
The light of the full moon envelops the room with a magical glow, creating a magical and serene atmosphere. Moonlight gently kissed Nola's face which was tense with pain. I stood by her side, my right hand holding hers tightly, conveying warmth and strength from every touch. But the healers want me outside, so I have to go out.

“Arghhh!! It hurts!" she cried, the sound of the night's silence interrupted by a cry of pain. The healers forbade me from entering the room, and I could only hear moans and screams from behind the door. Anxiety swept through my heart, I couldn't wait to hear news about Nola's condition.

Suddenly, a healer came out of the room and approached me.

“My King, you can come in and accompany the Queen,” he said to me.

I went into the room and held Nola's hand. Nola held my hand tightly, her eyes staring at the ceiling of the room filled with darkness. Deep moans escaped her lips every time a contraction hit. The light of the full moon, even though it couldn't enter th
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