"Some shitty movies these fellows do."

    The fairy looked at the other lady who was sitting by him. She was smiling at prolly everything which was watching. She seemed to be obviously enjoying it while he loathed it strongly. That was some conflict of interest and twas worst than whatever he could ever think worse. 

     She didn't answer him. How would she? Even when she was a man, he wouldn't talk a lot. He would only observe and worry. That was all he was used to. That was what the prince charming loved doing. He should had been acquainted with it all of course. 

    He waited a while if she was going to speak for real but she didn't. She looked beautiful too and he felt like kissing her. But he wouldn't. That was like ew! Why would he possibly think of that. He knew the implication of doing that. If he did kiss him, he would literally be kissin

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