Adam was astonished, he knew what metabolism is, he just didn't really understand what it means, but he knew that it was big. The thing In his mind said it would enhance him, that must be good. He wasn't sure, but he didn't have any thing better to do.
The reason he believed it is because in his mind, when the thing talks to him it doesn't just say words. He can actually feel what it tries to do, he didn't have enough knowledge to understand most of it, but he knew it only wanted to make him better in every way possible, For some reason.
He was afraid of it at first, and wasn't happy to know that the thing that terrified him last night is actually inside his brain. But every time he interacts with it he gains more of its knowledge, and he can feel that it takes nothing in return, that was a simple equation that he didn't need to be smart to know its results.
Adam has a single minded personality, when he wants to do something, he would do it no matter what, or who, or how.
'will it hurt?!' Adam asked in anticipation, he wouldn't really mind if it does, he just wanted to be ready.
This time there was some basic information transferred before any words, it was like it didn't have enough words to explain the process, Adam actually felt stupid for not being able to describe what he apparently now knows.
[enhanced metabolism includes, faster Regeneration and assimilation.]
'go on then.' Adam gave the permission, he further trusted in the thing in his head when it actually asked for permission. He knew the reason it did was per his request, since he asked to be notified before any painful operation.
[25% maximum capacity will be used to enhance metabolism…
Preparation complete.
Resting position required…]
Adam laid back down on the bed when he heard this, he anticipated to be in allot of pain in a moment. he even put the pillow between his teeth, he have seen people doing this when they are in pain on TV.
[initiating enhancement…
Estimated required time, 20 minutes…
All motor functions are disabled during the enhancement.]
'wait what!! What does that mean? What is motor functions? I'm not a ro… oh yeah that!!' Adam asked before the pictures of all the things happening in his body entered his mind. 'so I won't be able to move?! What if I was in danger?'
When Adam didn't get any answer he focused on the things happening to his body. his skin temperature was so high, his inner organs spasms made him uncomfortable, but that's it. There was no pain at all, it was like having gasses.
After a few minutes of this he fell asleep, the other children left the room half hour ago, he still had at least 2 hours before miss sydni would come and wake him up, he was not planning to escape today any more, he needed to see how much change will come to his body if he did this enhancement a few more times.
His last escape plans didn't work because he was not prepared, the first time was 3 months ago when he had just arrived at the orphanage. He hid himself in the supply truck, and actually got to the city, but unfortunately the truck was parked in a closed shop. When he tried to leave, Jeff the truck driver caught him and called gem the care taker. Gem then went to the city to get him back.
Every time when he escape, Gem is always the one finding him or bringing him back for some reason. He was also the one finding him yesterday in the woods. There is rumors between the kids that Gem is an orphan as well, when he was a child he escaped and got caught by a gang, they made him their play thing and ordered him around, sometime they would beat him up just for looking wrong. No one knows how that ended up, or if it were true, they just knows that Gem would be pissed off when any one brings it up.
"hey little devil! Wake up, miss sydni wants you in her office." It was 11 o'clock when gem poked Adam with a stick the length of his hand, he never dared to touch him every since Adam almost bitten off a part of his hand on his first day at the orphanage. Whenever any one tries to treat him roughly, the least thing Adam would do is to make sure they will never forget how his teeth looks like.
Adam opened his eyes with a sudden movement, which startled gem prompting him to step back, He found that the room is noisy and most of the children were back to their beds or doing other things. he stood up and eyed gem blankly, his face void from any expression as usual.
Gem pointed at the cuffs on Adam's leg, it was his idea to cuff him to the bed, he even personally purchased the cuff to do it. "birdy come here!" gem called, and when he arrived, birdy was afraid that he was going to be punished again because of Adam, tears were building up in his eyes.
Gem gave birdy the keys to the cuffs and instructed him to unlock them, he then noticed that part of the chain fell apart, "you broke the chain! it cost me 20 coins!" gem said in a saddened helpless expression, he was getting angry but he stopped when he noticed a slight grin on Adam's face, it scared him.
Adam silently followed gem, who kept glancing at him, afraid that he would do some unexpected thing as usual, but nothing happened. They walked in the silent hallway that seemed to be recently cleaned, the floor smelled like cleaning chemicals, the walls were covered in a never ending row of closets, the ceiling, like every other area in the building, had some missing patches of paint all over it.
Miss sydni's office was one of the many doors in the hallway. It didn't look different, the interior was the same as all the other rooms, the only difference was that there was no wallpaper or closets or anything covering the walls other than some frames, some cracks were too big to be covered by the frames. Some of the frames were painted and others were pictures of the orphanage staff or some other people that Adam didn't see before.
