Chapter One Hundred and Forty Three

Henry heard voices from the background, talking in low tones and having a good laugh. The voices sounded very deep, and it seemed as though the people talking were very far from him. He remained calm for a few seconds before slowly opening his eyes to reality.

His head was still aching badly. Henry was grateful that he didn't die. He thought he was dead and was in another word. Even when he heard those voices from his dream. But opening his eyes made him realise that he was still on earth and alive.

He tried to lift his hand to rub his eyes but realised that he was unable to move any part of his body. He panicked at first.

How was that even possible?

He tried to lift his other hand but still was unable to. He looked around. It was a bit dark, and the lights in the room were dim. He stared at his hands, only to notice that there were chains around his arm, restricting him to the chair he was seated on.

It was then that he also realised he was seated on a chair with multiple chain
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