In a mansion, belonging to the Maxwell family, Located at one of the nobles estate of Zion city.
"Jeez, things are really getting worse! I have not been able to leave the house for a while now."" huh. What are you complaining about?! I know you enjoy the home comfort."Evelyn Maxwell, a beautiful young lady wearing a seductive shot milky color gown. She hold on to a cup of hot coffee on her right hand, sipping it diligently. The man standing beside her. Who was complaining, was her husband, who his wearing a mixed color pajamas. He is called Anderson Maxwell.Judging by their appearance both of them are about 32 and 39 years old. Their gaze was focused outside, looking at the world through the large fixed square window that don’t open, but great for views.The rain was falling down on the world. The sound of the water-drop, hitting the window pane was soothing.For the past 2 years, the world had become absurd; Flood disasters with all kinds of storm, and the icy part of the world, began to increase. Freezing everything over.Scientists simply had no way of explaining the phenomenon. As a consequence of these, all nations citizens were force to move to safe places. They were also declaration, for the decrease of pollution, attributing every thing that happened to malfunction in the planet protective layer.Now even if the sun shone brightly, citizens where still afraid to go out." Good morning, dad. Good morning, mom. The news broadcast is going on. It's like They are saying something important today. " A boy standing in front of Mr. and Mrs. Maxwell’s entrance door, also wearing a mixed-color pajamas. Is arms was sprawling over his head and mouth, as he was talking. He is awake but still foggy from sleep. His name is Christopher Maxwell.Chris is just 12-year-old,he was still a middle scholar; his father, Anderson is a doctor and his mother, Evelyn work at ZTI (Zion technological industry).Chris was standing in front of the door, suddenly the door began to open with a little application of force.Bang!His mom rush out of the room, heading towards Chris "Oh, my darling Chris, you finally woke up. Sorry for keeping you waiting." Evelyn said, hugging Chris so tightly.Evelyn dragged Chris into the room and lock the door. His father was busy looking for the TV remote. After a while of searching he found it and switch the channel to the new broadcast.The TV brightness gleamed all over their faces, making that position filled with extreme brightness. An image appeared on the screen, a woman who was sitting across a huge desk. She is well dressed, her lip started moving with confidence. " today, 22-June-2054 the scientists as declared that the weather conditions as gone back to normal. There is no danger alert either. As of tomorrow citizens can start going back to their regular duties. Have a nice and splendid Resumption." The news anchor, from the broadcast said, with smile at her last speech.At these moment. The entire world was overwhelmed with happiness. The internet was swarming with live stream. It was as if they won a thousand year war.Anderson quickly realized that work would also resume by the next day. He realized that today was the last day and also the last opportunity to spend time with his wife and kid. he quickly said in a loud voice "Chris, Go and prepare my hunting tools we going for a little adventure, before work begins tomorrow. We would be back tomorrow."Chris quickly walked out of the room with excitement with what his dad just said. If not for the abnormal condition of the world this chance would not come in a million years. His parents were always busy with work, they hardly have time for him. Throughout the entire day, he only get to see his parents in the morning and night. That is why he was filled with excitement. After about one hour, they gathered back in the sitting room. They all dress in coats, hats, and gloves "now, we will be heading out." Anderson announced. Chris was holding his mom and dad adventure bag pack. It was as if he was embracing the bags, because of their size. His own bag pack was on his back, his mind was filled with happiness.they were about to leave the house, when the whole world seemed to shudder fiercely as if an earthquake was about to happen. Many things began to move from their places. Quickly Evelyn held on to Chris through the back, who was embracing their bag pack tightly and Anderson held on to Evelyn, preventing them from panic."What is happening...?! I thought they said everything is back to normal?! I can feel like something bad is about to go down!" Anderson muttered to himself.Suddenly, a mighty shockwaves that was travelling around the world with speed destroying anything it came in contact with, blasted the city of Zion with huge amounts of force. Destroying everything. The Maxwell family was still waiting for the shaking to stop. Suddenly the waves gets to their location and blast on the Maxwell's mansion with extreme force. Anderson was still trying to protect his family under the circumstances, but the force was overwhelmingly strong, that it blew them away.