The office's door was open, when Adam walked in, gem didn't follow him, he closed the door and left instead. Adam was familiar with miss sydni's office by this point, he spends more time here than in the play ground with the other kids.Miss sydni was sitting behind her desk, in front of her some piles of paper as usual, occasionally sipping her coffee on a small table beside a comfy looking couch, there was omelet and pancakes and some fruits shaped like a smiling face, on the side a green salad, orange juice and a water bottle. This was the breakfast mela's mother would make for the both of them every day. Which surprised Adam, why would mela's mother be here. "you should eat first Adam, we have plenty of time to talk later." Miss sydni said while not averting her eyes from her paper work, she didn't look well, she had a slight darkened aura around her eyes, like someone who had been awake for too long. Adam didn't wait for a second invite, he sat close to the food and started e
Adam and miss Sydni returned to her office shortly after Elina finished checking Adam's condition, miss Sydni didn't waste more time and asked Adam. "why are you trying to escape, Adam!? Where do you wish to go! As a child, we cannot just let you live alone! Do you know where your father is?" her voice was kind, her expression was honest.'so it is real! She wants to help me!' Adam thought. 'but why now!? I've been trying to escape for three months!' and as if she was reading his mind, miss Sydni said. "I'm asking you this now because I can see you are smart. previously we all thought you just needed some time to get used to the place, but if it comes to hurting your self trying to escape! We can't allow that…""so you can take me by force, put me in this place, and not listen to me until I hurt my self trying to escape!? And all that is because my father is away for work, and you are stronger than me?!"Miss Sydni suddenly felt dizzy, in front of her was a 9 year old kid, but the wor
Adam requested the spaghetti & meatball dish, a bottle of milk, and a piece of every fruit available. He waited for 2 minutes in front of a small window, his food then came out on a metal tray. It cost him 2.3 coins, although he could buy more, he didn't want to raise any suspicions.While heading to an empty table to start eating, Adam was trying to dig for more information. 'so you need me to have more energy so you can synchronize! How long will that take? And how much energy do I need for that?!'[100% synchronization requires 2000% current capacity…Preparatory enhancement time estimated, 10-15 years…Partial synchronization is not Advised…]A few images and concepts were injected to his mind, his pupils contracted, he felt so weak. He realized that there was so many things he didn't understand previously. Like the fact that this thing was learning from his memory and experiences, it didn't know any thing about earth or human language that Adam didn't know. He needed at least 10
Adam's eyes widened, he gasped in awe. The symbiote just revealed to him that it can read people's minds like it was nothing. Adam actually ignored all the other thoughts and images projected by the symbiote, and focused on the part where it said (biological data), it showed him that he just needs to touch a living being, and its memory, thoughts, and Physical condition will be analyzed.Adam quickly left the play ground, heading to the one person he would test this on.Birdy was helping Roland, the maintenance worker, with his job. Roland is the only one in his team, he is responsible for the entire orphanage's maintenance. the orphanage consists of two buildings, a play ground, and the outer wall which had several cameras and equipment on it.Helping Roland were one of the most paid tasks that kids can get, although usually only older kids are accepted, because of size and strength of course. There were some tasks that required brain more than Brawn, Roland would then request specif
Adam was disappointed, but he understood, the symbiote did read birdy's biological data, just not the way he anticipated. "it wouldn't work like that!" Adam murmured to himself, then he turned to birdy. "did you feel any thing?" he asked him while checking the area he touched up close."yeah! You zapped me? Why did you do that!?" Birdy said while rubbing his forehead. Adam's face was too close for comfort, so he tried to keep his distance. "can you tell me what this is about at least?!"'what is the use of this biological data!?' Adam asked while trying to find a loophole.[biological data scanning can be used to upgrade the host's physical condition and neural mapping, linguistic comprehension Benefits are included, projecting irrelevant memory data will allow the host to experience the target's memory. Partial memory projection is possible."The symbiote explained what it showed him this time, it didn't just say the minimum things like it always does. 'Did Birdy infect the symbiote
…Waking up after a very good night sleep, Adam opened his eyes, the sun was shining from the glass window above his bed, the sounds of birds were heard despite the closed window, no other sound exists this morning.He looked around him, no one was asleep in the room but him. He didn't think much of it, he might have overslept, the weird thing is that Gem let him.He walked out of the door which was unusually left open, he noticed that a clock in the hallway was pointing at 8:30am, he didn't over sleeping, he started wondering where is every one. 'did I go overboard last night!? Did Vergo have a mental breakdown! Maybe he died!' he thought with not the slightest bit of sadness or regret, he had no sympathy for Vergo.…What happened yesterday was that Adam approached Vergo's bed in the total darkness of the room, after wrapping his head in the bandages he unwrapped earlier, he made a few ghostly scary sounds around him, he then touched Vergo's leg, Vergo was woken up and alerted, he s
