Fight (2)
In the end, Ken Masuda decided to teach his granddaughter what he knew about sword fighting. She was as strong and quick-witted as him. Ken could not help but see his younger self in his granddaughter. No matter what anyone said, he would make her his successor.

Probably because Luna got much stronger, she rarely met opponents who could fight her equally. She was passionate and still persevered to train every day. Currently, Alice is not allowed to attack the Tower. The Challenger’s Association will only register individuals who are eighteen years old and above.

Ken Masuda could not help but worry for his granddaughter. She was strong, yes, and her ice ability was also exceptional. But if she could not find a strong and ideal guild or teammate, she would not survive. The Tower is cruel and ruthless. Once you decide to attack the Tower, there is no turning back. The only option for an individual to quit challenging the Tower is to request the assistance of the Challenger’s Association t
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