
Axel was happily hopping back toward his room when he suddenly felt dizzy. His world was spinning before everything went black.

When Axel opened his eyes, the nurse in charge of him was at his side, checking his vitals.

“Oh, you’re awake!” she exclaimed, then called for the doctor.

“What happened to me?” Axel asked when the doctor came into his ward with the nurse.

“One of the nurses found you collapsed in the hallway outside. How are you feeling?” the doctor asked while checking the monitor at Axel’s side.

“I feel fine.”

“Do you experience any pain in your head? Or any parts of your body? Do you remember anything that could have caused you to collapse?”

“No. I was just walking around, then I suddenly felt dizzy. After that, I was already here.”

The doctor nodded in understanding.

“Did you feel something inside you that wasn’t there before? Any abnormalities? Like your body suddenly feeling lighter, feeling elated. Strange things that you could do now that were impossible for you before.”

It was obvious the doctor was asking whether he manifested any special abilities. Axel didn’t want to answer. He wasn’t familiar with his abilities yet. Better not tell anyone he had one.

Axel shook his head.

The doctor could only sigh in disappointment. “I see.”

“By the way, the results of your physical exam, CT scan, and X-ray all lead to positive results. You are now physically fit. So if you want to be discharged, just inform us.”

Axel nodded. He watched the doctor and nurse leave the room. He looked at the window and it was already nighttime. The other three patients that were with him were gone. Since this is a hospital specialized to treat Challengers, all patients here come and leave every day. You can rarely see anyone staying in the hospital for a week unless their injury is too severe to resume their daily activities.

Axel glanced at the book tattoo on his wrist, his finger grazing the surface. In an instant, the glowing book appeared in front of him. On the first page was his [The One Who Wants It All] skill, and the second was his brother’s.

On the third page, it was written:

[Skill Name: Metal Reshaper]

[Skill level: D class.]

[Description: Touch a metal and you can change its shape. Whether a weapon, an appliance, or a small object. This skill can only be used three times within 1 hour. After the 1 hour limit, the skill will be unavailable to use for the next three hours.]

“This is Leroy’s skill, huh,” Axel mused. “So he really needs to get his hands on a metal object so he can reshape it.”

On the fourth and fifth pages, the skills he saw from the other two were shown:

[Skill Name: Wind Slicer]

[Skill level: C class.]

[Description: This skill can only be activated if you have a sharp weapon in your hand. A small fruit knife will do. Cut the air in a diagonal, horizontal, or vertical direction and a strong wind blade will be released. Make sure you aim it precisely at a target, not accidentally hit your teammate. Or you will see their bodies cut in halves. You can only release ten wind blades. After which, the skill will be unavailable to use for the next two hours.]

[Skill Name: The Healer]

[Skill level: B Class.]

[Description: A skill gifted to the person rightfully chosen by a god. You can heal your teammates' injuries, even yourself in times of need and peril. There is no limit to your healing abilities for your teammates. But beware that the injuries sustained by Level 5 monsters and above cannot be healed nor can this ability restore impaled body parts.]

A skill gifted to the person rightfully chosen by a god…?

Axel’s heart skipped a beat. He flipped the pages back to the first and second pages. His skill and his brother’s all had the same sentence.

What does this mean? A god chose him? Who…?

He then remembered that woman. She was there when he woke up after being dead. She was also there when his brother was left to die in a dungeon.

So she’s a god…?

Axel’s body shivered. He tried to calm his fast-beating heart. He tried calling out to that woman a few hours after he woke up. But she did not appear in front of him again. Axel figured she would appear again if he had gotten stronger or was on the verge of death.

He knew the reason why she chose him. She wanted him to be strong enough and not rely on others to challenge the dungeon floors of the tower. So this skill must have been given by her too.

Axel’s lips curved. Having this skill is very convenient. If he could just steal things and get their skills while doing so, how convenient would that be? Hunting the people responsible and killing them will be much easier.

Axel took a deep breath and shifted his attention to the metal railing on his bed. He activated the skill, Metal Reshaper. At once, the metal railing detached itself from his bed. He was able to carry it in his hand.

Axel’s mouth gaped. He… he just imagined that this metal railing would be removed from his bed. He did not expect it actually would.

“Hahaha,” Axel burst out laughing. Excitement overwhelmed his heart as it beat faster again.

At last… For years, he wished to gain a skill. He desperately prayed while he was waiting for his brother to come back. To at least be given a skill helpful for his brother.

In that way, he would not be deemed as useless. And he could stay by his side.

His lips widened as he smiled. But he did not notice a tear already sliding down the side of his cheek.

If only Nyx was here he would be so proud of him. Axel wondered what Nyx’s reaction would be if he saw him now.

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