Bonus Chapter Neuf

    "What are unseen poems?"

     His mystic mood melted into contractions of smile and he reached for the marker on the table adjacent to him. He'd just entered the class and was ready to set off a new discourse. The last class they'd had was with no consequence, as he was yet to have the assignment marked. Well, sundry teachers have their ways with works and keep abreast of distinct ingenuity when fostering the growth knitted at the interest of their passion.

    One of the students, a newbie, by name Cole, raised her hands as her smirk dazzled like the sapid sighs of the purpled eyes of heaven. Mr Brad acknowledged her:

      "Unseen poems as their names imply are the poems we haven't seen."

     "Like spiritual poems? Or poems written in the air?"

     Mocked, Bella. She'd hardly raise her hands t

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