Chapter One Hundred and Twenty Nine

Natasha fumed as soon as the call ended with Henry and tossed her phone carelessly inside her drawer. She ran her thumb over her eyes to get rid of the tears that were starting to gather around her eyes.

Why did he have to call her and pretend like he cared when he was just in the arms of his ex wife a few days ago. Was he taking her for a fool or what?

Natasha tried to get rid of the thought of Henry from her head and concentrate on her work but she just couldn't since flashes of their time together kept coming into her head and interrupting her work.

But why did he call anyway? She asked herself as she leaned backwards on her chair, staring into space and tapping her fingers rhythmically on the table.

She was gradually drifting away from reality and letting her thoughts get the better part of her as she went by. Only the gentle swooshing sounds made by the air conditioner which hung over her chair, and the gentle sounds made by her fingers as she tapped them on the table.

What if he
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