The counter attack

Zeus paced restlessly in his office, clenching his teeth in frustration. Ethan had always been his sworn enemy, and the news that Theo was actually his son only added to his resentment towards the him.

He had never been fond of Theo, but what he had done to him was unforgivable. Zeus's temper was quick and his words never stayed in check, constantly spilling out unfiltered.

"How do I approach this situation? Who else is involved in their plan? And why is that idiotic son of Ethan's getting involved?" Why is his death coming out all of a sudden? He muttered, tossing his pen aside in agitation.

He scoffed as he thought of Ethan's delusions of reviving his company from ruin, let alone with the help of his naive son who had fallen in love with his dau...

Taking his phone, Zeus dialed Gemma's number, brimming with a newfound idea.

" Daughter...I think I have a plan!! "


Meanwhile, in the car, Theo watched as Paul lit a cigarette.

"Wait, he smokes?" He couldn't help but think.

"Do you
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