Masua said her farewells to the capital city, Silondras. She said goodbye to her brothers, a thing harder to do than she would realize it was. It seemed only a moment since they had been there, together as a family before they had departed. Though two weeks would have been more than enough for her, she misses how things were more than ever, seeing them disappear over the horizon. Did they see Silondras as the same home she now does, has to? She always wished to get out into the world and see new things, but these new things seemed meaningless if they weren't there with her. She knows this to be somewhat unfair for her mother. She has been there to comfort her, helping her cope with this so drastic change, the trauma she has endured in the care of these monsters that she knows is still pursuing her. She doubts she would be even this well put together if not for Celia's naturally motherly nature. But she still misses her brother and wishes that soon, they could all settle down for just a moment and be a family again.
That day may never come, Vermilliiaa told her from the depths of her mind. You have been thrust into something bigger than yourself. Now is no time for being a selfish child.
They now passed over the tall gates of the outer walls. The gleaming white walls, reflecting the late sun's rays onto the plains below, bathed the massive caravan of wagons, supply trains, chariots, men on foot and horse, and artisan that followed the Queen into the looming terror of trees. She has never seen so many people move at once. An entire army was surrounding them at all times, with even more of those black cladding warriors carrying on black steeds flanking their car. But even without these carrion warriors, over a hundred knights rode with them, hand-selected by Novia and Lupurious themselves. Lupurious even rode in the same carriage as them all the way to the edge of The Forest of Silence. Not in his usually clunky gold plated armor but more manageable clothing with his knight's blade sheathed on his lap. But the unsteady vigilance he portrayed was immense to Massua. He seemed invulnerable as he sat, something she was not used to seeing him like, sitting across from her mother. One might mistake him a beast ready to tear the heads off them both. But they merely engaged in light conversation as the caravan moved on.
"Has there been word from the other kings and queens of the Empire?" she asked him. "Or perhaps the matron?"
"From the matron? No," He seemed relatively at ease with that statement. "The other rulers of our Empire have sent the usual greetings. So many seem rather eager to meet you. I can't blame them; it is not every day that a bloodline is cut off so abruptly. And whatever rumor has spear to their halls are surely playing you out to be rather vulnerable, though I'm sure some know better than that."
"Good," she said. "Strength is the backbone of our nation. It is practically the only thing we respect in our rulers. So James had to do very little to show himself fit to lead."
"In all honesty, James had no choice but to take the crown," Lupurious said. "Siblings all dead, father gone mad and mother disappearing. The crown was nearly given to him. Of course, any other noble waiting for an opportunity for this would kill for it, but knowing what we know, what we plan to tell them, it would seem instead that the lot of you are cursed men walking this earth.
"You are not wrong," Celia sighed. "Just pray we live to see our enemies die first and that our last breath will be laughter."
They went on, but as the day grew long and dreary, Massua found herself drifting into a soundless sleep, mind engulfed by the unconscious mind. And she ceased to be:
The days of the gods were coming to an end.
Our ancient roots at the heart of our country, the same sources that connect every man and woman who takes up spear and shield, has so suddenly become a precursor for our very destruction. I didn't believe it when I heard it. How could such a thing occur? But when those pale-faced men returned to her courts, racked with a paranoia beyond what would ever see on battlefields, then she thought it must be true. The mountains are shaking and turning, the seas turned tumultuous, and the land rippled in stress as the laughter and spray of gods ranged above them all. It was as if reality had come to conflict with itself. Not even the heavens are safe from the anarchy this armageddon has brought forth. There seemed not a day that the skies were clear, the air still or the rumbling from distant battles rattled them. I liked the quiet. Despite her reputation, which she so rightfully earned, her home was where she could return and find some moment of peace and clarity before my patron called upon me again. But now, as I sit upon my throne, looking out at the blood-red skies where it seemed even the sun deviates from its nature, I found no peace, I found no deliverance.
I looked up, and for a moment, I thought I saw a young handsome-looking man, blond hair and bright blue eyes. But when I blinked even once, he was replaced with a much less impressive man, perhaps four years my junior, walking towards me. Like all from our kingdom, he carried his sword wherever he went. But there was something unfit about how he brought it, like he didn't care for the blade at all. He was never suited to be a warrior. Our mother died in childbirth, which is often a good sign that the resulting child shall be a great fighter. But her brother was no fighter. Cursed with a frail body, yet blessed with a sturdy mind. He would have been cast out of the kingdom if it were not for this. They do not protect the weak, and the weak must fend for themselves or be swallowed by the tides of nature. But she kept him. Not for any reason more than his mind, strategies, and wit. He could make cities bend by drawing that sword or drawing blood. He could make kings bow with his tongue and what he knows. Last she remembers, she sent him to assure the rumors about what had been occurring in heaven.
