Chapter 0002: Father of Titans, Mother of Golden Dragons

"Murya Iapetos Alonsus."


Involuntarily, Ye Tianrui's mouth opened, uttering a highly convoluted language.


Then, Ye Tianrui blinked slightly, and without needing anyone to explain, he naturally understood what he had said: "This is my true name."


As Ye Tianrui spoke his true name, two majestic streams of inheritance knowledge surged into his mind, belonging to the top races of the worlds of Dragons and Titans.


A massive amount of knowledge flooded Ye Tianrui's mind, swelling it to the point of pain, contorting his young face, but the pain lasted only a short time before disappearing.


"The initial inheritance of Titans and Dragons is finally over," Ye Tianrui exhaled with lingering fear. He had no doubt that if he continued to accept the knowledge of inheritance, his brain would explode. Even if he didn't die, he would become an idiot.


Fortunately, the inheritance of Titans and Dragons is divided into stages, not a flood of information, but gradually unsealed as age and strength grow.


Otherwise, whether it's a Titan baby or a Dragon hatchling, accepting all the racial knowledge at once when just born would lead to the only outcome of the brain being overwhelmed. No matter how powerful a creature is, they are very fragile when just born.


The powerful beings who leave behind knowledge inheritance for their offspring do so to make their descendants stronger and live better lives, not to commit intellectual murder with vast knowledge.


"This is a Titan, my father," Ye Tianrui looked at the "man" with black hair and golden eyes standing before him, who had just been revealed to him through the inherited knowledge. The towering figure standing before him was as tall and imposing as the golden beast beside him.


"A Golden Dragon, my mother," Ye Tianrui's gaze shifted to the majestic golden dragon looking at him with great interest, its substantial golden dragon aura enveloping the splendid hall, emitting a terrifying pressure. Yet, this powerful aura didn't make Ye Tianrui feel the slightest oppression; instead, he felt a warm familiarity from his bloodline.


"My father is a Titan, and my mother is actually a dragon. Damn, this is a taboo cross-species love affair, and I am their love child. This situation is a bit complicated," Ye Tianrui realized his relationship with the Titan and Golden Dragon, his thoughts becoming a bit chaotic. He finally understood what he was—a mixed-race creature of Titans and Dragons.


While he thought a lot, in reality, only a moment had passed. Time didn't allow Ye Tianrui to dwell too much on his thoughts. Breaking the shell had almost exhausted all his strength, and his body, in dire need of replenishment, sent signals to his brain to seek nourishment.


Feeling a strong hunger, which emerged unexpectedly, Ye Tianrui was almost going mad. He looked around with his golden eyes in the vast room, which was entirely made of glittering crystals. It seemed that the building where he was located was constructed entirely from various colored crystals. He lay in the center of a blue-purple crystal with a sunken middle.


Everywhere he looked, there were sparkling crystals emitting an air of opulence and luxury. If it weren't for his overwhelming hunger, Ye Tianrui would have appreciated it more. But now, all he could think about was food.


"Food, food, where is the food?" Ye Tianrui muttered in the Dragon language he had inexplicably learned at some point, then he caught a whiff of a tantalizing aroma.


He sniffed, the smell making his stomach produce more acid. Finally, Ye Tianrui's gaze settled on the golden eggshells beneath him. The tempting aroma emanated from them. Without hesitation, he reached out with his chubby little hand, picked up a piece of eggshell still covered in egg fluid, and stuffed it into his mouth.


Forget about eggshells; in an extremely hungry state, one could eat anything—grass roots, tree bark, clay. So what's the big deal about eggshells? Although Ye Tianrui was no longer human, he was still a humanoid creature.


"Crack!" The eggshell made a crisp sound as Ye Tianrui bit into it, surprising him. There were no expected sharp edges; the shell, which felt like metal, was as crispy as potato chips from his previous life. Moreover, it carried a perfect sweetness without a hint of fishiness.


Afterward, Ye Tianrui knelt on the blue-purple crystal, his hands working together to pick up piece after piece of eggshell and stuff them into his mouth. The eggshells were chewed into bits with a continuous "crack, crack, crack," echoing in the vast room.


The Golden Dragon mother looked on tenderly as her son ate for the first time after breaking out of his shell. As Ye Tianrui ate, his soft golden dragon wings on his back slowly spread out, the translucent pale golden dragon scales becoming deeper in color and harder with each bite he took.


