Bonus Chapter Huit


    That was Brad. His emphatic sway was strange. He would only do that when he'd got some hideous task for the students. His visage was lit and the cherubic glow of containment reached from the rear of his jaw to the bellicosing ears. His eyes widened like a mad dog's as he thrived:

     "Today, we'll be having some drills for your phrenic acreage. I tell you! Simply put, I'd be reading you 'The Greenwood Library of  World Folktales'. I'll be reading three folktales. What to note is this. Kept abreast of all the informations in the one you'd love to make an imitation of, because that's what we'll be doing. We've discussed imitation in the last class held. For the first tale, I read. New students should employ residual knowledge of the subject."

     "One. The Woman with two Skins. A tale from Congo."

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