My Foolishness

We immediately opened the door and hoped that Nola was really inside.

"Ares! Raccati! You guys come to save me!" Nola said in a trembling voice.

We quickly freed him from the bonds and Raccati helped him to his feet. Nola looked weak, but she smiled gratefully. They had done something to him that he looked like this. Nola was a great fighter, but now even walking is difficult.

"There's no time to linger here. We have to go now!" said Raccati, looking around to make sure no danger was approaching.

The two of us escorted Nola carefully, moving with speed to exit the dungeon and leave the dark palace. However, when we almost reached the exit, the sound of warning bells rang out, and the palace gates seemed to come to life and lock by themselves.

The palace soldiers immediately surrounded us, realizing that we had managed to free Nola. Their faces were full of anger and determination to arrest us.

"What are we doing now?" I asked with tension, looking for a way out in the midst of an incr
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