Watching this scene, the Golden Dragon mother's expression became even more gentle, showing undisguised joy. However, the Titan father standing beside her had a different expression. His brow furrowed, and his face looked gloomy, displeased with what he saw.


Titan babies had no precedent for cracking eggshells after birth. Titans are viviparous, unlike Dragons, who lay eggs. After birth, Titans directly consume meat, not eggshells.


If it weren't for the fact that his son indeed had half-dragon blood and that his body showed positive changes after eating the eggshell, he couldn't bear to see what was happening.


The difference in expressions between the parents went completely unnoticed by Ye Tianrui. His attention was entirely focused on the eggshells.


Whether Titans or Dragons, as the top of the food chain, they possessed astonishing digestive abilities. With both bloodlines running in him, Ye Tianrui naturally had a terrifying digestion ability.


Ye Tianrui could feel that the eggshells he chewed and swallowed were immediately digested, broken down into the nutrients his body needed, with almost no impurities left, resulting in an immediate effect.


As his body's strength quickly recovered, Ye Tianrui could clearly sense that, with continued eating, his body was slowly but steadily growing. His forehead bulged, indicating something was lengthening, his wings were gradually stretching, his tail was swaying more powerfully, and his strong force was making a slight "whoosh" sound in the air, hitting the crystal platform and producing a dull "thud, thud" sound.


... After stuffing the last piece of eggshell into his mouth, Ye Tianrui was surprised to find that the hunger in his stomach had not disappeared completely, but had lessened a lot. After all, the amount of eggshell he swallowed was enough to wrap him up entirely.


With his hands propped on the crystal platform, Ye Tianrui's legs began to exert force. The reinforced bones he had after his first meal were enough to support his weight. Under the gaze of Titans and Golden Dragons, the small creature with wings on his back tremblingly stood up, feeling the need to replenish his energy.


"Dad, I'm hungry!" Ye Tianrui stood shakily, calling out to his father in the childish Titan language.


The Titan, who had previously frowned and looked gloomy, heard this cry and instantly smiled. He reached out his right hand, and a piece of grilled meat, the size of his palm, appeared in his hand. He gently placed it beside his son.


In Ye Tianrui's eyes, a mountain of meat appeared in his father's hand, then this meat mountain was thrown by his Titan dad beside him. The huge meat mountain landed, producing a strong shock wave and a huge vibration, knocking him over.


Ye Tianrui sat dumbfounded on the blue-purple crystal platform, staring blankly at the steaming meat mountain. He glanced at his Titan dad, who was looking expectantly, then his face twitched a bit. He bit his teeth, stood up again, and walked towards the meat mountain.


This meat mountain was shamelessly begged by himself with the Titan language he just learned from the inheritance knowledge of the Titan race. He had to finish it even if he shed tears. Full of resentment, Ye Tianrui didn't expect his Titan dad to be unhappy and purposely acted cute and asked for food. He didn't expect this result.


"My old man, do you have no sense of how much I can eat? Are you trying to stuff me to death with this meat mountain?" Ye Tianrui grumbled inwardly while propping himself up on the meat mountain to eat.


"It's really delicious!" After tasting a few bites, Ye Tianrui sincerely exclaimed.


Several hours later, "Burp!" Ye Tianrui let out a loud burp and lay back in the gap he had eaten out of the meat mountain. His belly had formed a very noticeable arc.


He didn't care about his parents, who had been watching him eat for hours. Closing his eyes, he began to snore loudly, lying down. He had reached his limit and couldn't continue. His body demanded necessary sleep; after all, he had just been born.


In the following days, Ye Tianrui lived the life he had longed for in his previous life—eating to his heart's content and sleeping to his heart's content. Eat until full, sleep until full, eat until full again...


This decadent and indulgent life made Ye Tianrui very satisfied. The only thing that surprised him was his somewhat terrifying appetite. Each time he ate, he consumed five to seven times his own volume.


The terrifying appetite initially made Ye Tianrui somewhat uneasy, but under the indifferent gaze of the Golden Dragon mother, who often enjoyed watching him eat, he speculated that such a terrifying appetite should be normal for Dragons or Titans.


Maintaining this terrifying eating three times a day, Ye Tianrui's body rapidly grew in size. His body seemed to change every day, growing constantly as if it had no end.

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