Turning Point IX

      "What's the first plan?"

      Dar looked Sea over, then at the sea. To see two seas before one of course would be tantamount to a spell of time. That was some mysterious but in a cute way things. She had no objection to that. What objection could she had had? She obviously wasn't the only there and the rest would have their opinions to bleed. What even made her nurse the throbbing thoughts that they were maintaining the rusty route of thoughts she was? Probably they were held in the cubicle of their own thoughts, or drown in the abysmal waves of their imaginations. Dreg was yet on his phone. At intervals he would look towards the sea and click his phone. Heaven knew what he had in mind to do with the thirty photos he had taken. Even she had been jobless. Had she been counting the photos he had been clicking? That didn't matter. She liked him in a rather cute him. Despite all his annoying traits, th

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