Chapter 2

Kelly Tarver is very beautiful, her figure is quite standard, and her face is delicate and flawless. Furthermore, between her eyebrows, there is a cold beauty that pushes others away thousands of miles. Makes others want to get close to her but they can't step forward, they can only stand from afar admiring her or fantasize about her in their dreams.

She is the wife of Justin - the General Director of the hospital, and the head of the wealthy and noble family of Tarver family.

But now, Kelly's face turned pale as she saw Justin finally walking towards Susanna.

Justin, you dare to do that to my best friend.

Chloe raised the wooden baseball bat and slammed it on the table: "Damn, I knew right away he was a scum of a man, Kelly, let's go catch him."

Chloe was angry as if she was the one who was betrayed. She stuffed a large ashtray into Kelly's hand, then she pulled Kelly out to demand justice.

Chloe is also a beautiful girl, a good friend of Kelly, and she is also a teacher in the performance department, at the same university as Susanna.

It was Chloe's idea to test Justin.

The two women went straight into Justin's room. Chloe swung a big stick and gritted her teeth as she said, "Kelly, you've been married to him for three years now, and you work hard outside to support him, Not only is he not grateful to you, but he also betrays you."

Kelly frowned, her eyes showing pain.

She comes from a noble background, her beauty makes countless other beautiful girls admire her, she is the general director of the hospital under the Tarver Group and is the goddess in the hearts of all men in the city. 

Then, because she followed her grandfather's instructions before he died, she was forced to give up the opportunity to marry into a rich and noble family, lowering her value to marry Justin.

After getting married, Justin was lazy and couldn't do anything. Even Kelly was satirized and ridiculed by her relatives and friends, making her hate Justin.

Over the past three years, Kelly has gradually accepted this marriage. She feels that as long as Justin treats her well, she will accept this useless husband.

Now, she feels like he doesn't deserve her.

Kelly controlled her anger and resentment. When she arrived at Justin's door, she raised her high heels and kicked the door hard: "Justin, you scum, you come out here."

Kelly kicked in the door while continuously shedding warm tears of frustration.

Although Kelly is the stepdaughter of Tarver's house, after all, she is also the head of a wealthy family. In this life, she must marry a man from a rich and powerful family. But three years ago, when her grandfather passed away, to erase everyone's resentment, Kelly had to marry Justin.

Is that old man crazy?

This caused a huge stir that year.

Since then, Justin has become the son-in-law of Tarver's house.

For three years now, Justin has been a lazy person living in his wife's house, living off the living allowance that Kelly gives him every month. Justin became useless in the eyes of the members of Tarver's house. He implicated Kelly, causing her to endure everyone's cold, disdainful eyes.

Since then, everyone in the family wants Kelly and Justin to divorce. Unfortunately, the remaining power of Kelly's grandfather was too strong, and combined with Justin not making any major mistakes, this unhappy marriage reluctantly continued.

This time, Justin unexpectedly betrayed Kelly.

This means Justin betrayed Tarver's house. Once the members of Tarver's house get angry, I'm afraid Justin's outcome will be very tragic.

However, Kelly feels that scum should end up like that.

Can't open the door.

Chloe took out a sensor key card, brought it to the door, and the door opened.

She has been preparing for a long time.

“Justin, you scum, take your dirty hands off her.”

Chloe shouted, swinging her stick, and rushed in.

"Justin, you dare to have an affair, I will deal with you."

Even the next line of dialogue appeared in Chloe's head.

First, she sternly pointed out Justin's countless wrongdoings, thoroughly oppressing him morally. She would then beat him so brutally that he would have no way to get revenge. In the end, she will force Justin to kneel admit his mistake, and write a letter of repentance. Next, she forced Justin to proactively ask for a divorce from Kelly.

In their impression, Justin is a useless and cowardly husband.

There are many ways to deal with a useless husband that makes him miserable.

But after entering the room, Chloe was stunned for a few seconds.

She just saw Justin... exercising in the living room with... Susanna.

The phone also plays exercise sounds along with the radio: "Second movement, expand your chest, prepare, one, two..."

What's happened?

The script… isn't right?

At this point, shouldn't Justin be pressing on Susanna's body?

Kelly followed behind and Chloe was also stunned.

What game are these two playing?

“Justin, you stop pretending. I saw everything that happened just now." Chloe felt she had to do something, so she picked up the stick and walked over to Justin.

“Chloe, stop." Susanna stepped up to stop Chloe: "Justin didn't do anything, don't hit him."

“Susanna, what are you doing? You are my best friend, why do you say to help this scum?” Chloe was angry, she couldn't understand.

Susanna was her close friend for many years, and the three women had previously discussed the script. Why in the blink of an eye did Susanna side with Justin?

Susanna hates bad men the most. Isn't Susanna also a victim?

Susanna grabbed the stick in Chloe's hand and said: "I tested Justin, he is a good man."

Chloe pushed Susanna hard: “Are you crazy? Or did he seduce you? Scum like him but you say he is a good man?”

Susanna replied very seriously: "No, what I said is true. Before now, I have never met a man as loyal as Justin. Kelly, if you don't need him, I need him."

Kelly and Chloe's entire body stiffened as if they had been electrocuted.

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