"Honey"-----no answer
"honey"-----still no answer "honey!!! " "Yeah yeah yeah...you don't need to yell you know, I heard you the first time " "Oh really?" Margaret stared at her absent minded husband whose eyes were still glued to his phone. "You do know you are late for work right?" Margaret asked still staring at her husband, this time a hint of impatience was evident in her eyes. "You were yelling just to tell me that?" Bob reluctantly tore his eyes away from his phone only to behold the growing annoyance in his wife's glare. "Oh come on.....am only a few minutes behind schedule, besides Michael would come pick me up". "Well, he's not gonna 'pick you up' while you are still in your shorts, now would he?...besides why would you always believe everything Michael says...what if he doesn't come?" "Well, he will come" Bob replied confidently, still nonchalant to move from his position. "Well, I demand that you get dressed for work young man" "Give me a break, am half dressed already, I just-------" Bob's voice trailed away as he saw the insisting stubbornness in Margaret's eyes. Sighing heavily he had to concede "okay okay okay, am getting dressed....jeez". Margaret now satisfied with her husband's obedience smiled "that's more like it, you do know you have to take your job seriously if you want to feed our family and take care of our Tina". At the mention of the name 'Tina', Bob couldn't help but look in the direction of the little girl playing in the restroom with her toys. Bob couldn't help but smile at his adorable little daughter. His wife was right, he should take his job more seriously, if not for anything but for his little Tina's sake. He couldn't help but sigh, he never really liked his current job, his real passion was advertising, which he felt that he did fairly well, but due to lack of sponsors and companies to work with, he found himself wandering from place to place like a homeless hermit, but due to the vehement insistence of Margaret, he had to take on a job, whether he likes it or not which brought him this job of mini van sales and retailing. *Sigh* 'for his family', he had to remind himself 'for his little Tina'. ***************** ~KPUUU ! KPUUU!~ Michael's horn was heard across the lawn. "yo Bob, you better hop in fast or we would miss our scheduled sales!!" "Yo am coming already!" Bob could be seen hastily getting his things, he was also beginning to have some regret that he didn't heed Margaret's advice to dress up on time. "If only someone had dressed up for work earlier" came the scolding remark from Margaret. Bob glancing at her could see the look of 'I told you so' on her face, which irritated him a bit. "Daddy!" "Daddy!" Seeing his daughter coming to meet him with her favorite toy in her hands, his mood was lifted a little. "How's my little angel?" Tina looked so adorable as she giggled in his hands that he didn't want to let her go, save for the constant blaring of Michael's horn. ~KPUUU! KPUUU!~ "Daddy will buy Tina something nice okay?" "Okay" Tina replied smiling. "Bye bye daddy" "Bye bye little angel" Bob had to stop to wave back to his daughter before hopping into the minivan of an impatient Michael who quickly greets the female duo while driving away "hey Margaret, hey little Tina". Margaret could only sigh resignedly, "well, there they go again". "Mummy, would daddy come back soon?" little Tina asked while blinking her eyes. "Of course sweetie" Margaret picked her up while heading to the kitchen. "Also, when he comes you can have lots of ice cream". "Yay ice cream!" Margaret went to the kitchen to tidy it up, while Tina sat on the kitchen table to munch on some cookies. *Ring____Ring* Her phone's back light switched on to reveal the caller. Margaret's eyes widened upon seeing the caller. Not hesitating, the phone was already by her ear "Stephanie!!" **Hey Maggie, sorry for the untimely call** "Long overdue call is more like it....haha!!" Margaret was all smiles and excitement due to hearing the voice of her best friend after a long time. **Yeah, I guess you could say that** Stephanie giggled loudly, clearly affected by Maggie's excited tone. "So where have you been all this while, don't tell me you guys are still in Africa". **No, of course not we--------** Margaret moved towards the kitchen door as she listened to Stephanie's tale of past adventures and experiences. Tina, having finished the cookies, fell on the