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Neil was very surprised at Sage’s behavior. Sure, she had always felt a little off, a little too robotic. Seems like a fanatic. Since they have not touched her inverted scale, they did not find it. “ How are you going to fight a starbeast ? you have neither mana, nor physical prowess. “ Neil said sarcastically. Sage stayed silent. “ She’s not much of an adviser. “ a voice sounded from behind Neil. Neil whirled around. He did not want adele to see that he had awoken Sage. “ Why did you try to kill me ? I thought we were close. We are closer than .. ‘ a mother and .. daughter’. “ Adele spat out the last words with a sob. “ Believe me, Adele Young ! I have loved you like a daughter. However, nothing could be more important guarding the hope of the new generation. When I die, so will the knowledge I possess. I can not take the chance of such a thing to happen. “ Sage refuted. Adele looked on at her in shock.“ So you tried to kill me for the betterment of the world ? “ Adele spat
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Treasure hunting in endless ocean Barrier - Life goes on
Winterchildren remained for a day in the field, retrieving all the horses, taking care of any deserters and such. Dan led a hundred man team using roughly built ropeways to cross into Strongfort, to the castle's surrender. After some thought, Sasha joined Dan inside the castle. The staff they were used to were mostly dead, or were in such bad shape, Sasha couldn’t help but shed tears. The cook Mary, who made the best meat pies, had her thumb cut off because Lord Flayer did not like her meat pie. The stable groom Harken was flagged till the flesh on his back in shreds because Rogue’s horse liked the touch of the Harken more than his own. Each and every person in the castle had a story. Sasha assembled all the staff in front of them. “ I know many of you are frightened. I also know Flayers were your lords. As long as you confess what you have done; as long as you provide evidence that helps the Winterchilds, you will be forgiven. I will even keep you in service. “ Sasha promised
Treasure hunting in endless ocean Barrier - the information
Sasha and Jenny walked back in silence laden with a heavy feeling. Every corridor, room and tree held a memory for both of them. There is something bittersweet about walking as an world weary adult through the streets you only knew as an innocent child. The towering presences that protected them were all six feet under. The arrow towers which they felt were towering over them are now nothing but cozy fit. They walked to their own rooms through this feeling of familiar and strange, bid good night to each other before going to their respective rooms. The next morning it dawned gloomy. There was a snow storm in the night. The entire castle is covered with snow, as if it’s covering up the traces of the blood that flowed all over the field yesterday. Yet, the familiar chill soothed Sasha’s boiling nerves. Cold is familiar. Sasha wiped the foggy window, to make sure she is indeed back in Strongfort. Even without looking outside, she knew the Barrier is becoming weak. Dan’s outburst
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Redsand was a city that’s neither here, nor there. It exists sheerly because the ships can’t sail forever without resupplying. Simply put, the Red Death desert is too big and too long. Thus, the sea trade route has always been the most convenient way to go from north to south in the Drakon empire. On top of that, the sea is relatively calm and predictable on the western coast of the dragon empire. The storms came like clock work, as did the northerly and southerly wind. The channels are interspersed just at the right places. As long as a person wants to get off, they could stop anywhere on the long coast line, given most of it is gentle mud flats. Thus, Red Sand city, the most important stop, has been built at about twenty five days of sea journey from Praha to the south. The ships from Red Sand go north or south, so much so, the wharf is clearly divided in a manner that southern ships will not touch the northern ships. ‘Fuck ! ‘ Xena cursed, as she looked at the timetables of
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Reborn Drows
While Adele and Neil were discussing these details, Orion and his subjects were busy as bees. The flame crystals brought back by Neil had been handed over to the Drow king. At the time, the most vibrant flame crystal was placed in a cradle, in the center of an altar. Five Drows surrounded the altar, looking at the circle pointedly. Orion stood in the head position, the five Drows started chanting. After a time, the Drows stopped chanting and looked at the center, where a flame crystal was placed. Their eyes are full of expectation. Nothing happened. The light of hope in their eyes dimmed at the result. Their gazes turned to Orion, as if asking if they should continue. “ Continue. “ Orion ordered. The king looked on emotionlessly, despite the turmoil going on inside his head. Orion’s newly acquired ‘King’ title is not steady yet. Most of the old leaders did not agree to support Neil, but Orion just pushed it through, by the virtue of providing food and a safe place for Drows.
