Chapter Thirty Seven

"You cannot stand a warrior in his natural habitat."

This saying had been pummeled into Zero, night and day. It was a testament to his resilience, which became his daily life.

But the Enforcers didn't need to know that.

"There are a couple levels here; try to keep up." Terry was looking down on him for some reason, but he was unfazed by such a blatant show of disrespect.

"Okay, I'll take note," he replied politely, not willing to go back and forth with someone who was lovestruck.

"We are here." Terry spread his arms and chest as though taking in lungfuls of air. He looked like a caricature and almost made Zero laugh.


The military base was better than he expected, and the place he slept in didn't do the base justice. He stood and took in the view, taking note of traps and any potential situation that could harm him. The door was an automated one, and the Enforcers were big on technology.

Although they had their fair share of powerful mages, even the battle type, they leaned to
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