
"Ares, how are we supposed to inject all of this serum into them?" Sarah asked, her expression full of concern.

I considered my options, realizing that time was of the essence in this rescue mission. We need to stop the evil influence as soon as possible before the totem warriors are further injured or even lose themselves.

"Uncle Arthur, is there a way to multiply the effects of this serum? Can we figure out a way that one dose can affect several people at once?" I asked hopefully.

Uncle Arthur sighed, considering the possibility. After a moment of thought, he made an interesting suggestion.

"There is a method that maybe we can try," he said. "We need to find a device called an 'Amplifier'. This amplifier can amplify and expand the effects of a single dose of the serum, allowing it to touch more people at once. However, this tool is only available in the central laboratory within the palace."

We looked at each other, realizing that we had to return to the palace to get the Amplifier.
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