*****After about ten minutes, after the waves had pass through Zion city. They were many damage and many injured civilians and dead corpses. People started shouting all around the area with despair, over their loss.Meanwhile, Anderson and Evelyn have been pierced together through their back to the chest while hold on to each other, by a the building construction bar. It almost pierced Chris, but the bag pack on his back took the damage. At these particular events when everything was collapsing, Chris was still holding on to his parents bag pack no knowing the present situation.After a while, the sky started changing, another chaos was about to happen, suddenly all the matter around began to reduce to elementary particles. The breakdown phenomenon as not yet come to an end. If things were to continue like this the planet will collapse.Things have now gotten more serious; The cars, buildings, tree, grass, and manmade things, where reduce to particles, the sea began to dry up, even water from containers, tanks, and pipes dried up. Also the planet's, natural resources and fertility was been drained away.All the particles started to ascend to the northern part of the sky. The sky began to suck all the particles. It was as if a black hole was in the Sky in a form of a tornado.After about 3 hour, the chaos and destruction ended, the sky went back to normal. The world as become empty, nothing was left behind. The entire world now, as become a wasteland.*****Chris was able to detach is bag from the pierced rod and stood up. After seeing his parents conditions he dropped the bags, and fell on the ground in despair, crying out Loud his parents titles. “Mom, dad…”"Chris. come here son!" Anderson called out to Chris with a fading voice."It's like me and your mom won't be going with you, on your knew adventure!" Anderson forcefully smiled.Evelyn was just looking at his son, she could not move her lips. Anderson was able to endure a while longer but Evelyn couldn’t.Tears was flowing from Chris eyes, looking at his parents at the brink of death. He could not control his emotions, but his father voice was still active to comfort him. His father told him many things and gave him advice on how to survive from now on."I don't really know what really occurred that brought this chaos but, one thing I know is that, all the matter around as disappeared, but the clothes we put on and the bag you are hold against yourself, did not disappear. There is a mystery behind all these, you need to survive and find that mystery. My young adventurer." He smiled looking at Chris."Dad! Dad! Mom, mom!" He grabbed their clothes and continuously shaking them to wake.Throughout that entire day, Chris cried is eyes to the point they began turn reddish. He was just confused of what to do, he was only still just a kid. He was; smart, and always joyful. But right now all he can do was cry, losing both parents in a single day, impacted damage on is emotion. All he could do was focused his retina on his parents hoping they might wake up.Related Chapters
The remnants of the world: Monarch of the ruins 2. Infinite window dimension(FRAME OF VOID)
After what his father had told him he still as no intention of leaving their corpse. He was still clinging to the corpse. Chris eyes had swollen due to excessive tears and his heart was shattered* * *The chaos finally came to an end. with a very tragic outcome. The entire world was reduced to nothing. Losing its form. The world became a barren place unable to produce anything any more.* * *After a while, Chris stood up to analyze the situation of the environment, and how things would play out if he decides to leave, but all he could see was a empty area of land with no sign of life or plant. He could also hear and see other citizens around the environment.Chris was so relieved, of the company around him. he realized that he was not alone. As soon as he was about to sit on the floor he heard a very strange noise.Roar!..Immediately people started running in fear with no direction of where they are going. Chris was so confused, his guild went up a notch higher. Trying to find the
The remnants of the world: Monarch of the ruins 3. Leveling up
Immediately the status window reappeared on his retina.[ System Master: Christopher Maxwell-Race: HumanJob: NoneTitle: NoneStrength: 10()/ Agility: 10()/ Health: 100% / Stamina: 12 ()/ Intelligence: 21(10)/ Instincts: 10()/ System operating skill: 10%/ Magic energy: infinite]But this time some attributes, where added. After the display another floating window appeared on his front with a different message. " Am I suppose to do all this exercise?" He was surprised of the exercise listed in the message, and the amount he had to do in each one.[ Training quest is now available; preparations to become strong:Push-ups: 150 times: incomplete (0/150)Sit-up: 150 times: incomplete(0/150)Squat: 150 times: incomplete (0/150)Running: 30 km: incomplete (0/30 km)YES TO CONFIRM- NO TO DECLINE]* Warning: failure to complete the task will result to appropriate penalty." Let's see if I can do this!"Chris said yes to confirm the quest. Soon after, Chris fell to the ground and started wit
The remnants of the world: Monarch of the ruins 4. A Close Battle.
