Trillionaire Ex husband's Revenge
Trillionaire Ex husband's Revenge
Author: Jericho Chase
Chapter 0001

Elijah was sweating — like a pig.

The dark shadow that hovered over him filled him with dread.

"I asked one last time, you piece of shit," Wyatt grabbed a fistful of Elijah's hair and yanked it backwards. "Why is there a spec of dust on my boots?"

Elijah swallowed. There wasn't a spec of dust on Wyatt's boots.

He had given his all, polishing Wyatt's boots for hours until his hands were blackened and hurt.

"B-but I don't see any dust, master Wyatt," Elijah said. "I ensured it's polished to your satisfaction."

"Are you calling me blind?" Wyatt smacked his fist in Elijah's face, sending him crashing against the wall.

Elijah felt a dislocation in his left jaw where Wyatt fist connected. He spat out blood and was horrified to find one of his tooth on the floor.

That was Master Wyatt for you. He had the physic of a gorilla and a punch that weight a ton.

Being an ex-commandant, Wyatt was the most feared man when he served in the military.

Wyatt marched towards Elijah and stood before him. "Lick it up!"

Elijah glanced up at Wyatt's imposing figure. He shakily groped for his spectacles on the floor.

"Lick what?" He asked, finally finding them.

Wyatt snarled. "Don't mess with me," he slammed his boot on Elijah's face. "Lick up my boots, pig!"

Elijah winced in pains as he felt a hot liquid rolling down his cheeks.

Wyatt had opened a small cut on his temples causing him to bleed.

Crawling with his feet, he held Wyatt's boots and brought out his tongue. "As you wish, master Wyatt."

"That's right," Wyatt face spread into an ugly glee. "Lick up the spec of dust off my boots. Don't mess it with your disgusting saliva or I'll kick out the rest of your teeth."

Elijah moved his tongue across the leather of Wyatt's boots, a metallic taste of blood lingering in his mouth.

Seeing Elijah on his hands and knees, licking his boots gave Wyatt a twisted satisfaction.

"Good," he taunted Elijah with disgust laced in his tone. "Clean those boots like the pathetic dog you are!"

Shame and humiliation flooded in Elijah. It was all he could do not to shed the tears burning behind his eyes.

Soon after, Wyatt got bored of watching Elijah. He kicked Elijah by the side of his ribs, causing him to recoil in pains.

"Get the hell out of my sight before I break more than your mouth, you filth. And pick up your broken tooth off the floor."

"Yes, Master Wyatt," Elijah staggered out of Wyatt's room, holding his ribs side where Wyatt had slammed him with his boots.

As soon as he got out, he ran into Abigail, his mother-in-law.

At 45, Abigail was still considered beautiful, with a banging hot body of a woman in her mid-twenties.

She reared her head back when she saw Elijah's battered face. "You son-of-a-bitch. Where the hell have you been? I've been looking all over for you."

Elijah clenched his jaws at being called a son-of-a-bitch which was the only way she usually address him.

Aside her looks, Abigail was a first class bitch and the meanest woman he ever had the misfortune to live with.

"I was with Master Wyatt, Madam Abigail," Elijah hung his head. "I'm sorry I kept you waiting, but I'm free now."

Abigail regarded him with cold eyes. "I'm entertaining my friends in the garden. Freshen up and meet me there now!"

Elijah still felt sore from the punches and kicks he received from Wyatt but he knew better than to argue with his mother-in-law.

She was worse than Wyatt. She would crucify him if he made the slightest hesitation.

"Yes, Madam Abigail," he bowed slightly. "I'll head to my room now."

Abigail stepped forward and slammed some clothings on his chest.

Her eyes bored into him and her lips curved cruelly as she leaned forward and whispered into his ears. "Put these on. I'll be waiting outside your room."

A chill ran down Elijah's spine as he stared at the clothes with a sinking heart. "T-This is a dog's leash!"

* * * *

"Refill my glass, trash. What's the matter with you?" Lucy, one of Abigail's friends, snapped at Elijah.

"I'm sorry. I'm really sorry," Elijah hurried towards her seat and refilled her glass.

"He's so pathetic," Lucy turned to Abigail whom was reclining on a sofa. "Why did you let this loser marry your daughter, huh?"

Abigail stretched her legs and sighed. "You'll have to take it up with my husband's stupid father. The old man arranged it my beautiful Olivia gets married to this piece of shit once she clocks 18."

"For real?" Scarlett, Abigail's third friend sat up from her seat. "Couldn't he had chosen someone else? What was he thinking marrying Olivia to a loser like him?"

"I tried to fight it but there was nothing I could do," Abigail shrugged. "Lord Owen insisted. Out of respect for him, we had no other choice."

"Bullshit, Olivia deserves better," Lucy scowled at Elijah. "She couldn't possibly settle for a lowlife like him."

Elijah hung his head in shame.

"Which is why I'm making his life a living hell in this house," Abigail beckoned at Elijah. "Crawl to me like a dog, Elijah."

Elijah clenched his teeth.

She had made him dressed in pink shorts and pink socks. He was topless and only had a dog leash tied around his neck.

The humiliation. She wanted to humiliate him infront of her friends.

Getting down on his hands and knees, he began to crawl towards where Abigail was seated.

Her friends watched, amusingly at him.

"He's so obedient," Scarlett chuckled. "I wish I had someone who could do that but unfortunately, my son-in-law isn't as useless as him."

"My son-in-law just bought me a Lamborghini Aventador yesterday," Lucy boasted, taking a sip from her glass. "I feel so lucky."

"I envy you two ladies," Abigail groaned. "I do pray my beautiful Olivia makes up her mind soon and divorce Elijah."

"Why's she wasting time to do so?" Scarlett demanded. "There are hundreds of eligible men out there ready to court her."

As Elijah reached Abigail, she showed him her foot. "Massage my feet."

Elijah began massaging it as best as he could.

Abigail returned back to her friends. "Olivia would divorce Elijah. You wait and see. She's working very hard to establish her company. Once she's done that, she'll get rid of this dog."

Elijah immediately stopped massaging her feet.

He became worried. If his wife Olivia divorces him, then it'll be all over for him.

He had nowhere to go. There's no way Olivia would divorce him. She loves him. She wouldn't do something so cruel to him.

"Hey," Abigail's hard tone made him stiffened. "Who told you to stop massaging, you son-of-a-bitch!"

Elijah couldn't dodge on time as she kicked his face with her feet.

"I'm sick of looking at this walking fish bone," Lucy wrinkled her nose. "Send him out of our sight, Abigail. He's too irritating to look."

"Get lost," Abigail snapped. "There's a heap of clothes in my bedroom. Ensure you wash everything!"

Elijah stood up, bowed slightly and left dejectedly without saying a word.

"Look at him go," Scarlett said. "He's fit to be a dog. Hurry up, bingo."

The ladies laughed.

Elijah gritted his teeth in anguish as he left the garden.

For the past three years he had endured terrible humiliation at the hands of the Lee-Wood family.

Lord Owen had picked him up from the streets and brought him to live in his mansion.

The Lee-Wood family made no efforts to hide their disdain for Elijah.

He was immediately loathed by everyone except Lord Owen, who treated him like his own son.

However, ever since Lord Owen fell seriously sick and became bedridden three years ago, the Lee-Wood family treated Elijah poorly, like a measly slave.

Just as soon as he turned around the corner, he heard a loud cry erupted from the nursing room where Lord Owen lay.

"Lord Owen is dead!" one of the elderly nurses screamed.
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