cup cakes without pause; and with her fully bloated cheeks watched her mother prance around the kitchen listening and giggling to whomever was on the phone. Seeing the sausage boiling over on the gas cooker, Tina was about to call her absentminded mother's attention when she sighted a black sedan, parked beside the house, just across the kitchen window. Tina would have ignored this as unimportant, except the driver pulled out something that looked like a harpoon and suspiciously stared through the kitchen window for a long time, while conversing with the other guy seated beside him. After sometime he raised the 'harpoon' and pointed it directly at the kitchen window. Tina's eyes widened as she heard a dull pop sound followed by a blur which went straight through the kitchen window and implant itself on Margaret's back. ******************* Margaret was excitedly listening to Stephanie's joyous voyages around the world when she felt a slight tap on her back followed by an explosive and painful sensation, like a burst of electric current which paralysed every joint and muscle in her body Maggie had never felt like this before, it was scary and agonising. Within seconds, she collapsed with a thud. Unable to scream or produce any vocal sound, she could only hear Stephanie's anxious voice over the phone which had fallen a distance away from her **Maggie? you still there? I heard a queer sound, is everything alright?** "Mommy!!" Margaret's eyes shifted to source of the anxious cry and saw her adorable Tina with a pained look on her face. "T--in--a" was all Margaret could utter under her laboured breath before everything went black. "Mommy!!", this single cry drew a lot of pain and sorrow from little Tina's heart. She looked frozen and about to burst into tears, moreover, what could a five year old girl do in this situation? ********************* "Sure she's down?" "Of course she's down" he looked at his partner, waving the harpoon alike weapon in his hand "you think this is a toy?" "Well no" there was a short pause "so should we break in now?" "I have to make sure that we don't attract anyone's attention". "What of the girl? don't you think we should take her out too?" He gave his partner a confused stare "why on earth would I want to electrocute a little girl?" "Uh... " **Pschhh** **Pschhh** The transceiver in between them came alive with static sounds. "shit" he quickly picked up the transceiver and pressed the receive button. **Have you secured the package?** came the voice over the transceiver. "Not yet boss, but we've just put the woman down" **What is taking you so long?** the voice now sounded angry. "We don't want to draw attention to ourselves boss, so we----" "Just get the job done" the voice snapped. "Also remember, no room for failure, got that? " "Yes boss" "You know what happens when you fail" **Pshhhhh** the line went static again. "Whew... that was intense" his partner wiped beads of cold sweat from his forehead. "Not as intense as our punishment if we fail, come on Abe let's get what we came for". "You got it Gabe" The two men got out of the sedan car and took a round turn to the front yard of the house. Abraham and Gabriel, popularly known as Abe and Gabe are Mafian thugs who specialise in one time covert jobs such as theft, kidnapping, smuggling, and in some occasions, assassination. Though, not ambitious to become mafia lords themselves, they take the time to polish their skills to become the best in what they do. Getting to the front door, Gabe stood on the lookout, while Abe bent down to disarm any security installation and alarm systems in the house."You done?" Gabe asked still on lookout. "Yeah, just putting precautionary measures in place to avoid any surprises" "Yeah hate those" "Hate what?" "Surprises" "Me too". Few seconds later "All done, the house is ours" "Not for long, we gotta be in and out before anyone's the wiser" "Ooh, yeah like ninjas" "No silly, ninjas are not that fast" "Uh..... like the wind?" "Nope" "Like what then?" "Like 'the flash' dummy... don't you watch movies?" "You know am not into superheroes Gabe" "Whatever" Getting to the kitchen, they saw Maggie still lying motionless on the floor. The Electroshock dart seemed to have functioned well. Now, unto the next stage of their mission to acquire...but wait, wasn't there a little girl sitting on the kitchen table, happily munching on cookies when they took out the woman? Something was wrong with this picture...Related Chapters
