
Sarah looked at me worriedly. "Is that safe? The Golden Tree's power can completely drain your energy."

I smiled at him. "I'll be careful. We have to try. It's our only hope."

Without hesitation, I sat down near Arthur's uncle and began to concentrate again. I concentrated the power of The Golden Tree into my hand and directed it towards Uncle Arthur's injured body. Sweat started pouring off my face because this effort requires a lot of energy. Time passed tensely, and I felt weaker and weaker as time went on.

But I didn't give up. I kept concentrating and trying to heal Uncle Arthur. The Golden Tree's power flows from my body into his, healing wounds and returning energy to his weak body.

After a while, I felt my strength running out. However, I felt success approaching. Uncle Arthur started to move his body slightly, and his eyes slowly opened.

Ares? he muttered weakly.

"I'm here, uncle," I said in a gentle voice.

Sarah smiled happily to see Uncle Arthur sober. "Arthur, how are you?
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