Chapter Forty Eight

"My name? This is a weird place to ask me out; you know that, right?" He listened to her voice, even if he knew she was in unbearable pain. He didn't try pulling her out; he could see that her legs had been crushed.

"This isn't weird. What's weird is that buffoon making its way over here. It's slow," Khalifa laughed out loud, but it was the most bitter laugh that'd ever escaped his lips. It was laughter trapped in despair.

"Yes, very slow. Can you describe it for me? When you do, I'll give you my name then." He felt things he couldn't name, but the strange girl experiencing the last of her life pushed him forward, making him see a world he'd always ignored.

"Okay. A red Defender throws darts of ice at the beast, and its roar is enough to rattle the heavens. A girl with platform powers is stepping on platforms in the air, firing shots through a plasma gun. But the beast is impervious to plasma, a weird phenomenon. It's unsteady; a blue Defender launched a pincer attack from behind, hit
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