Tisane: The King Of Mutants And The God Of Monsters CHAPTER 2 - The Package
"Where is the little girl?" Gabe asked glancing around. "What little girl?" Abe replied casually, sifting through his tools. Gabe had to stare at Abe, as if looking at an idiot. Abe got the message and stared back at Gabe scratching his head "guess she ran away". "Really?" Then they both froze. "Shit!!" Moving left and right, they both began a frantic search. "Damn! Can't believe we were so stupid!" Gabe kicked a lamp stand in rage while coming out of the bathroom. In their line of work, one thing that was scary to them was making mistakes, which could result to an early grave or worse; behind bars. And now, they just made a huge mistake by forgetting about the little girl. "You don't think she ran away right?" Abe asked. "I hope not, for both our sakes!" Gabe gnashed his teeth. "We still haven't opened the safe yet, we need all the time we can get". "Well it's not as if she can call the police or anything, I mean she's just a little kid". "Oh really?" Gabe glared at Ab
Tisane: The King Of Mutants And The God Of Monsters CHAPTER 3 - Fight With A Little Demon
"Abe!!" after gaining back his thoughts, Gabe couldn't help but call out to Abe who was still dazed on the collapsed sofa. He snapped his head back to Tina whom was now walking towards him with that strange look in her eyes. "Hold it right there kid!" Gabe couldn't help but take a fighting stance 'Wait, am feeling threatened by a five year old girl?!' "Gabe! What just happened?!" Abe stood up slowly while massaging his swollen left cheek. "Abe, you okay buddy?!" Gabe replied, quite relieved to hear his partner's voice, but still kept his eyes on the strangely calm little girl. "I will repeat again, who sent you?" Tina spoke again "That box in your hands, how do you know that it was here?" Tina asked pointing at the box that Gabe was holding. "Answer me!!" this time Tina's voice showed her anger. "What the hell little girl?!" Abe couldn't make sense of what was going on "I don't know what you are talking about little girl, but I suggest you stop this foolishness or you'll get
Tisane: The King Of Mutants And The God Of Monsters CHAPTER 4 - The Aftermath
"Hey Bob!" Bob was snapped out of his thoughts when he heard Michael's voice. "You okay man?" Michael stared at a dazed Bob. "I have been calling you for the past 30 seconds" "Uh....sorry, I was just reflecting" Bob replied with an awkward smile. "Well, you better reflect us outta here, cos you're driving" "What's our next delivery location?" "You remember Mcnelly pizza? Well he has a stock supply of 100 cartons of extra-large pizzas and he has 50 cartons booked for delivery" "Old Mcnelly makes mean pizza" Bob replied getting on the driver's seat. "Yeah got that right" **Ring------ring** Bob checked the screen of his phone, before he picked the call. "Hey Preskey, nice of you to call, how you doing man?" **Hey Bob! Hello, you hearing me man?!** "Hello, I can hear you, what's up?" **Your house man! There's been a break-in, gun shots were heard, the cops-----** "Hold up!" Bob straightened stiffly "What the heck are you talking about?! Who broke into my house?!" his breath
Tisane: The King Of Mutants And The God Of Monsters CHAPTER 5 - The Aftermath II
Officer Stanley raised an eyebrow "is that all?". "Pardon?" "Is that all you kept in the safe?" "Of course, that's it" Bob said spreading his arms. Officer Stanley scanned Bob's face for a few seconds before shifting his gaze to Michael who seemed to have no idea of what was going on. Nodding his head thoughtfully, he opened the safe and took out a panel revealing a hollow compartment. "We found this during our investigation, which explains the fact that there was something of significant value which was carefully hidden within this safe". Shifting his gaze from the safe back to Bob, he asked "ring any bells?" With a more confused look on his face, Bob shook his head, "no it doesn't, moreover....." pointing to the hollow compartment "I don't remember that being there when I installed the safe" "What do you mean?" "I mean it wasn't there when I first got this safe, I would have remembered it" Officer Stanley seemed to fall in deep thought. "Please believe me, I have nothing
Tisane: The King Of Mutants And The God Of Monsters CHAPTER 6 - Ten Years Ago.......
