadly W(h)ales
Apparently, I'm going to Wales so I can help with a group mission, I wasn't informed about this until now so I don't know how to feel but I'm pretty sure nothing will go wrong, at least not like before, I was dragged to an unknown place and fought for my life, at least this time I will have someone I can depend on"Your team is a new one but a promising one nonetheless, we call them "Ter" they are a team of two, and they are both ejected with monster DNA so both of them have an ability, Your mission is to find a clue of a monster inside a kindergartner, I assigned you too because you have a keen sense"Nicolas told me as he was staring at the street"And why did you send a such skilled team, to begin with?"I asked, I know that it isn't as simple of a mission as it sounds"Looks like you are worried but I can assure you that not many monsters will appear there and if they do then they will be weak and fragile, even you could kill them"Nicolas said as he looked at me from the front se
The man theory Sanguine Beach
When the whale emerged from the water Jack started manically running away from it, he seemed like a lost child there, I wanted to run too but my legs were rooted, I couldn't move nor hear, and my thoughts are hard to process"Snap out of it Johan!"Nicole said as she was shaking my body"What do we do?"I asked confused, Nicole gave a look at the whale that was flying directly in our direction and then looked back at me"No matter what happens, I know we can survive this, just follow me and I will protect you"Nicole said as she grabbed my hand, she then started running across the beach but not leaving it, the whale seemed to not come at us but at Jack, who had already left the sandy part of the beachThe whale started falling and before I knew it the whale had crushed Jack like a human stepping over an ant, no it seemed so natural but yet so wrongAfter crushing Jack the whale turned its huge eyes at us and started to fly toward us"Don't look back, Johan! Just run!"Nicole said as s
The man theory Farmland heaven
After the night passed me and Nicole woke up in another land, after realizing that we were somewhere else we started walking on a road to somewhere, I tried to hitchhike but no car stopped to pick us up "Don't bother, people will not stop if I don't offer them something" Nicole said as she kept on walking "What can you offer them that I can't?" "Sex" She said without turning my way, I felt like an idiot for not thinking of that, but in a kind of way I was justified, I dated multiple girls while I was in London but I never did things like that because they always refused, they refused so many times that the concept of sex didn't come into my mind After some time a car stopped, it was a red truck that carried a ladder and some firewood "Do you need me to drop you somewhere?" The tough-looking man that drove the car asked us, surprisingly the man spoke English "Where are we right now?" Nicole asked "Well, America of course! We are close to Alabama, I have a farm not far from he
The man theory Homecoming
After this weird night surprisingly we woke up safely, no harm was done to us, but the most surprising thing was that I was able to sleep even though I know someone that could hurt us was near usBoth of us were awakened by a familiar voice"Wake up sweeties, a friend for you came to pick you up"The woman said, and as soon as she said that Nicolas came through the farm's door"I'm surprised you managed to survive until here but I shouldn't expect low about the golden boy and our dream girl!"Nicolas said with a smile on his face, dream girl huh? Do both of us have stupid nicknames now?"It was about time you found us sir but I'm glad you did nonetheless!"Nicole said as she swiftly got up"No problem girl! But before we go I have to take care of a small problem..."Nicolas said, he then with a quick move turned around and punched the woman sending her meters away, Nicole and I quickly exited the farm to see better"You see kids this is a casual case of summoning back draw, I call thi
The man theory Ambrose
Sometimes life gives you hard fights, this time is one of those times for me, I hope god is with me and helps me with this choice"There are people in line sir, please tell me what you want, an omelet with cheese or eggs with bacon?"God, why are you giving me your toughest battles?"O-Omelet please..."I said defeated, I then took my food and sat on a table alone, I started eating, it was very tasty"Do you have room for another?"Ambrose asked me as she sat down with her own food"Aren't you supposed to eat in the VIP session?"I asked ironically"I wouldn't call that VIP but no, I can eat wherever I like and today I decided to sit next to you, our golden boy"Ambrose said with a smile"Stop calling me that, everyone calls me by this nickname and it's very annoying, just call me Johan"Ambrose slightly laughed at what I said"Okay I thought you would like that nickname but I guess not"Ambrose said with a calm expression on her face"What is it that you wanted to ask me? Do you have
Latest Chapter
Squad Ω
It didn't take long for us to reach the United States of America, it was our second time setting foot on this land and this time it was willful"So what exactly are we going to do there? Just simply join them? If that's the case then their protection is very inefficient"Nicole said as she dragged her traveling package"Why did you bring so many clothes? You know that we can finish our mission fast right?"I told her, Nicolas was quick to correct me"Not really, our mission is not to only spy on the enemy but also spy on a specific subject of Illuminati, the person we are looking for is rumored to have joined about 4 weeks before us""What makes that person so important that we have to risk our lives just to spy on them?""The ability they possess of course! You know how we collect monster DNA to gain power right? The stronger the monster extracting DNA is the stronger the ability or the user is going to be, and in the case of the person we are looking for the ability they got was fro
Sometimes life gives you hard fights, this time is one of those times for me, I hope god is with me and helps me with this choice"There are people in line sir, please tell me what you want, an omelet with cheese or eggs with bacon?"God, why are you giving me your toughest battles?"O-Omelet please..."I said defeated, I then took my food and sat on a table alone, I started eating, it was very tasty"Do you have room for another?"Ambrose asked me as she sat down with her own food"Aren't you supposed to eat in the VIP session?"I asked ironically"I wouldn't call that VIP but no, I can eat wherever I like and today I decided to sit next to you, our golden boy"Ambrose said with a smile"Stop calling me that, everyone calls me by this nickname and it's very annoying, just call me Johan"Ambrose slightly laughed at what I said"Okay I thought you would like that nickname but I guess not"Ambrose said with a calm expression on her face"What is it that you wanted to ask me? Do you have
