Chapter Seventy-Seven

"Coffee or tea?" Henry asked Ava, who was seated at the front seat of his car.

She turned to him with a smile.

"I'd rather we eat something slightly heavy. I don't want to drink," she responded.

He nodded his head and continued driving. They stopped at a small restaurant that was not too far from Henry's office. When they alighted from the car, Ava looked around the place as though she wasn't comfortable.

"They have very nice food here," he told her to make her feel relaxed.

He didn't want to go to a fancy restaurant with Ava because he was scared that they would bump into Natasha there. He didn't know why he was thinking too much about her, and also considering her feelings.

He wouldn't have agreed to eat out with Ava if he hadn't promised her earlier. Henry was not someone who played with his promises. I again had to remind myself that there was nothing serious going on with either of them, so it was pointless for him to feel this way.

They got into the restaurant, and they b
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