"Tell me what you have learned, brother," she leaned forward in her seat.
Guards propped up spears, forcing him to stop where he stood. He glanced at them, but what shook him must have already had its effects. For some reason, she couldn't blame him.
"The . . . it is true. The mages have peered beyond the veils and saw with their own eyes the catastrophe that surrounds us out there. The gods have begun their war."
"So I see," she said, leaning back a bit. "Must this be a surprise to us? Gods have waged war, and we were made in their image after all. And our patron, who fully supports our conquest of our neighbor no doubt revels in this grand event."
"Things are far more grave than that, sister," he stepped forward, holding up the parchments. "The few mages who made it back warns of grave danger. This war may not stay in heaven for long. And if it does, we stand to have our entire world turned to sunder. This war may very well speak of doom fo humanity."
His words sunk into me like the great fangs of wolves. "What have you from our brothers to the far north or east?"
"Nothing," he said. "They may very well attempt to shield themselves from what may come. The mages from all over are trying everything. But there is no hope in stepping whatever caused this war in the first place. Some even speak of weapons falling to earth, mortal beings who slay the gods. This is the end times."
It was hard for one to wrap your brain around the end times, and for what seemed like a long time, those words stunned me a little. Have our patrons led us astray? Do they intend to allow this to be the end of their Empire? "If this truly is the end. Then allow the lat days of Sparta be in service to our patrons, our protectors."
My brother's eyes widened further if that was at all possible. She seemed to have stunned him for a change. "Are you certain, sister?"
"We will die by the hands of our creators," she decided. "It is a death worthy of us, is it not?"
"But. . . what do you mean to do?"
"The mages," she said. "We shall take their god-killing weapons and use them ourselves. Ares shall grant us strength for our endeavors. as we use the hands of mortals to shatter the divine. If the sea to be bled dried, and our land turned asunder, it shall be in the glorious flurry of battle as we fall away into-"
Darkness. That was the last thing I remember: darkness and blood.
Massua shot awake, breath filing her as she nearly sprang to her feet from beneath layers of fur and cloth. She was in a tent now, and the senses all seemed numb as she regained feeling in her body. For a moment, she contemplated if what she had experienced was some lucid dream. But she knew better. She has had lucid dreams before. This seemed far more real, tangible. Like she smelled the smells and heard the same rumble of doom crash upon a life she never lived. Or had she. She felt a migraine sore within her as she sat back down to cope with her frantic thoughts. Ares. Sparta. The end of times. All of that was real. She never heard stories or any history of such events, but she knew. I knew because she was there.
"What was that, Vermilliaa?" she asked, but alas, no response came from the recesses of her mind. She knew that Vermilliaa was awake; she could feel the slight chill of thoughts separate from her bubbling beneath her subconscious, not fully expressed ideas yet. "Those were your memories, of your life before you died. Will this keep happening?
"After a minute of silence, she finally "heard" the drifting voice of the woman that inhabited her mind. "I don't know. The process has never been interrupted like this before. You are the first host I am aware of to halt the effort. Our minds will continue to merge, as we share memories, till we both no longer exist."
"You mean I won't be me?" Massua asked. "What does that mean? What will happen then?"
"Something new?" Even she sounded unsure of her own words for once. "I'm not all that keen on this kind of matter, Massua, forgive me. But I am a warrior spirit, between the veils of death and the living. And as I fade into oblivion, All that I am will become a part of you. And you shall cease to be as well. That is all I know."
