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"One condition!"

Chris blurted out and they all looked at him with a sneer.

"Why will you give my father a condition Chris?" Mia slammed but Darius was quick to wave her off.

"What do you want Chris!" He asked.

"2 percent share of the company's revenue!" He blurted out and they all stared at him like a mouse and the effrontery he possessed to have suggested that.

"If you're going to hurt my family, I'll release the tapes of you ordering me to kill the allies that were a threat to you!"

Chris slammed and that swept them off the table. Darius swallowed so hard that he clenched his fingers tight under the table.

That was not a condition but a heavy threat.

How dare he impose a threat to his father-in-law in his useless and shabby state

"What the Fuck Chris?" Mia screamed and stood up but Chris already made up his mind. He might be poor and useless, doing what they wanted all the damn time but he wasn't stupid. He was smart and he was going to stay
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