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Transcendence. Torments of Nate Deon Chapter 3 THE ONE THAT YEARNED FOR ADVENTURE AND THE HUNTER - PART 2
A human was preparing food for the rush to come, one dwarfess sweeping and a half Elf-Orc girl washing the ingredients. "Where are the others?" Allora asked. "On break since there are not many around" Answered the young dwarfess. Allora walked over to the sink, pilled with bowls, she look and felt glum. She grabbed a plate and begun washing. Before Nate arrived she was more or less a chatterbox as her job called for it but now her mood unclear. She seems gloomier that usual. As expected. Getting her hopes up. I think we should try and cheer her up. As if they knew what each other was thinking they shared glances with each other. The girls knew her well enough to know she was acting a bit different. "Why so sad, Allora?" Asked the human girl. "Isn't it that obvious, Iluka, her hunter friend left her all alone" teased the beautiful half elf-Orc girl without much of an expression. She was a beauty—clearly gotten from elf-kin heritage, the only difference was her extremely pale
Transcendence. Torments of Nate Deon Chapter 3 THE ONE THAT YEARNED FOR ADVENTURE AND THE HUNTER - PART 3
That evening when she had forgotten to ask what he would want to eat and him asking for her help she wanted to lay everything out to him, but was unsure of herself or how to react for she knew the consequence if she said a word and if he was indeed to be trusted, contrary to how she felt. W-would it be okay if I did tell him? I'm not entirely sure if I should trust him nor do I really know what is happening. He just entered in here and I… No, it's best to keep quiet… Desperately holding back every single word that her mind wanted the spew out, she clung to her nervousness. She was least bothered about why he had her eat of his plate. Even as they spoke, him "interrogating" her, she had wanted to tell him the truth about the ruin, at least the one she knew. But finding a way to talk as there was someone present was the problem, especially if that person is him. She thought to herself even if she did find a way to tell him, she was uncertain, for things were rather unpredictable, the
Transcendence. Torments of Nate Deon Chapter 3 THE ONE THAT YEARNED FOR ADVENTURE AND THE HUNTER - PART 4
Allora turned on her side so gently not to wake the little girl by her and cracked a comforting smile. She begun to drift into her thoughts, reminiscing the little excitement she had in the last couple of days… Nothing much happened on her side. The usual services and occasionally observing Nate every chance she got. He had being doing some exploring—rather some more investigation about the place but no one spoke and he seemed to be getting along with the little girl. Three days prior: "She seems to have taken a liking to him. That's good. I've never seen her this excited, though it's hard to tell since I can't get a read on her… Well they both have that in common." She smiled whispering to herself when she saw the little girl sitting across the table from Nate. She stayed in human form throughout to move. With that also came with the surprising looks of those who hadn't seen her in that form or have missed seeing her like that. "My, my little missy. How 'bout me and you get a dr
Transcendence. Torments of Nate Deon Chapter 4 COURSE, ACTION - PART 1
Nate… Time and time again I made my way through the harshest of storms but that one felt different, like I was being battered. Each grain of sand that flew at me felt like daggers trying to cut me down, even though I felt no pain… Then suddenly… ping… I hit an invisible wall. A barrier? A magic barrier. I tried to push through but the barrier was strong for me to break through. I reached up with a finger and touched the wall, over the sounds harsh winds I heard a ripple. Instantly my eyes adjusted and I could see the dome-like transparent barrier over the ruin. It was a swelling shade of light. It looked like someone wanted to keep me in. But by doing so they risked the life of the people if I go on another rampage. They're trapped in here, with me. It's got demon written all over it, even the smell… What if it was actually a one way ticket? It sure would explain some things… The barrier definitely wasn't meant for me, but is a means to have me stuck in here. Once you enter yo
Transcendence. Torments of Nate Deon Chapter 4 COURSE, ACTION - PART 2
"Where you going little girl?" The little girl halted. Slowly she turned. Before her stood the party of three—the ones Nate had stopped earlier from having their way with her. "It's payback for what your little hunter friend did to us… Lucky for you there's no one here to stop us." He snickered with a gesture pounding his right fist into his left palm and the other two chuckled. I pass through another alley—a few feet away I hear a familiar heartbeat—three's familiar scents. It must be really close if I can smell them even from the demonic stench around this place. "That heartbeat…" As for the familiar heartbeat it seems even if it's a little far I could hear it. Stop to listen. That one heartbeat is spiked, like it was in a frenzy. I turn and dash as fast as my feet could go, well not that fast though just a bit faster than a normal person, through the crevices in the walls hardly any dust following in my wake. A bulk person comes into view through the last crevice, the Cyclop
Transcendence. Torments of Nate Deon Chapter 4 COURSE, ACTION - PART 3
