The words rang in his ears and he felt his eyes spinning.

"Pregnant?" He demanded, as he pushed back the tears that threatened to fall from his eyes.

By now, Hailey and Charles had swiftly finished getting dressed and stepped out of the car.

With her arms crossed, Hailey glared directly into Jeremy's eyes as she spoke, her voice sharp and unwavering, "Oh yes! Dear husband, I'm ten weeks gone and Charles here has been a good father, more than you ever will. Take a look at the first grade Channel bag that he got for me, you could never buy that with your life savings." She sneered derisively, her tone dripping with disgust.


"Don't shout at my woman! She's pregnant you fool!"

He was harshly interrupted by Charles, prompting him to glare at the arrogant man who had taken his wife away, as he moved closer in a confrontational manner.

Jeremy's voice remained composed as he questioned Charles, "What was that you said?" his breath brushing against Charles's face in the tense standoff.

He stood several inches above the man whom his wife had stooped so low for.

Charles held a brave face, though he felt a little intimidated but he tried not to show it.

He was about five feet tall with a stout- like figure but Jeremy was about six feet tall with a well chiseled chest.

Who wouldn't be sacred of a man as well built as Jeremy?

"You are a fool Jeremy, I'm still wondering how my baby girl could keep up with you for this long." Chalres said with raised chin, he grinned as he saw Jeremy move back, thinking to himself that he must have scared the life out of him.

Unbeknownst to him, Jeremy definately wasn't in the mood to exchange words with someone like him, his main focus was on Hailey.

How could he love a woman this much to not see through her lies?

He had been blinded and deceived more times than he could count, yet it had never crossed his mind that she might one day betray him.

"You are a fool Jeremy, I'm still wondering how my baby girl could keep up with you for this long." Charles said with raised chin, he grinned as he saw Jeremy move back, thinking to himself that he must have scared the life out of him.

Unbeknownst to him, jeremy wasn't in the mood to exchange words with someone like him, his main focus was on Hailey.

How could he love a woman this much to not see through her lies?

He had been blinded and deceived multiple times than one and yet, he never for once had the thought that she could one day cheat on him.

"How long has this been going on?" Jeremy asked, holding his breath as he waited for her response.

He stood still, his jaw clenched as their gaze meant. There was no remorse or regret in her eyes, instead, she looked the happiest he had ever witnessed.

"It is none of your business. I don't think I want to stand here talking to a lowlife like you. We have a date and it would be really sad to waste it on someone like you." She scrutinized his outfit, her face scrunching in disgust as she took in his second-hand faded clothes.

"Yes, let's go babe. We can't afford to spend our precious moments with your husband."

"Don't call him my husband, Charles. I'm ashamed to be seen with him. You have no idea how much I hate when people identify me as his wife. He has done nothing but bring me down time and time again. He is a curse!" Hailey spat with venom, making sure that her words hurt him.

"Yup haha! Pardon me baby, I didn't know he is that useleeeess!"

They both burst into laughter, giggling and smiling with disdain.

Meanwhile, Jeremy had heard enough of their trash. He wouldn't waste his time with them anymore.

He turned away and was about to leave when he heard her spat again,"It's not like you have the balls to ask for a divorce anyway. That would be the best gift you can ever give to me."

With a smirk on his face, he turned back to look at them and they held their breaths, wondering what was amusing him all of a sudden.

"I do want a divorce. It will be a shame to live under the same roof with a disgusting bitch like you! What good will it bring to my reputation? You have brought shame upon yourself and I would never want to be seen with a loose wife who can't control herself" Jeremy didn't bother hiding the way he really felt, he had made up his mind. It was obvious that Hailey wasn't worth his love or his attention.

Upon hearing his words, Hailey couldn’t suppress her laughter. After all, her husband was a dependent, surviving solely on her income. He wouldn’t last a day without her, and she knew he couldn’t be serious.

Moreover, without her renting their luxury apartment, he would have been homeless, reduced to living on the streets like the beggar he truly was.

"Did I say something funny?" Jeremy raised his brow, he was half expecting her to plead with him but she was doing the complete opposite.

"C'mon Jeremy, don't be stupid. You wouldn't even survive a day on the streets." Hailey taunted, she looked at Charles, urging him to interfere.

Charles grasped the situation and stood confidently before speaking. "Instead of seeking a divorce, you should be pleading for a job at my company. Who knows? You might earn more than you ever have, even if it’s just as a cleaner."

Hailey smirked, clearly pleased with his statement. She folded her arms and offered Jeremy a quick, dismissive wink.

"Go on, kiss his feet. I'm sure that you wouldn't want this opportunity to pass you by." Hailey snorted as she stared at Jeremy. He was pretty handsome and attractive for a man but of what use was his beauty if he had no money?

"I don't need your filthy money. Get ready to sign the divorce papers! I can't even stand the thought that you are bearing my last name. You keep displaying the highest level of shamelessness! " Jeremy said with gritted teeth, he tried his best to keep his cool even though he knew he was slowly losing his temper.

"You will regret this! I will be waiting for you to crawl back to beg me." Hailey snapped angrily, in a desperate attempt to hide the nervousness that she felt.

She knew that she was the one at fault and if her family were to find out then the punishment would be severe.

Letting out a harsh breath, she walked towards the side of the car and opened the door angrily while Charles did the same.

Jeremy didn't see any reason to stay in the parking lot anymore, he was going to get his belongings and leave the house for good.

She had betrayed him and betrayal was one of the things he loathe.

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