After this weird night surprisingly we woke up safely, no harm was done to us, but the most surprising thing was that I was able to sleep even though I know someone that could hurt us was near usBoth of us were awakened by a familiar voice"Wake up sweeties, a friend for you came to pick you up"The woman said, and as soon as she said that Nicolas came through the farm's door"I'm surprised you managed to survive until here but I shouldn't expect low about the golden boy and our dream girl!"Nicolas said with a smile on his face, dream girl huh? Do both of us have stupid nicknames now?"It was about time you found us sir but I'm glad you did nonetheless!"Nicole said as she swiftly got up"No problem girl! But before we go I have to take care of a small problem..."Nicolas said, he then with a quick move turned around and punched the woman sending her meters away, Nicole and I quickly exited the farm to see better"You see kids this is a casual case of summoning back draw, I call thi
Farmland heaven
After the night passed me and Nicole woke up in another land, after realizing that we were somewhere else we started walking on a road to somewhere, I tried to hitchhike but no car stopped to pick us up "Don't bother, people will not stop if I don't offer them something" Nicole said as she kept on walking "What can you offer them that I can't?" "Sex" She said without turning my way, I felt like an idiot for not thinking of that, but in a kind of way I was justified, I dated multiple girls while I was in London but I never did things like that because they always refused, they refused so many times that the concept of sex didn't come into my mind After some time a car stopped, it was a red truck that carried a ladder and some firewood "Do you need me to drop you somewhere?" The tough-looking man that drove the car asked us, surprisingly the man spoke English "Where are we right now?" Nicole asked "Well, America of course! We are close to Alabama, I have a farm not far from he
Sanguine Beach
When the whale emerged from the water Jack started manically running away from it, he seemed like a lost child there, I wanted to run too but my legs were rooted, I couldn't move nor hear, and my thoughts are hard to process"Snap out of it Johan!"Nicole said as she was shaking my body"What do we do?"I asked confused, Nicole gave a look at the whale that was flying directly in our direction and then looked back at me"No matter what happens, I know we can survive this, just follow me and I will protect you"Nicole said as she grabbed my hand, she then started running across the beach but not leaving it, the whale seemed to not come at us but at Jack, who had already left the sandy part of the beachThe whale started falling and before I knew it the whale had crushed Jack like a human stepping over an ant, no it seemed so natural but yet so wrongAfter crushing Jack the whale turned its huge eyes at us and started to fly toward us"Don't look back, Johan! Just run!"Nicole said as s
Deadly W(h)ales
Apparently, I'm going to Wales so I can help with a group mission, I wasn't informed about this until now so I don't know how to feel but I'm pretty sure nothing will go wrong, at least not like before, I was dragged to an unknown place and fought for my life, at least this time I will have someone I can depend on"Your team is a new one but a promising one nonetheless, we call them "Ter" they are a team of two, and they are both ejected with monster DNA so both of them have an ability, Your mission is to find a clue of a monster inside a kindergartner, I assigned you too because you have a keen sense"Nicolas told me as he was staring at the street"And why did you send a such skilled team, to begin with?"I asked, I know that it isn't as simple of a mission as it sounds"Looks like you are worried but I can assure you that not many monsters will appear there and if they do then they will be weak and fragile, even you could kill them"Nicolas said as he looked at me from the front se
Not a cult, but a cult
After what happened I had no other option but to accept the embrace of the woman, she told me that her name was Ambrose Kicks, Ambrose introduced me to my own room, the room was relatively big and more than enough for two people, having such a room for myself feels crazy "This will be your room for as long as you want, I hope you stay safe, oh and if you hear banging from your window at night just ignore it, I'm telling you this for your own good" Ambrose told me with a sweet smile as she closed the door, after telling me that I feel a bit bothered but I'm sure I can make it, I mean how hard can it be to live here, if the banging isn't a big deal then I will simply close my ears and sleep and that's what I did, thankfully I didn't hear any banging at night 20/8/1989 When I woke up I walked up to the entrance and to my surprise, all of the church-like seats were full, with random people, everyone was listening to Ambrose talking, she was talking about something spiritual, her words
When the monster created wings I felt kind of relieved and scared at the same time, if he could do that all the time then why didn't he do it when he chased me into the forest before, was that all planned by him? It doesn't matter now since he will probably be the one to save me"You did a good job finding him for us Johan, now leave him to me"the monster said, it then flew at it while transforming his hand into a big crab's claw"That's how you use a claw!"He said as he used his crab claw to chop the other monster in half, it then created kicked the remaining of its body at me, the monster girl's body was slowly regenerating but before it could fully heal the monster quickly stabbed it with a blade created by a swordfish's nose, and out of nowhere some people dressed in a hazard suit came and secured the monster girl with something like a cage"Now that this problem is resolved how about a walk? I bet that you are stunned and confused"the monster said as he offered me a hand to ge
The yellow wallpaper
After what happened in the hospital I woke up inside a weird-looking room, the room had greasy yellow wallpaper, this room had the same annoying lights that the hospital had, this annoying ring of the lights just couldn't stop, I slowly got up and looked around me, this weird room extended to as far as the eye could see, it was a quite unsettling thing to see, the room just didn't endI took a walk around the rooms but there were no doors in sight, there was nothing at all, only an endless amount of similar empty rooms, the sent those rooms left felt dusty, it really reminded me of my attic, this place had a very similar sent but not quite, because these rooms also leave a sent of moist, as if the rooms were not well ventilated, well no windows were in sight so I guess this has to be the case, this place also reminded me of a book my mom used to read, it was called "The yellow wallpaper" it was about one woman forced to stay in a room just like that, the woman ended up insane, will I