[current enhancement: 160%.Assimilation boost results: 10% motor functions efficiency.]Adam stood up, he can feel the difference more clearly now, his metabolism went from 130% to 160% at once.he felt like every breath he takes is more saturated with oxygen, every movement he makes have more energy behind it, the clarity of his mind made every memory he had before this moment feels like a dream. He was tempted to see how strong he became, he couldn't resist testing it.The scratches and bruises on his hands and legs are almost unnoticeable now, he started running to the main building, just to test the new power he feels. It is now 10:30 am, Adam arrived in front of miss sydni's office.In his way he overheard Elina talking about Vergo's condition with Gem, apparently Vergo was traumatized by the experience he had last night. of course Adam didn't care to listen, what grabbed his attention is that all the children refused to sleep in the dark rooms after hearing what happened, not
Outside the wall, in the parking lot, a blue car suddenly lit with an orange tint coming from beneath it, as it slowly started rising and floating 30 centimeters off the ground.When Sydni Arevik approached the silently floating smooth capsule shaped car, the top half became transparent as the driver’s door opened.Before entering the car she gestured with two fingers at the passenger door, which opened for Adam adjusting a seat to his size and age.entering the car before miss Sydni, Adam didn’t like the childish treatment this car was giving him, It gave him a restricted access to children programs on the network. Even the symbiote didn’t bother scanning the data on this network. it already had a 30 years worth of knowledge and experience from Elina.“city 17, 30-23 54th street. Green.” Sydni gave the car system their destination coordinates, code green meant they are not in a rush.“that is not my home address!” Adam said raising his eyebrows.The car started rising slowly, when it
The dense smooth ball fell to the ground, bypassing the gravity field that previously contained it. It plunged a few centimeters deep into the hard metal floor, a ton of force was concentrated in a small area, making it hard to contain it by regular matter. It was still sinking through the metal floor slowly, as it was being mercilessly pulled by the planet’s gravity.[Connection established. recalculating blueprints to adapt to the signal of the new nanite cluster fabric. More physical contact with the material is required for a faster result.]“Was it successful?!” Keet’s eyes were asking the question before he even moved his lips. He was startled by the sudden disengagement of the sphere from the gravity field. He kept his eyes and scanners on Adam to detect if he is in danger before any thing, and he was relieved for once to see Adam’s expressionless face unchanging. “Can you control it?.”“Yes! The signal is different from any other cluster fabric, my blueprints needs to be modif
“she just disappeared a year after you were born, and in her place there was a message, telling your father to provide them with a certain type of technology if he ever wants to see her again.” Keet said desperately, his voice struggling in a way.“People don’t just disappear!” Adam chuckled, he was hearing about his mother for the first time, and the first thing he hears about her is that she just disappeared. The first thing that came to his mind was that she might have abandoned him and his father. Or that she could be working with the Rinvar clan.“They don’t, but when you see this you may believe the opposite.” Keet created a screen and played a video of a woman singing a sweet lullaby for an infant wrapped in a sky blue blanket with twinkling stars all over it that seems to be moving about. The woman was sitting on a flowery wooden chair rocking back and forth. She appeared to be on some kind of a ship traveling in space, a foreign star constellations were visible from a window
“please continue!.” Adam said. Seeing the shocked expression on Keet’s face, Adam thought that the symbiote created something amazing, so he inwardly requested the details of those spiders. However they were just normal spider scouts, like the one Adam used to kill the man who attempted to kidnap Mela.Keet’s surprise wasn’t triggered by the blueprint itself, he counted 8 spiders rushing in all directions at the same time, and the 8 if them seemed semi-intelligent while moving all over the base exploring about. Even Keet wouldn’t be able to accomplish such a level of control without automating the constructs.Which means either the spiders were all automated and the young kid already knows how to automate drone actions, which would be scary at his age. Or he was directly controlling 8 individual actions while still focusing on their talking, which would be horrifying.The reason Keet didn’t consider the probability of an artificial intelligence, is that the spiders were mostly just to
