
Of course, Axel would not forgive his foolish classmates.

Throughout the entire school year at Maple High School, that group of boys never left him alone. They followed him like annoying fleas, beating him whenever they got the chance.

Axel stared at his book.

Should he… steal their abilities? Let them feel what it’s like to be boiled alive?

A smile crept across Axel’s lips.

The next morning, he slung his bag over his shoulder and locked the door behind him. He made sure his hair still covered his face and hunched his shoulders, just as he always did when heading to school.

When he caught his reflection in the mirror, he noticed something had changed. He no longer looked beaten up and lifeless. Ever since he died, he seemed to look more alive.

For the first time, Axel was able to smile.

Axel left his house in high spirits, but the moment he stepped out of the gate, he felt someone’s eyes on him.

Surprise flashed in his eyes, but he quickly suppressed it, acting as if nothing was wrong
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