This new world is a weird place. Yet as much as it is I'm used to it. Even though I'm somewhat, in a way alive, to see monsters and other supernatural beings, it still feels a bit so… Time flies fast in the ruin, this new world all together. It's already late noon. The sun is slowly building its orange glow. I'm on the tenth floor of the building I stood this morning after once again helping the little girl. Sitting on the floor leaning to the window, carefully hidden away from prying eyes. I'm overly cautious not to have anyone know I'm around. If I am found out everything will be thrown off. That said though it's not as if them knowing would change the outcome of anything. The demon knows I'm still around because of the barrier, so why haven't they done anything? … If this new world never came to being and someone told me beings like these existed or the possibility of magic I would have called them insane. But on the other hand it wouldn't be too hard for me to accept it though
Transcendence. Torments of Nate Deon Chapter 4 COURSE, ACTION - PART 4
All… bullshit. Why did I say something like that? If not trapped in here with me I would have left them to their fate… Their lives wouldn't matter in the long run. But I wouldn't want to see the little girl hurt. Why did I just think that? What's come over me…? The blue-gray rays of the moonlit sky creep in through every crack, crevice and windows dimly illuminating the floor. "… Two hundred and eighteen years…" That distorted voice. It came from my right. I look to the dark spot at the corner a few ways from where I stand. "You must be Kein." "Perceptive, as I hear…" A person clad in black emerges out from the shadows. He has no scent. I don't sense any presence. So he couldn't be here himself, it's just a shadow. Shadows are disposable duplicates of demons—from what I know just a select few could do this—created to serve as messengers or emissaries. Created from the power wielded by demons these vessels are empty, without any consciousness, only embedded with the will o
Transcendence. Torments of Nate Deon Chapter 4 COURSE, ACTION - PART 5
I'm before Kein's hideout, the building which had more surviving building than any other in the ruin. Rushing in headfirst is something I never do—a lie, I mostly do. I always try hard to avoid battling anyone at any cost—another lie, I don't care whatever happens in the process of me getting what I want—so I'd wanted to sneak in and find my way up to Kein's without any casualty. But… Sneaking in now would be otiose; they're already waiting for me. After all I was invited. So my only course of action is to go through the front door. But being invited doesn't mean they are just going to let me walk in like that. Well, here goes. I walk, almost unprepared of what awaits me on the inside. First floor: Round house kick plants to the left jaw of a theriantrope: dog man… The Lobby was empty; only one person stood in the center of the room with a one edge one handed long sword, a skinny lizard man wielding a longsword. "My lord asks for only your body, so your head will be my trophy
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… Above watching the ongoing battle. The mage with the mercantile smile stood in his deep brown Sith robe. The ground was little with corpses and dismembered corpses. Blood stained sands that had soaked and drained the life of those that fell. The two sides, one side the majority of therianthropes and the other humans, clash letting loose their savagery on each other. It was a gruesome sight where swords clash, severing and disemboweling of the clashing races alike. An observer would question the necessity of the savagery. In a would were there was on the expanse of desert, who knew whether there would be another settlement other than that of the two sides. So why did they not cooperative to increase their chances of survival in this cruel new world? The answer is basic: Superiority of species. One with the stronger physique wanted to declare themselves master, and the other with smarts wanted for control. So
“Are you okay.” I look to where her voice came. Chika had somehow gotten herself out of the binding around her arm. When I glanced it seemed like it was cut. And in her hand was a very small knife, I’m sure she tucked it somewhere they wouldn’t find. She was checking on the two, cutting their bindings. I took a step to move closer. “Ugh…” I thought it would take a while to kick in. I finally got to relax seeing everything was fine, but immediately I did. I felt pain grip my entire body. My grip turned slippery from the blood that was slipping from the gunshot wound on my shoulder, and from the one that wasn’t mine. If that was all then I could deal with it, it would probably healed after a while. Aside from the nicks and cuts. I got careless back there. True, with this new found strength and reflexes you could do much, but when your are under fire it’s easy to be blindsided that was it. And that was what happ
“… I’m here to collect my friends. And I wouldn’t hesitate to cut anyone down anyone who stands in my way!” I say as I straightened my poster, walking. “Intruder at the entrance. Men down.” … “Don’t let him in. Do whatever it takes to put him down.” I could hear the distressed voices of the men in this place. They were scrambling to get here. And those that were already close by were let lose bullets. From long before I’ve known them to be rather conservative of their ammunition, after all, the amount would be so little. But it still rained. I weaved through the debris, walls, and any cover as they closed in with cover fire. Those that chose close combat with their machetes and knives were cut down by the scythe. I closed in one by one on their gunners taking them out and moving away before I got pinned. Why? Why? Why? Why do I feel like this? Despite the rage in me, hypocritical, it may be, why
