Deliberately Planted Monsters

Mora and Rex emerged from the shadows of the night cautiously, their faces shrouded in hoods to avoid unwanted detection. The moonlight cast a pale light on their tense faces, creating mysterious silhouettes in the quiet forest. Their steps were careful, as if all nature was holding its breath, understanding how important this meeting was.

I returned to my human form with subtle movements, stepping closer to them meaningfully. In an instant, I had embraced them both in a tight hug. Worried expressions still adorned their faces, reading the tension in their determined eyes.

"Mora, Rex... you two have made a very dangerous journey here," I said in a warm voice, but also filled with emotion. "You two are the best friends a person could have."

Rex returned my gaze with eyes filled with brotherly feelings. "There is no place we would rather be than beside you, Ares. We are one team."

Mora nodded her head, a gentle smile spread across her face hidden behind the hood. "Ares, we cannot remain
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