Stepping out the door, his phone rang again. *Ring.....ring* Seeing the caller's name on the screen, he frowned and hesitated to pick it up. Waiting for the ringing duration to end, he inserted his door key into the keyhole and locked the door. *Ring....ring* The phone began ringing again, this time he had to pick it up. "Hello mom" he said with a hint of dissatisfaction in his voice. **Hello son, how is everything?** "Am okay" he said grudgingly. **I called to let you know that your sisters just finished their promotion exams and will be coming home soon** "Yeah okay" there was a short pause "is that all? cos I have things to do" Hearing the annoyance in his voice, his mother scolded **come on son, don't be like that. Aren't you happy for your sisters?** "Of course I am, why wouldn't I be? I just have somewhere important that I need to be right now" **Oh you mean work? You have a job now?** she assumed expectantly. "Ehm...no I.....am going for an interview" Tisane close
Tisane: The King Of Mutants And The God Of Monsters CHAPTER 7 - The Birthday Surprise
Staring at her elegant figure, Tisane couldn't help but imagine holding her in his arms. Even if it's just for a second, it would all be worth it. 'Oh Melvina....so pure, so beautiful' Tisane felt his heart beat faster and his face become very hot and flushed. As he was having his romantic fantasies..... "Hey everyone! Tisane's here. Time to get this party started!" Ibrahim's yell was like a grenade blasting away David's romantic thoughts. Turning his gaze to Ibrahim, Tisane had the urge to palm his face when he saw Ibrahim stupidly smiling and winking at him. 'Gosh.....this is so embarrassing' Tisane thought, hoping Melvina didn't catch on to the awkward atmosphere. "Is that you Tisane?" "Oi, Ibrahim's right, it really is Tisane!" "Haha....so you finally arrived Tisane?!" Due to Ibrahim's yell, Tisane's arrival became known to everyone. "Well, well Tisane you took your sweet time!" Bayo said as he came over. Tisane smiled as he saw his childhood friend embrace him in a
Tisane: The King Of Mutants And The God Of Monsters CHAPTER 8 - The Job Offer
"Joyce, Esther come over, food is ready" she called out. "Yes mum we are coming" the two girls chorused. Coming out of their rooms, Joyce and Esther made their way to the dining room. Sitting down on their respective chairs, they salivated at the delectable dish placed before them. Taking a bite out of her own meal, Joyce couldn't help but lick her lips in happiness. "You're still one of the best cooks out there mom" she praised as she shifted her gaze to their mother whom was about to take her seat at the dining table. "Thanks dear, I take it as a responsibility to satisfy your tastes" their mother smiled. "I just hope we don't become obese due to constant eating of your food mom" Esther said. "That's foolish talk, Esther, there is nothing wrong in eating good food. It keeps you healthy and strong" their mother corrected. "By being fat?" Joyce interjected. "By looking healthy" their mother corrected again. "But mom, we are already as healthy as we can be" "You girls do
Tisane: The King Of Mutants And The God Of Monsters CHAPTER 9 - The Job Offer II
"Mum," Esther stared at her mother as she was about to finish eating. "Yes dear" Elizabeth raised her head to look at her daughter. "Um...." Esther seemed to hesitate. "Have you heard from Brother Tisane recently?" Elizabeth's expression seemed to drop when she heard her daughter's question. Nodding her head, she replied "Yes, I spoke to him on the phone not too long ago before you both arrived" "Really?" Esther and Joyce chorused. "How is he? When will he be coming home?" Seeing how concerned her daughters were over their senior brother's welfare, Elizabeth's heart couldn't help but feel happy. Only if Tisane realise how much they care about him. "He's fine" said Elizabeth as she answered her daughters' questions. "But am not sure when he will be coming home" Her second answer carried a lot of meanings that Esther and Joyce exchanged glances as they grasped some of those meanings. "Don't worry, he is going to be alright. He just need to have some experiences out there" Th
Latest Chapter
CHAPTER 60 - Mutant Tisane I
