Crafting Teacher

The image of a dwarf with blue eyes sitting down, his two hands which were clasped together began to slowly separate as sparks of light began to converge to form a glowing brown orb. The scenery changed, the same dwarf stood in front of an anvil with a hammer in his right hand and the same orb in his left hand.

The dwarf began forging in front of him and before he knew it, a black dagger was forged. The dwarf then placed the orb close to the dagger and slowly the orb inserted itself into it.

When it was completely inserted, the orb was nowhere else to be seen, the black blade of the dagger gradually changed to a light brown color and it glittered even with the lack of sunlight on its hilt. The entire scene vanished and he found himself back in the realm of the technology tree. He was confused as the orb he held began to withdraw from him.

Dulgol did not waste time to explain the vision. "What you have seen is the blueprint I needed to show you and now it has been etched into your me
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