Sarah Will Be Caught 

"You did it, Ares!" Sarah said with a proud smile. "Now we have maid outfits to infiltrate the palace."

Arthur's uncle added, "We have passed one important step in our plan. Now, we must proceed to the next step, which is to find a way to access the hidden door and steal the Amplifier."

We sat down together and started detailed planning for the next steps. Although the challenges remain, we have faith that together, we will succeed in saving the totem warriors and stopping the evil influence of The Shadow Society.

"I'm ready to go back to the palace and find the amplifier now," I said. I wasn't excited or excited but I could tell we were pressed for time.

"Ares, we need careful planning," Sarah said.

“Sarah's right. First of all, I think we should find a way to get Sarah into the palace. That way, both of you can find out where the amplifier is and how to access it. But, how can I be your eyes and ears? I mean, it would be easier if I could monitor and tell you what I know from here,"
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