(Flash Back........Matthew and his crew) Jerry was totally reluctant when he was asked by Matthew to accompany him to the NPLC. They were all on break from mutant school and as usual, were given some time to explore the outside world before they would be called back to school.So he was quite stoked to have a pleasurable time at some hotels with some beautiful ladies and ending it all at the beach as he rides the waves to the sunset. He had it all planned out, until Matthew told him to cancel his plans and tag along with Sabrina and Melissa.Matthew was regarded as a genius in the mutant school and was respected by a lot of mutants. He was an advanced grade mutant whom Jerry got acquainted with during an inter grade tournament.Matthew had rescued him from being almost killed by his opponent and because of that, he developed great respect for Matthew. In the mutant school, like every other societal system, you needed someone of a higher status and power to depend on as a way of survi
CHAPTER 59 - The Battle Ends
Under the dragon's behest, the space began to shatter and crumble. With the swipe of it's mighty claws, the spatial walls were torn open which caused the nebula clouds to fall in, resulting in more cataclysmic devastation.The dragon creature was bellowing with laughter as he watched the manifestation of his handiwork. But in the midst of it's laughing spree, it's eyes settled on Tisane, whom seemed unfazed by the chaotic phenomenon that was taking place._{Hmph...so what if you have the will of the Gods?!}__{You won't survive if your mutant soul realm is destroyed!!!}_The dragon was still bragging when a familiar voice echoed through the chaos which brought everything to a standstill._"El majeros!!"_The dragon creature's body shook as the entire space seemed frozen. It's eyes which were on Tisane began to quake as Tisane raised his right hand upwards and made a swiping movement.All of a sudden, the chaotic space began to repair and restructure itself as everything was returning
CHAPTER 58 - The Release Of Willpower
The dragon began to inject more of it's energy, in order to have a secure hold on the white glow which was already receding down Tisane's throat. The white glow suddenly stopped it's recession as it slowly began to succumb to the dragon creature's pulling force._{I will have you as mine!!}__{Mine and mine alone!!!}_The dragon's eyes flashed with mad determination as it poured more of it's energy in order to secure the white glow. It's eyes widened with joy as the white glow was pulled out towards Tisane's lips.But yet again, the white glow was stuck and refused to go past Tisane's lips. The dragon creature roared again in anger as it sent more of it's energy to pull out the white glow.This battle continued until the white glow began to become more volatile and erratic as it's glow increased. The dragon, in it's mad desperation didn't notice this sudden change on time, and by the time it noticed the sudden change of the white glow, it was too late._~Kablam!!~_There was a terrif
CHAPTER 57 - The Dragon Monster
Tisane shook greatly as he heard the dragon's voice. It was a voice that he found extremely familiar._That voice...._He stared at the dragon as it began to approach gradually. Every step it took emitted strength and power._{In all my existence, I have never met a mortal creature as defiant as you}__{You should be proud mortal, for your progenitor was only able to become this tenacious through countless years of training and battles}_Tisane immediately had a moment of déjà vu as the dragon creature got closer, for it's image seemed to overlap with that of a certain monster in his mind. _The mountainous monster!!_Tisane spasmed as the memories came flooding back. His battles with the monster and how he even had to battle the colossal creature when it was split into three. He began to marvel at how he was able to exhibit that level of power in order to battle such terrifying creature._{I always wondered how you were able to contend against me so well}__{Well it seems that you a
CHAPTER 56 - Clash Of Might 2
As Tisane was engulfed by the Titanic fists, the monsters sighed in elation as they knew that Tisane was surely dead, for their attack was enough to completely obliterate an entire mountain. Halfway into their celebration, they began to frown as they discovered that something was wrong.Tisane whom was in the center of the monsters attack, wiped off a drop of blood that trickled down from the corner of his lips. He actually received the full brunt of the monsters terrifying attack and it was quite surprising that he was still standing and intact.His body was emitting the same brilliant glow, but in a greater intensity than before as he was enraged that he almost died due to the monsters attack. He didn't actually mind dying, but not before he had erased the mountainous monsters from existence.The monsters noticed that an intense force was repelling their fists greatly. After sometime, a powerful white glow erupted in the midst of their attack._{This.....}_Tisane gathered the energ
