Chapter 0033 Borrowing Books and Giant Eagles

Murray rode on the back of a giant eagle, its feathers shimmering with a rainbow-like hue, as it soared through the skies above the Titan Islands. The fierce wind howled, tossing Murray's black hair wildly.

Under the rapid flight of the giant eagle, the scenery seemed to blur past Murray's eyes, yet even at this near-sonic speed, he could still make out his surroundings clearly. His dynamic vision now reached a monstrous level.

Soon, Murray and the giant eagle arrived at the edge of the Titan Islands. Although still far away, he could see the luxurious and radiant crystal castle glistening in the sunlight.

As Murray approached, golden bipedal dragons surrounded him from all directions, seemingly ready to attack and drive him away from the airspace of the crystal castle.

"Screech!" The giant eagle let out an angry cry, its eyes blazing with fury. Despite their power, the mutated bipedal dragons, infused with the power of the Golden Dragon Mother, were still no match for the giant eagle
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