Before Chris could sigh in relief and relax his nerves, six more big ant matching from a little distance growling in is direction.Due to ants nature of pack movement, it was right to expect more coming.However, Chris didn't panic and quickly grip the dagger tightly. As he wait for the right time to strike. After spending some time to think, he realized that there was nothing to be done, all he could do his attack them, as he did to the previous 2 ant.Immediately he took of with a more intense speed, this time they could not even keep up with his speed. Chris rushed straight for their core.As soon as he got the last one at the back, he tighten his muscles, griping the dagger more tight. He quickly stabbed the ant on its core with force enough to pull of the ant head from its body, and also coursing a very big impact on the ground.Before the rest of the ant could react, to what was happening at the back he quickly finish them up with five strike on each with speed.[ You acqui
The remnants of the world: Monarch of the ruins 5. The Survivors cave
Chris was so very furious, then walk up to Luke and said, "you mean you can't think before doing something, huh! What if for instance, that shockwave coming from your freaking hand is strong than you anticipated. Did you know what will happen, it would have sliced me in two, and now you talking as if you don't care!"Luke realized that the entire group was looking at them while waitin for his reply, but he did not want to make a bad impression, and said, "no, I care about you, each one of you. I knew that the cut would not get to him that was why I did it, it was not of bad motives." Soon after talking Luke whispered into Chris ear, and said, " you know! I put a lot of strength into that one, I am even surprised that I am talking to you right now, you should have being a dead corpse now. But it seems you are not ready to die yet. Everything I do his just for survival, so don't blame my actions."Chris just stood there, he was unable to say anything. After a while the status window ap
The remnants of the world: Monarch of the ruins 6. The Self Proclaimed Leaders
" Why are you lying to me?! are you saying you fight those creatuers with your normal strength?" The guy asked." Yeah, is there a problem with that? If you do not believe me then ask him."Chris pointed out to Luke, and also giving him an eye signal.Immediately Luke understand and turned to the guy, who was walking around them and said, " yeah, yeah, that's true just his normal strength nothing else." He nodded his head severally while talking.The guy that was talking to them was at the same time keeping his cool to impress the other. So he didn't want to start anything weird. He then smiled and said, " I see! So that is what happened?" Chris and Luke just nodded their head as an answer, while he continued, " You said, your name is Chris, huh? I know somebody name Chris that look just like you, and had the same name as you but you are more taller and muscular than him. Are you anyway related to the Maxwell's?"Chris was surprised, he try to identify the face of the guy, if it was so
The remnants of the world: Monarch of the ruins 7. Meeting and Plans
Without waiting for much time for them to leave, he closed his eyes and wiched to learn the new updates in the windows.Chris immediately felt a slight pricking in his mind that instead of being painful, was uncomfortable.[Martial arts of self defense, fighting skills to kill an opponent in the shortest amount of time possible depending on the circumstances, control over bladed weapon, knowledge about fire arms as well as the correct way such weapons works and the optimal way of using them]So much information flooded Chris brain, it was so much information that for several seconds his mind went blank not knowing how to react.He look at his hand in disbelief and couldn't help but mutter, " that's how strong the movies superhero were. Is this truly reality...?"At that moment, only he himself knew how horribly strong he had become. His stats had not changed since after he last check it, but Chris was confident that if he met the boss ant again, he could finish it off in less than som
The remnants of the world: Monarch of the ruins 8. Imprisonment
So far Sarah's speech and explanation were extremely logical. It was precisely for that reason no one had interrupted her untill now and even the teachers only watched from the sidelines without saying anything about it.She was the only one among the self proclaimed leaders who was truly worthy of being a leader.What no one expected, however, was that a voice would abruptly interrupt." Wait a moment. I want to move alone"Everyone's eyes automatically turned to the person who had just spoken with different expressions.Henry and his other gang of four people had an expression that looked unsure whether to cry or laugh, Luke looked too stupefied to react, and the teachers had different kinds of thoughts that their expression gave away.In the other hand, Sarah gave Chris a slightly weary look and said coldly, "You want to go alone? Are you crazy?"Chris remain unperturbed and did not care about the expression of the expression of the beautiful girl in front of him. Calmly, he slowl