CHAPTER 55 - The Clash Of Might
Tisane raised his head as he gave the mountainous monster a death stare. The monster subconsciously shivered as it's expression betrayed it's fear._''It's afraid.....of me?''_Tisane was amused by the sudden expression of the monster. It was quite soothing to see the monster display such an emotion.Tisane would have loved to mock and tease the abominable creature, but right now, with the power that was flowing through him, he was too eager to make the monster feel the pain that he had been feeling all this while. With a blast, he rushed towards the mountainous monster as he took a flying leap at the monster's face.He was so fast that all the monster could do at that point, was to hastily release the scarlet beam from it's eyes. Tisane didn't try to dodge the monster's attack as he threw his right fist forward._~Bang!~_With a huge explosion, Tisane and the monster's beam collided in the air. He's body was emitting a brilliant white glow as the force propelling him through the air
CHAPTER 54 - Refuse To Die
The earthquake only lasted for some minutes, before something incredible took place. Tisane watched wide eyed as the entire flesh, bones and blood of the dead monsters on the field began to move as if by an unseen force.They were all pulled towards a particular section of the field in front of Tisane. Pieces of flesh and bones began to merge together and pile up into a mountain of bulky meat.It was quite a horrifying sight as the mountain of meat began to take a strange human form. Though this form was more monster than human, it featured powerful muscular arms and legs.On it's head protruded various horns of different sizes. It's eyes a reddish gold hue shone like stars.It's mouth displayed a disorderly arrangement of huge sharp rows of teeth. The aura it emitted was so pressurizing that the air itself became so heavy and thick that it felt like being submerged in an ocean of paste.Tisane silently affirmed as he saw the monstrosity before him._''Finally, I have met the devil him
CHAPTER 53 - Tenacious Will
Tisane watched the sliced open body of the anaconda as it emitted a powerful putrid smell. Though, Tisane was able to kill three of such powerful monsters, he had no iota of joy or happiness in him.From the corner of his eye, he saw the overwhelming number of monsters which had surrounded him, each of them waiting for their turn to tear him to pieces. He knew that no matter how well he fights, he would not be able to kill them all._''I am going to die here''_Tisane now stood at the moment of his demise as his body shook in fear. The fear of death was the greatest fear that any mortal creature could ever feel._{You have performed slightly above expectation mortal. Your fighting spirit is quite admirable, unfortunately it will not be enough to save you from gruesome death!}_Tisane whom was shaking in fear initially, suddenly gripped the stinger weapon in his hand tightly as he gritted his teeth in anger. The voice that spoke only helped to irritate him to no end."F**k you!!"Tisan
CHAPTER 52 - Death Comes For Us All 4
The tentacle uncoiled itself as droplets of flesh and bone sprinkled out of its suckers. Tisane felt his heart bleed and his eyes pool with tears as he saw what was once his father now turned to be bloody pieces of bone and tissue.They were all dead.....Everyone.....He was all alone...._{I expect you mortals to show humility and surrender in the face of death. Feigning arrogance or courage will do you no good}__{Don't worry boy, after you give me what I want, I will make sure that you see your family again}_Tisane's body began trembling, not in fear or despair but in anger. He's entire family was slaughtered before his eyes by the same monster who was speaking so arrogantly, as if their lives were put in it's hands."You bastard..."Tisane muttered as he remembered his father's last words which ignited a flame inside him."You bastard!!!"The ignited flame became a raging inferno as Tisane roared out in anger._{What?! How dare you address me with such insulting and derogatory w