Chapter 0031 Father's Gift

A terrifying pressure filled the air as the Titan appeared through the spatial gate, spreading around the pure white castle. All sounds of beasts, birds, and insects ceased in that moment, as if everything had fallen silent in anticipation of the arrival of this powerful being.

The giants accompanying Muria knelt down in unison at the sight of the black-haired, golden-eyed Titan, showing humble respect for his arrival.

"Father." In front of the spatial gate, only Muria was unaffected by the pressure. He stared somewhat blankly at the Titan who had appeared directly in front of him, tearing through space in a highly dramatic manner. The blood connection made him unconsciously call out.

"Mmm." Upon hearing Muria's voice, the legendary Titan Ansoel nodded indifferently in response, then dragged out a heavily built dragon from the spatial gate.

It was only then that Muria saw what his father, Ansoel, looked like now, and he was surprised to find that this powerful Titan seemed somewhat of
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