Chapter 0003

"How's this possible?" Abigail ranted, pacing up and down in the master's bedroom. "How could that lowlife become the successor to Lee-Wood enterprises?"

Alexander Lee was seated on the chaise lounge near the fireplace. "The documents don't lie, dear. Elijah now runs the company."

"I'll never stand for that," Abigail shrieked furiously. "Do you know how hard Olivia worked her ass to win Lord Owen's approval?"

"According to the will, as Olivia's husband, she's has the right to partnership so it's really not quite a loss," Alexander Lee clenched his hands to fists. "Still, I hate it that pig is in full control of our family business."

Suddenly the door opened and Wyatt stormed in, fuming like an angry bull. "Mother, Father I want explanations, quick."

"It's just as you've seen it, Wyatt," Alexander Lee replied. "That bastard's in charge of the family business."

"That's a whole load of bullshit," Wyatt snarled. "Lord Owen must be out of his mind to choose Elijah."

"Wyatt, show some respect," Alexander Lee warned, standing up sharply. "Regardless of the situation, Lord Owen made his choice."

"So you're just going to accept it?" Abigail raised her voice at her husband. "You'll let an outsider, overthrow us?"

"I didn't say that," Alexander Lee clenched his jaws. "I'm saying there's literally nothing we can do about it, even if we chose to fight it."

"I just came back from Olivia's room," Wyatt slammed both hands on the table and leaned forward. "She's crying her eyes out. No idiot makes my sister cry and gets away with it. Something must be done."

Alexander Lee felt the pressure weighing in on him.

For the past one hour, he has had countless members of the Lee-Wood family in his study, demanding answers.

It was bad enough an outsider like Elijah would run the family business. Olivia deserves that position. Everybody knows that.

Something had to be done about Elijah but Alexander Lee has no idea what to do.

Just then, the door creaked opened and Chloe entered.

"About that, would you please allow me to handle Elijah on my own?" She asked, her eyes dark with mischief. "I won't let that scum get away with this.".

* * * *

Elijah placed the last of the plates in the cupboard and closed it with a sigh.

He stood up and stretched his back. He had washed all the plates and cleaned up and now he felt very sore and tired.

However, he couldn't stop thinking about Olivia's distressed expression. She looked so upset.

Elijah had least expected things to wind up this way. He felt undeserving of the position of chairman of Lee-Wood enterprises.

He believed Olivia was more deserving of the position more than he does.

Seeing her upset broke his heart. He decided he would hold a meeting with Alexander Lee to discuss the possibility of revoking Lord Owen's will.

That way, he figured Olivia would be happy to reclaim her mandate.

As he made his way out the kitchen, he met one of the maids.

"Miss Chloe wants to see you in her room," the maid said and walked away.

Elijah immediately went pale. He felt spider legs crawling up his spine.

His intuition spelled danger but he ignored it and took the stairs to Chloe's room.

Elijah knocked softly on her door and waited. His hands felt slick and clammy.

"Come in," Chloe's voice sounded from inside.

Swallowing hard, he opened the door and stepped in. "I'm coming in now."

Elijah found Chloe in her nightwear. She was staring out her window, her back turned to him.

Looking at her, Elijah thought she looked lovely but he didn't kid himself she wouldn't hesitate to smash his head with her feet if she felt like it.

As lovely as she looked she was a violent woman.

He maintained a safe distance from her. "You called. I'm here."

Chloe turned around and faced him. "Come closer. Why the hell are you far away?"

Elijah didn't like this. The warning signs were there to tell him to leave but he complied.

Standing before her, he asked again. "What would you like me to do?"

Chloe began to peel off her nightdress. She took out a pair scissors and tore it a little.

Elijah was confused. Why did she tore her night dress? What was she up to?

"Here," Chloe held out the nightdress to him. "Hold this for me."

Like a fool, Elijah took the nightdress from her. Chloe was now in her bra and panties. She took the scissors and made a few cuts on her bra and panties.

Then she threw away the scissors, took in a deep breath and let out a scream.


Her scream echoed throughout the whole mansion, drifting off into the night.

Elijah felt a chill run down his spine as realization dawned on him. If he was caught in this position, he would be in big trouble n

As he made to dash out the room, Chloe grabbed him by his belt and gave another piercing scream again.

"Somebody help me! Help me please!" She yelled.

"What's the matter with you?" Elijah felt his heart jumping into his mouth as he heard heavy footsteps rushing towards Chloe's room. "Let me go."

Suddenly the door slammed opened and charging in was the Lee-Wood household–Everyone of them.

Elijah felt something snap inside him as he saw the position he was in.

Chloe was clinging to him, her inner wears torn, her face filled with tears, her nightwear in his hands.

There was no way he could get himself out of this mess. He was caught red-handed.

Admist the crowd, Olivia forced her way into the room. The scene she saw caused her to catch her breath.

Seeing Olivia's looks of shock and disgust shattered Elijah to pieces like glass.

He opened his mouth to speak but no words came out.

"You piece of shit!" Wyatt charged at him with a roar and swung his fist at Elijah's jaws.

Elijah couldn't dodge in time and Wyatt's punch knocked him out cold, plunging him into darkness.

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