Barrier - Peace
Sasha woke up quite late. she was lying on the furs in front of fireplace, like a kitten. She hadn't slept this well for a long while. It’s almost like a dream. Perhaps it was, given Adele was standing in the corner, staring straight at Sasha. Sasha wondered why she was able to sleep this well in the middle of a battle field. The answer was surprisingly simple. Because she was surrounded by family, and friends. Valerie fought with her life on line to protect Sasha, despite being a Snorc. Dan … he smelt like home. There are no other words for it. He was her only family, until Rudy arrived here, and probably would be her only light, when the world becomes cold and dark. Dan and Valerie's predictions about Snorc peace treaty being a ruse came true. Even so, the Snorc attack came far too fast. So much so, the defense could not even gather compleetely. Dan’s arm is still holding hers as woke. He held her hand on one side, and the hilt of the sword on the other side. W
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Neil’s heart filled with unspeakable dread when he looked at the invisible shield membrane slowly covering up the temple. Every cell of his body rejected that shield with all of its being. Neil acted involuntarily. “ Retreat ! “ he screamed at the top of his lungs. His desire to take every last one of the elves with him powered his next spell. ‘ Collect ‘ Neil commanded with all of his being. His magic exploded, pulling all the nearby flame crystals, every last one of the flames whooshed out, becoming a red crystal as they rushed towards Neil. Neil, with Merlin on his back, rushed as fast as he could towards the portal that’s becoming unclear by the second. The space has become destabilized, and the time space continuum broke as the shield continued to cover the flame temple. The black flame in front of the priest is still burning, the remaining four Tomoe of the flames are still alit, but all the other flames are gone. It’s only then Neil understood the scale of
Black flame
Neil retrieved his spear, changed it into a chinese slaughterer broadsword, with about three foot pole and one and half foot blade. He twirled the blade slightly, the necks of three priests were cut off. [ Experience + 5 ] [ Experience + 5 ] [ Experience + 5 ] At the same time, Merlin was not silent. He stabbed a priest, then twirled and beheaded another. [ Experience + 10 ] The message popped up. Like that, Neil and Merlin danced in the courtyard. After their decimation of fifty priests, the priests ran away, and grouped together among them. They went for the necklaces of the fire priests, coalescing the necklaces with their own. “ Merlin ! Collect the red necklaces. “ Neil commanded. The next moment, the mana blade in Merlin’s hands vanished. He stuck to Neil’s back, while Neil cut off the head, Merlin collected the necklace. They worked tirelessly, decimating the priests. However, there was no end to them. “ Blluuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuurrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrroooo
Event Dungeon begins
While setting up camp meat just retrieving their modular home for Neil and Adele, it meant something far more complex for Drows. All the space mancers came together with their latest catch of space crystals. Then, they set up a hexagonal space barrier around a gigantic field, isolating the space from the time worm. Cosmos gave an unnecessarily long explanation, which could be summarized into ‘ this way, we don’t get sucked into the time worm’s belly accidentally ‘. The memories are cut off when Caspian and Xena enter the temple - however, at this point, Neil has come to a conclusion about one thing. They never entered the time worm’s inside. They only fought in an ephemeral space that reflected the fire temple, they did not go inside the fire temple exactly. However, the things he had in his hands are real. In Particular, land tokens have come up with real land. That means only one thing. That the real land tokens are still out there for him to grab. On top of that, he has s
Love story - Date part 2
Xena did not explain her intention. Obviously Caspian spent the entirety of the next hour in confused anticipation, while everyone around him laughed at him knowingly. Xena finished her selection of fabrics. She ordered another set for Caspian himself, this time, in yellow and black, with a symbol of a bull. The next announcement came after an hour. All the participants of the spring fair contest are called to a venue. There are multitudes of fabrics, clay, metal pieces, even silver, gold and gems on various tables. On the other side, there are various tools, for making pottery, for making jewelry and various other items. “ Valkyrie had long been known as the city of the craftsmen. Our women have the best of clothes, best of jewelry and best of men when it comes to that. It is your job to prove that valkians have the most dedication when it comes to love as well. You are tasked to make a token of love for your beloved. Men and women both are free to choose what they want to m
Love Story - the Date
“ Ladies and Gentlemen of Valkrie ! Welcome andddddddddd… .Welcome to the sixteenth sprint fair of lover’s paradise. As always, your response has been more than hot ! This time, for the first time in the history of lover’s paradise, we meet the numbers needed for the seven trials of the couples. Without further ado, let us start the treasure hunt of the lovers. The first challenge in the game is to know how much your lover knows you. On my right side, there are cabins. Our lovely ladies will stand in the pink chair, our handsome men will sit in the blue chairs. “ The host went on to explain they would be answering three questions. As long as answers sync, the couple passes. “ What’s your man’s name ? “ they asked. “ Caspian Hart “ Xena answered, so did Caspian. What’s your girl’s name ? “ was the next question. They obviously are doing this to filter off the random game breakers from entering the game. “ Xena winter child “ Both of them answered at the same time. “ Where did
Love Story - Joking around
“ Hey! Stop laughing at me, you moron. “ Xena ordered Caspian bossily. “ I am not laughing at you. I am just happy we both lived till today. “ Caspian said, chortling with laughter. The words brought a hard stop to the amusement of Nadia and Tara, while Xena shared his happiness. “ Indeed ! We still have today.” Xena said, sitting down at the edge of Caspian’s bed. To be truthful, it is quite amazing. They were thrown out of the capital city in a time of strife, walked through five battles, and countless skirmishes. They crossed the sea ! Then they went to institutions which require one to be beholden to them until death, yet, they both are sitting here, free!It is nothing short of a miracle. They have dodged death by a hair’s breadth a thousand times. They have overcome insurmountable odds. “ Oh ! Stop laughing, you idiot ! She's not joking. “ Xena said, referring to Nadia. “I am not sleeping with anyone save my wife. “ Caspian answered Nadia after he got control on his ow
Love story - Awake
“ Caspian Hart ! You moron ! You stupid imbecilic idiotic jarhead ! “ Xena exclaimed, as she threw her hands on his neck. “ Hey! What’s with the over reaction ! I did not die ! “ Caspian mumbled, a hand rubbing soothingly on Xena’s back. Xena stopped crying after some time. Caspian held her lightly, enjoying the rare instances where Xena actually shows some emotion. “ What day is it ? “ he asked, after Xena pulled back from him. “ You still have the gall to ask for the day ! It's the thirtieth day after the valhallan new year. “ Xena told him. “ it’s .. My god ! Was I asleep for ten days ? “ Caspian asked in shock. “ How many days did you think it was ? “ Xena asked him angrily. “ Just .. Right after the woman in red left. She was so scary. “ Caspian exclaimed. “ Woman in red ? Madea ? “ Xena asked, an ominous feeling rising in her heart. Caspian shook his head. “ The other one. The whining fire spirits wanted her to submit to them. She ate them all ! I hid because I was a