Chapter Fifty Seven

"That was dangerous. If he sensed you, you'd have died," Number 4 chided Number who just shrugged. She bent the burglary bars and grabbed the boy inside. Then she knocked him out with a well aimed hand chop. That was the only way she could reach him, and that was the only way she could stop the disaster that was coming for them.

Number 9 looked up to see Moriarty, but ignored him. That wasn't the time for it. In that young boy, an ancient being slept. And it was being roused from its slumber by the extreme emotions the boy showed.

It was one of the most dangerous situations she'd ever seen.

"Is he fine?" Number 4 asked and she nodded in affirmation.

Number 4 wasn't part of The Executives of The Order. But she was pretty handy to have around. Her sigil was Precognition/Foresight and in her words, everybody was going to die if that boy was left unchecked.

"Still can't believe a small child like this could be the problem of the world," Number 9 admitted and 4 just shrugged. Her sigil
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