Chapter 9: Past Secret

Joe walked behind Mr. Atlas, his footsteps echoing off the polished stone courtyard, each step feeling heavier than the last.

“I know you may be wondering why you’re here,” Mr. Atlas said, his back still to Joe as they walked.

Joe didn’t respond immediately. His throat was dry, and his mind too clouded to form any words.

He simply nodded, though he doubted Mr. Atlas could see the gesture.

Mr. Atlas stopped suddenly, turning to face Joe.

He extended his arm, gesturing toward the sprawling landscape ahead of them.

The estate stretched out as far as Joe could see, a vast expanse of grand buildings, meticulously kept gardens, and ornate stone structures.

It looked like something out of a movie.

“All of this,” Mr. Atlas said. “was owned by your grandfather. And my late uncle.”

Joe’s head snapped up. “My grandfather?” he repeated.

Mr. Atlas nodded. “Yes, your grandfather. I doubt you remember him, and that’s not surprising. You were just a baby when everything fell apart.”

Joe furrowed his brow, struggling to piece together the information.

“You are right. I know nothing about my family,” he admitted quietly.

Mr. Atlas’s eyes softened. “That’s to be expected. Your life took a tragic turn when you were very young.”

“After your grandfather’s death, your father inherited everything. He ruled this estate, this empire. He married your mother, and they were supposed to continue the legacy together. But then, after you were born, tragedy struck.” He added.

Joe’s heart raced as Mr. Atlas spoke.

“What happened?” he asked, with a shaky voice.

Mr. Atlas’s jaw tightened. “Our family has enemies, business rivals who were ruthless. They saw our family’s power as a threat and murdered your parents .”

Joe’s breath caught in his throat. Murdered? He had always believed his parents died in an accident. That’s what his late aunt Amelia told him before she died.

Mr. Atlas continued. “I knew I had to protect you, to keep you safe. I couldn’t let you fall into the hands of the people who destroyed our family. So, I made arrangements.”

Joe frowned. “Arrangements?”

Mr. Atlas nodded. “I placed you in the care of one of the maids who worked for your family. Her name is Amelia. She raised you and kept you hidden from those who would try to harm you. I’ve kept a close eye on you ever since with the help of Mr. Adam. We’ve been waiting for the right time.”

Joe felt as if the ground had been ripped out from under him. His whole life—his entire existence—everything he believed was taking a drastic turn.

“But... why now?” Joe asked. “Why tell me all of this now?”

Mr. Atlas turned to face him. “Because now, you’ve reached the right age. Twenty-five. That’s the age at which you are legally entitled to inherit everything. The estate, the business, the power—it’s all yours, Joe.”

Joe stared at him in shock. “I don’t understand. Why me? I’m just... I’m not prepared for any of this. I don’t even know what any of this means.”

Mr. Atlas stepped closer to Joe. “It’s time to step up, Joe. This is your world now. This empire is yours, and you must claim what is rightfully yours.”

Joe shook his head. “But I don’t think I can handle this. I’m not... I’m not built for this kind of life. The business, the power... it’s too much.”

Mr. Atlas’s expression hardened. “You don’t have a choice. This is your legacy. You’ve been prepared for this, even if you don’t realize it. You’ve survived because you’re stronger than you think.”

Before Joe could say more words, a maid approached. “Mr. Atlas, you have a visitor. It’s the lawyer.”

Mr. Atlas’s face brightened at the sound of her words. “Ah, good. We’ll need him to begin the legal process immediately.”

He turned to Joe, shoving a sharp look his way. “Come with me. There’s no time to waste.”

Joe stood frozen. This was all too much, too fast. He needed time—time to think, time to process what was happening.

“Wait,” Joe said, holding up a hand. “I need a minute to process all of this.”

Mr. Atlas’s face darkened. “There’s no time, Joe. The legal process must begin now. You’ve already waited too long.”

Joe took a step back, his heart pounding in his chest. “Please, just give me a moment. This is... this is my life you’re talking about. I can’t just step into it like this.”

Mr. Atlas’s eyes flashed with irritation, but the maid spoke up before he could say anything. “The lawyer is waiting in the study.”

Mr. Atlas turned toward him again.

“Joe, wasting time will cost you. You have no idea how dangerous it is to be doing so. If those people—the ones who killed your parents and grandparents—find out you’re alive, they won’t hesitate. They’ll come for you, and they won’t stop until you’re dead.”

Joe’s stomach twisted at the thought.

He felt like he couldn’t breathe, the courtyard walls closing in on him.

He shook his head, unable to comprehend it all.

Just hours ago, his biggest concern had been trying to save his friend Jerry from a gang of thugs. Now, his life was spiraling out of control.

“I can’t... I don’t know if I can do this,” Joe muttered.

“You don’t have a choice, Joe,” Mr. Atlas replied. “This is your inheritance. You’re the heir. You can’t run from it. If you do, it will cost you everything.”

Joe’s hands trembled at his sides. He had never wanted any of this.

He wasn’t built to lead an empire, especially not one with a target on his back.

Mr. Atlas stepped closer. “If you think you can run, you’re mistaken. The people who killed your family will find you. They’ll hunt you down, whether you’re here or on the other side of the world. The only way to survive this is to claim what’s yours, to stand your ground.”

“I just need time,” Joe said. “I need to think. I... I can’t make a decision like this right now.”

Mr. Atlas’s eyes narrowed. “Time is the one thing you don’t have, Joe. Every moment you waste is a moment closer to someone finding out you’re alive. And when they do, they won’t give you the luxury of thinking things over. They’ll strike fast, and they’ll strike hard.”

Without thinking, Joe’s feet began to move.

He turned away from Mr. Atlas.

He needed to get out of there. He needed to escape before it was too late.

“Joe,” Mr. Atlas called after him, “don’t even think about running.”

But Joe couldn’t stop himself.

Joe turned sharply to the side, slipping through another hallway, moving as fast as he could without drawing attention.

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