The remnants of the world: Monarch of the ruins 9. Leveling up(part 2)
Chris was confused for a moment, on how she jumped from their previous conversation and trying to change the topic, " wait. I don't understand what is going on. How can you just leave me hanging on the truth. I don't understand what's really going on? Just forget about it I will just go alone with what ever you say for now."Arachne knew that Chris was pissed of, but he decided to play it cool, she felt bad for not being able to tell him the truth, "Thanks for understanding, I really appreciate."However, when he heard Arachne's words, he understood that it was not really her intention."So. What should I do to become more stronger." Chris thought went back to the word Arachne told him earlier and said, "Wait, did you really maen I can break that barrier if I grow more stronger, like I can actually distroy something as strong as that. You know I try punching it that time at the entrance of the cave, but it seems to have no effect."Arachne gave out a very heavy sigh and said, "The que
Latest Chapter
36. reunion
Chris trudged through the wasteland, his eyes scanning the horizon for any sign of the settlement. Few day had passed since he last spoke with the old trader, and Chris's concern had grown into a gnawing sense of urgency. He had tried everything to find the settlement - scouring the wasteland, but he kept going the wrong way even after they point him to the right direction, he began to question himself of his mental health calling out for Arachne. But every lead had ended in disappointment.Just as Chris was starting to lose hope, he spotted a figure in the distance. She was a young woman, dressed in tattered clothing and carrying a rifle slung over her shoulder. As she drew closer, Alex saw that she was a scout, her eyes scanning the horizon with a practiced intensity."Who are you?" Chris asked, his stance was already prepared to fight. "My name is Ava," the scout replied, her voice firm and confident. "I'm from New Eden. What brings you to this place?"Chris hesitated, unsure how
35. Meeting back with the Emperor
"Don't worry, everything is going to be ok sooner or later!"Chris, still recovering from his ordeal, knew that he had to repay the survivors who had saved his life. He remembered about the crystal settlement that as become his ally, a place where people still lived in relative peace and security, and loyal to them self now. He decided to take the survivors there, to give them a chance at a new life.As they set out, Chris led the way, with his little knowledge of the wasteland guiding them through the treacherous terrain. Marcus, Sarah, Jake, and Emily followed closely behind, their eyes scanning the horizon for any signs of danger.The journey was long and arduous, but but pushed on, driven by a sense of responsibility. He knew that he had to get the survivors to safety, no matter what.After days of traveling, they finally saw it - the settlement, nestled in a valley surrounded by crystal walls. Chris's heart swelled with pride and relief as he led the survivors through the gates.
34. An Encounter With new survivors
He kept running with all his speed just to escape the terror. He thought since Chris did not defeat the beast he himself would not stand a chance, but he didn't know the true reason Chris did not defeat the beast.As night fell, Luke spotted a light on the horizon. He stumbled towards it, his heart pounding in his chest. Maybe it was a signal fire, a beacon of hope in the darkness.As he drew closer, he saw that it was a figure, standing atop a rocky outcropping, a torch held aloft. The figure was shrouded in shadows, but Luke could sense their gaze, piercing and intense."Who are you?" the figure called out, their voice carrying across the wasteland.Luke hesitated, unsure of how much to reveal. But something about the figure's tone put him at ease."I'm a survivor," he said, his voice barely above a whisper. "I'm headed for New Eden."The figure nodded, their torch dipping in acknowledgement."I can help you," they said. "But we have to move, now. The beast is closing in."Together,
33. Separation
To be sincere, Arachne has been the only person that Chris as surely trusted, because she have saved him countless time also given him advices, so he doubtful trust that Arachne had his best interest. But now he is doubting her loyalty...... After a long time of having an awful conversation, they finally ended it with quarrel. Arachne didn't risk telling him the truth, instead he made Chris think what he wants. And after some while, the long day became dark as the moon rise, but inside the room was still as bright as day, the only way Chris was able to notice was because of the little open in the room, where air pass through.As Chris sat on the hard platform that was made for sleeping, the unforgiving surface seemed to press into his bones, a constant reminder of his wakefulness. He had been sitting there for two hours, his mind racing with thoughts and worries about Arachne that refused to subside.The bed, a crystal constructed platform, offered no comfort, no softness to cradle
