

No. To be precise, there was a combination of symbols and pictures before Lincoln.

The blood formed two big circles, one inside the other, an inner one and an outer one. In the middle, there was an abstract drawing that looked like a scorpion.

Lincoln was not completely sure that it was a scorpion. As a matter of fact, he could not even tell if it was a real symbol or picture that was formed by the blood stain.

As for the words?

Lincoln had never seen any words like these before. At least not that he knew of.

"What are these?"

Lincoln looked at the gap between the two big circles. There were even more symbols there.

The line started with a pentagram and ended with an upside down pentagram. By Lincoln’s calculations, there were about 41 of them.

It wasn’t that Lincoln couldn’t be bothered to count them precisely. It was just that the symbols were too alien and complicated, and he could not tell whether they were mixed together forming one meaning, or if they were combinations
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