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Lyse was starting to notice things longer he stayed in Antalya.He has read about Antalya on his way here, reading logs from merchants, historical texts that reference the port, and cursory notes from empirical scouts. So here, he was not at all surprised to see an abundance of Hathans around, mingling with the natives who may have migrated from nearby smaller towns in the area. And although he has undoubtedly heard of the decrepit state that Antalya has fallen into during the reign of the bloody queen, it was still somehow startling to see the disrepair that the city was in, more so how nonchalant everyone treated the apparent decay. Crumbling buildings and paths were ignored and walked around; houses looked cobbled together, held only by mortar and good faith. Even the merchant area they traveled to sparsely used the buildings lining the streets but set up their permanent tent to protect their wares better. The lack of infrastructure was both fascinating and dreadful to bear witness
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Edlund looked out over the horizon from atop the higher walls of the fortress. He could climb to one of the watchtowers for a greater view but felt disturbing the lookouts wouldn't be worth the effort. Besides, he didn't just come up here to survey their battlefield. He has been drilled in practically every inch of the surrounding terrain till he could navigate it blindfolded. He has friends close by, worthy knights, and even his own army to look after. No, none of this terrified him. After all, he has been through so far in his life, this sort of challenge did little to faze him at this moment. But what scared him the most was much deeper. This is officially the furthest he has been from any family. Celia and Massua would be at the Wild Halls by now. Lyse is on the other side of the continent searching for more godslayers. It's just him here. There's no one to fall back on, no one to go to when he needs help. but when has he ever needed help. He's always been the type of kid to ram
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After their meeting, Ryan was sent home to prepare for that night. So much weighed on him that he felt exhausted by the time he reached the front door. Fortunately, all things looked safe. And well, though the street was for the first time empty of the kid's usually games and atmosphere. The air seemed a bit ominous with them not here. But this is indeed for the best. He opened the door and was pleased to find that despite not doing all they wished, the kids, of course, found ways to entertain themselves. The air was alive with the smells of fresh pies, pies that would have been enjoyed at the beach if they went through with their plans as previously, but either way, at least they were all having a great time. On the other hand, Ryan found himself sitting on the floor just before the door, trying to take in what would happen in the coming nights, what he would have to do, and what this prince wanted with him. He never considered it before, but could it be that Talin is in Antalya
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Ryan dropped into the darkness that the trapdoor led to. Immediately he closed his eyes and concentrated on the aura in the area instead, allowing the void to consume his vision. Not that he needed it as Veronica and the few meant at managed to follow her down did not attempt to mask their presence, splashing the dirty water about as they bounded off towards what he assumed were more secret passageways through the old ruins. Ryan, by contrast, could move ever so silently even with the water, keeping to the edge of the circular tunnel and scurrying. His blade drawn, he quickly approached one of the stragglers at the very back. He took notice of Ryan, and before considering sounding an alarm, he immediately fired a bullet right at Ryan's head. The projectile was narrowly avoided, sparking against the stone at his left as Ryan quickly dodged aside. Within that motion, he let loose yet another throwing knife, one of his last, which sailed right into the hand holding the gun, forcing the m
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Lyse wished he could at least hear what was going on. But unfortunately, unless you were pressed up against the metal door, there wasn't much you could do. He trusted Ryan to get through to her, at the very least not kill her, but he couldn't shake the feeling that he was missing something staring right in his face. And it bugged him to no avail. The captain returned to her quarters and told Lyse that he was welcome to come anytime if she needed anything from her, which was a good thing because he does have a plan to hopefully get to the bottom of the main base of Lord Bok and Talin. He's glad that she is still so willing after all that has happened; then again, refusing a knight's wishes would be difficult, even for someone of her standing. But for this, Ryan was still an enigma as to how he knew about Talin and why he was still alive despite his knowledge. Especially if Talin was so thorough in keeping their identity a secret, in that case, someone like Ryan should not exist a
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Massua felt jolted awake. It was a bizarre feeling as if you were just a moment ago falling, and your body needed to react. But as she got her bearings and rational thought came back to her, she knew that she was just in the carriage. She was not yet used to Vermilliaa's sign to wake up. She said it was the only way to pull her back from the world of dreams without outright endangering them both. Still, though, she wished that she did not look like a fool every time this must happen. Her mother always seemed unbothered, assuming it to be a starling dream, but if she kept prying, Massua was unsure how much she could hide from her mother. Celia was a wise person, always knowing what was going on in the lives around her, especially her children. And Massua should know, her brother is much the same way. That is what made him an excellent teacher to her. She wished she had developed that skill, to know what people think. That was, in fact, the point in these lessons that she and her