32. Discussion about things
After some while of each person pledging their allegiance, the occasion finally came to an end."Now that we're done with all that! There is a subject that has been on my mind ever since, and I will really like the both of us to talk about it. It is about the cosmic Lords." The emperor said." What about them?" Chris asked."Now that all this as happened, it won't take long before the cosmic Lords find out we working with someone else now, and if that happens! We would be putting lots of people lives in danger." The emperor said." There is really not much thing to say about that! just keep pretending for your people sake, maybe you could even get close to them enough to extract information of their next move and other things." Chris pointed out.The emperor out of curiosity asked, " And how would I do that, it is not like I have ever give them any information they want, the last time dey gave me a task, I by all means find a way to avoid it."At first Chris wanted to continue with
31. The battle outcome
Chris just kept talking until he got to where Frank is. Frank was struggling standing up, he was not able to raise is other knee from the ground, he really took a lot of damage from that punch. But all Frank is doing is pretending, waiting for the right time to strike... because this battle is far from over. Frank thought by acting like he has given up, Chris would lower is guard.Unfortunately for him Chris was already anticipating his next attack, so Chris guard, was all up. ****Meanwhile!Luke began to laugh out so loudly, that he Court the attention of all the people watching the duel.Followed by the laugh was, "What did I tell you? I told you he would win, and you see I was right! I thought you all were cheering for your champion?! Why not cheer for his failure now, huh!"" Why are you causing so much ruckus, keep it down is not like the fight his even over yet, there are still lot to see just calm down." The emperor said to Luke.Luke, with a big grin on his face looked at t
30. Chris vs Frank
" Back to what I was saying. Mr Frank's abilities are; super enhanced strength, super enhanced speed, weapon mastery, super enhanced durability, and also enhanced perception. You wouldn't want to mess with him. As for your friend there, I think he is in deep shit now." The emperor emperor pointed out, as he turned his gaze back to the battle ground.Luke who was curious ever since clear out his doubt, and also face his gaze to battle ground, and said, "You think so? Then let us watch till the end. As you said before 'they are things to witness here."It didn't take much time for the courtyard to get surrounded with people. All the citizens of the settlement also came out to watch the duel.***WHOOSH!!What Chris saw again was a shadow on his face. He wanted to retaliate but it was too late, all he could do was, jump back wards again for the third time, but this time he was injured badly. His right hand in joint location of his shoulder was cut to the bones leaving a little flesh, th
29. The Duel
"No... No, it's nothing like that I swear. If I really want to stop you, did you think I will be here sitting, and chit chatting with you…? Instead, I would have just contacted them last night, that I have someone who have what they want here in my settlement."" And they will come, running." The emperor briefly enlightened Chris.Chris became curious of the emperor words, " what do you mean by 'what they want' I don't understand."" Oh! About that. They have been searching for a specific ability, ever since they arrive here, I don't know all the details, but I think that ability they are looking for, sounds as threat to their existence and goals." The emperor pointed out." In that' case, we have a deal then. Since we have nothing else to talk about, me an my partner here will be taking our leave. We have no reason on wasting much time here. " Immediately Chris turn to the other side, facing the door.But, the emperor still have something on his mind to tell Chris, but he had doubts,
28. The Made Alliance.
The room became ghost quiet. All of them were busy searching through their brains for the right thing to do. "Since nobody has any other suggestions. We should go ahead and invite him tomorrow! Maybe we could also learn one or two from him.... At the moment, things around this part of the world, is not really adding up. What do you all say?" The emperor said in a sudden tone.The man standing behind him, looked at him with a grin on his face and said, "That is very much true! It's not like fighting will bring anything good, but I will surely also like to test his strength!"The emperor, who was fill with sudden surprise, of the immediate grin on the man behind him. He couldn't help but smile and said, "Yeah that's right, but don't do anything stupid... because this is the first time I have truly seen you feel interested for something. In that case let's all go and enjoy the night with a good sleep, and await what will happen tomorrow."Immediately, all of the people present in the ha