Adam plunged into the ground raising a cloud of dust and creating a small crater around him as he landed like a super hero on one knee and a closed fist.[The modified armor blueprint features ionic thrusters with up to 8 tons of pushing force.]‘you telling me this now?!’ Adam shouted inwardly at himself, he had no idea that the symbiote modified the armor already. his cognitive abilities and thinking speed were on another level compared to yesterday, but still he was a human that easily got distracted by the feeling of freedom and liberation, and forgot all about the need to stop and land at some point. He also wanted to show off a little in front of Keet to pretend that he wasn’t in need of help or assistance, which resulted in a minor knee bruise and a sore knuckles.“That was a cool Landing. Was it painful?!.” Keet chuckled, commenting on his landing and making sure to save the footage of it in his memory for later use.“You noticed! Well! It just needs some practice.” Adam smile
“You should come with me to the main base first.” Keet said to Adam, pointing at the middle of the island. The main base wasn’t far from where they were, the whole island was 20 km across, it would take them less then a minute to reach there flying.“Okay you go first and set a beacon, I’ll test some old tech with this new unlimited energy.” Adam didn’t argue with him, but he was still going to do his tests. He turned his clothe into a skin tight jump suit with a helmet covering his face. Two long thin wings grew from his back, ending with a jet engine each.“Do you know how loud these things are?! If you break the sound barrier with them you could damage many equipment on the island. You should try something else.” Keet stopped Adam from firing up the engines. he hated this era of technology for its too little care for the planet’s well-being. Unlike the mock engines that Adam was planning to use, the real ancient jet engine used a dangerous fossil fuel, which didn’t just endanger th
Adam was sitting on a wooden table behind the house, eating his big breakfast while surrounded by trees, flowers, and whistling birds. The rich sunlight bathed him in its warmth and its wide spectrum of electromagnetic radiations. “Birdy didn’t wake up yet?! He sure doesn’t miss Gem.” He said stuffing his face with more food, He stopped focusing on chewing much, the food would disappear in a few seconds anyway. He was worried about Birdy, it was unnatural for the kid to sleep in.Birdy used to wake up earlier then every one, Adam would sometime Hear him laughing on the top bed, he thought at first that he was having some weird dream. When he asked him about it, Birdy Said that it was the only time of the day he would quietly enjoy reading his comics.“That boy is actually quite something! He trained for four hours straight after you went to sleep, not taking any rest until he passed out on the living room’s floor.” Keet informed Adam while aiming a barrage of scanners and detectors at
Adam opened his eyes on a massive head of a man with white hair, white groomed beard, and wide opened eyes staring at him with the kind of amusement one would look at a rare creature with.“Waaaah… what the f*ck old man! Stop doing that!” Adam jumped out from the soft bed, away from the massive head, only to realize that it was just Keet, and his head was normal size, it was just too close for comfort.“Rise and shine Kid! We have a long, long day to catch.” Keet said with a happy grin, he couldn’t just wait until Adam wakes up, he needed some explanation for the events of yesterday.“What long day? Go catch it yourself! Let me sleep I’m tired.” Adam had nothing to wake up early for. The symbiote calculated that his body would need 9 more days to resume his preparatory enhancement. he no longer had a dead line to find a plan to escape, he was already in a safe place. And he most certainly wouldn’t give up sleep to start training early after all that happened yesterday. He was simply t
Birdy was extremely exhausted, he felt that he was about to collapse, but he held on to his consciousness just to finish the third objective of the schedule that Adam created for him. He was disappointed in himself for not being able to continue to the fourth, compared to this schedule, the daily training routine he was used to in the orphanage was literally a breeze.He was oblivious to the fact that he finished a training routine made for an adult athlete, and that there was no fourth objective. the symbiote calculated that he would finish this much of this hell hard schedule, just based on Birdy’s personality, and his ignorance about how hard the training schedule is, and the fact that any human being who experienced weakness would be motivated to become stronger.What kept him going was the image of Keet’s hands wrapping around his whole body, the fear he felt at that moment, he felt too little, and too weak. the name of the protocol Adam created for him made him think that Adam w
4 hours ago, after Adam went to sleep, Birdy decided to test what he can do with the new blueprint that Adam created, but he was afraid to go outside the wooden house, because Keet might be out there, so he was going to settle with testing the small things.He patted the cute white dog, and then ordered it to turn to the full armor mode with his thoughts. The dog immediately seemed to be giving him a jump hug, only to turn into liquid and swallow Birdy’s entire body into the liquid, and then form the armor around his body, the process only took a split second, but it felt longer to Birdy who was in the middle of it.The armor felt lighter than before, and when he took a step forward, he didn’t feel any weight to it at all. in fact, he felt as if nothing could stop his leg from stepping forward. The amount of power behind the single step was enough to destroy anything in his path.He started to become wary of his movement, to not cause any damage to the house. And then he noticed that