“I’d appreciate it if you could get on with it.”“… Absolutely. Brest is his name.”Why do I get the feeling the sound of his name is exactly how he looks?“Who is he? What is his role in all this?”“The same for anyone in his position. A seat. Somewhere to belong, to hold authority.”“… I don’t get it. He’s already made his way into the top brass of that opposition faction, I assume, so why the need for more power.”Not just anyone could make it into the elites, in this case faction heads. He has to have something they need and is of the same mindset.“… Show me a person who has no greed and I will show you a world without without suffering…”Greed? In this situation do I seem to have that?… I guess. Despite having Amara, a unique to existence, I still wanted for Chika. Is that greed or lust. And then the fact, though not my own, I preferred her to be the one in control. Dose that also count.“… What do you think a desperate man would do, if you were in his situation?” He as
When the sun got over the horizon, I got out of Chika’s place. Using the Scythe as support I dragged my aching body towards the settlement. Damn it! My whole body hurts like hell. Despite it only being sunrise the settlement is bustling. The hunt must have already been gathered and people where already up to collect their ration for the day. Technically there should be enough to ration them for months if the meat is cured, but with the time it took to cure and the amount of people that came in occasionally the daily hunts were mostly shared daily until the ones in stores was cured. I’m somewhat a familiar figure around here. Draped in a cloak, much better from the very first tarp I used, though it was old. They knew of the relation I had with Chika and the fact I was one of those who hunted most people stayed cleared of me. Then there’s the rumor about the scythe. Something about the weapon being cursed and me being a dangerous and cruel character, That really hurt my feeling, you
Chapter 2 REVENANT'S PAST - PART 11 (r18)
[A/N: About half of this was part of the previous chapter/ Please go through the latter half] It began slow at first but soon she got passionate, like her body was reacting to something she had yearned for, for so long. I pulled her in closer.I didn’t have any top on so she could only wrap her arms around my neck leaving me to undo her buttons. Her lips never left mine as I worked to free her trapped bust. She was just right. I’m not one to like ‘em big or small, but in the middle, maybe a tad big than that average, just like how she was.I cupped a breast feeling it’s soft, sinking goodness in my hand. Breaking off I traced her neck, kissing all the way the cherry which sat perfectly on her mound taking it into my mouth, sucking on it.“Ah…” Her moans were soft, afraid to let it out. Her hand found my buckle as I undid her with a hand, slowly sinking into the mood.Gently lean her backward until her back touched the bed.On my knees I pulled off her pants and underwear, feasting on
[A/N: Believe the is longest i've written. Not edited so please bear with me.] In this few months I’ve active here. I got to see, well hear, about the fights that have been going on. With the exception of a few other races, their opponents were indeed the Theriantropes and a few other monster looking humanoids. Can’t really call them monsters if they can communicate, can we?. Here’s me, a guy who is avid about fantasy setting and the like and its inhabitants, seeing them do this breaks my heart. It goes as far to see the Demi-human, you know those animal/monster ears, tail and other parts, but looking no different, if not slightly, from humans being affect. Oh my dear Waifus. I was more active later in the night and hardly witnessed any. I mostly rested during the day, if not going to Chika’s or the old/young which listening to their reports, and gossips. From the reports they harassment was mainly guerrilla. Even still with that they were still at a stalemate, both side unable ov
The first night after being cooked in boiling water—blood, I saw its effects. The speed and power increase. It breaks past the limits of your current self, even if it’s only a little improvements, my body left tight and robust.If people of our time knew about this, they’d rush in droves to get some without hesitation.…Right.Survival trivia:If you must know how they deal with the water problem. They had secured a reservoir and other containers around the place, rationing it along with the daily hunts. It’s not much considering this sweltering heat which calls for constant rehydration, but there’s nothing you can do than survive with the little you got. —Well there’s the option of plundering from others, as long as you don’t get caught or deal with an witness. And that is something that seems to happen around here.How do they deal with the refiling? Well from what I know they made sure to collect the rare yet occasional rains which somehow still fall. If you ask me, things like th
Motor control has slowed down to a dull, I can’t even keep my position leaning to the wooden hut,The same time as the door opened I had swayed to the side falling in towards the old lady. Luckily though, for some reason the scythe is still tight in my grip.“Woah, I didn’t think you’d want this old lady that bad that you’d throw yourself upon me.” She must have gotten a closer look at me, “You don’t look so good. Let’s get you in.” She supported me leading me inside.How is a frail old lady able to hold me upright. It’d be a blow to my pride as a man if it was my weight, but it isn’t.I’ve had my suspicions but this woman isn’t as she seems.She laid me on a cloth-made bed.“I should get your gift in before someone makes away with it.”I get how you feel about securing resources detrimental to survival but someone’s dying here.I get it now. I did ask the price of a life in this new world. Now I seem to know what it cost.It didn’t take long to hear the d