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Massua felt jolted awake. It was a bizarre feeling as if you were just a moment ago falling, and your body needed to react. But as she got her bearings and rational thought came back to her, she knew that she was just in the carriage. She was not yet used to Vermilliaa's sign to wake up. She said it was the only way to pull her back from the world of dreams without outright endangering them both. Still, though, she wished that she did not look like a fool every time this must happen. Her mother always seemed unbothered, assuming it to be a starling dream, but if she kept prying, Massua was unsure how much she could hide from her mother. Celia was a wise person, always knowing what was going on in the lives around her, especially her children. And Massua should know, her brother is much the same way. That is what made him an excellent teacher to her. She wished she had developed that skill, to know what people think. That was, in fact, the point in these lessons that she and her
Chapter 18 The Wild Halls
Massua felt jolted awake. It was a bizarre feeling as if you were just a moment ago falling, and your body needed to react. But as she got her bearings and rational thought came back to her, she knew that she was just in the carriage. She was not yet used to Vermilliaa's sign to wake up. She said it was the only way to pull her back from the world of dreams without outright endangering them both. Still, though, she wished that she did not look like a fool every time this must happen. Her mother always seemed unbothered, assuming it to be a starling dream, but if she kept prying, Massua was unsure how much she could hide from her mother. Celia was a wise person, always knowing what was going on in the lives around her, especially her children. And Massua should know, her brother is much the same way. That is what made him an excellent teacher to her. She wished she had developed that skill, to know what people think. That was, in fact, the point in these lessons that she and her
Chapter 17 The Forest of Ice
Edlund felt stiff upon Myre, looking upon his legion that stood at attention patiently as others just like them organized in neat blocks. Row by row. These formations have become the staple of the empire's warfare tactics over the past few centuries. Predominantly used in the outlands and more recently against the far more structured Frostlandic forces they have been encountering as of late. A legion was to act almost like a small independent army. They have their infantry, pikemen, a few knights, and archers in the back. Overall the force was relatively small, just over two hundred in total, including himself, Gray, Elena, and Dagmyre, who sat on their horses just beside him. All knights were to stand in front of their legion and lead the march besides their captain, and they were there to make sure that the man giving orders didn't die, which was both a good and bad thing. It was a good tactic, as this guaranteed the safety of whoever the knights were protecting. A bad thing because
Chapter 16 Descend
Ryan dropped into the darkness that the trapdoor led to. Immediately he closed his eyes and concentrated on the aura in the area instead, allowing the void to consume his vision. Not that he needed it as Veronica and the few meant at managed to follow her down did not attempt to mask their presence, splashing the dirty water about as they bounded off towards what he assumed were more secret passageways through the old ruins. Ryan, by contrast, could move ever so silently even with the water, keeping to the edge of the circular tunnel and scurrying. His blade drawn, he quickly approached one of the stragglers at the very back. He took notice of Ryan, and before considering sounding an alarm, he immediately fired a bullet right at Ryan's head. The projectile was narrowly avoided, sparking against the stone at his left as Ryan quickly dodged aside. Within that motion, he let loose yet another throwing knife, one of his last, which sailed right into the hand holding the gun, forcing the m
Chapter 15 The Raid
After their meeting, Ryan was sent home to prepare for that night. So much weighed on him that he felt exhausted by the time he reached the front door. Fortunately, all things looked safe. And well, though the street was for the first time empty of the kid's usually games and atmosphere. The air seemed a bit ominous with them not here. But this is indeed for the best. He opened the door and was pleased to find that despite not doing all they wished, the kids, of course, found ways to entertain themselves. The air was alive with the smells of fresh pies, pies that would have been enjoyed at the beach if they went through with their plans as previously, but either way, at least they were all having a great time. On the other hand, Ryan found himself sitting on the floor just before the door, trying to take in what would happen in the coming nights, what he would have to do, and what this prince wanted with him. He never considered it before, but could it be that Talin is in Antalya
Chapter 14 Desperate Times
Edlund looked out over the horizon from atop the higher walls of the fortress. He could climb to one of the watchtowers for a greater view but felt disturbing the lookouts wouldn't be worth the effort. Besides, he didn't just come up here to survey their battlefield. He has been drilled in practically every inch of the surrounding terrain till he could navigate it blindfolded. He has friends close by, worthy knights, and even his own army to look after. No, none of this terrified him. After all, he has been through so far in his life, this sort of challenge did little to faze him at this moment. But what scared him the most was much deeper. This is officially the furthest he has been from any family. Celia and Massua would be at the Wild Halls by now. Lyse is on the other side of the continent searching for more godslayers. It's just him here. There's no one to fall back on, no one to go to when he needs help. but when has he ever needed help. He's always been the type of kid to ram
Chapter 13 The Black Hand
The Queen was now reaching their destination. As they traveled these large roads, fittingly constructed to carry the massive army that made the Queen's convoy, many other wagon trains joined them briefly before splintering off to whatever nearby cities or towns were in this area, which was of course, very few. This portion of the forest of silence, while untouched by whatever corrupting power lies within its heart, was all the most sacred and mysterious to the clans' people. The Wild Halls was indeed the birth of their nation, of course. The first seven kings crowned their first emperor, Bolurus Milinieas, and united the seven clans in Thiria. Ever since, the wild halls, where that decision had been made, has become the decided meeting place of the empire's sovereign over the past thousand years. And, on rare occasions, one among them may very well be chosen to be Emperor in the direst of situations. But of course, it has been five hundred years since then, and most couldn't see a new