Chapter 0007

Olivia felt on top of the world.

It's been six months since her ex husband, Elijah was thrown in jail. Life had been nothing but blissful to her.

As Chairwoman of the Lee-Wood family, she was respected and adored in Springfield city as a successful businesswoman.

Under her six months in office, The Lee-Wood family had increased it's profits by eighty percent.

It was anticipated the company would hit it's first billions next year.

"Good morning, Madam," the staffs bowed respectfully, one after the other as Olivia descended from her Porsche and walked into the lobby.

Everywhere she went, the staffs greeted her with utmost respect.

She was a goddess. She has so much power.

"Madam," her secretary hurried to her, showing her an expensive bouquet of flowers. "These just came in. They're for you."

Olivia grimaced. "From one of my admirers, I'll bet?"

"Yes madam, what should I do with them?"

"Throw them away in the trash can," she scoffed and continued her grand walk to her office.

Olivia was a proud woman. She believed she was too beautiful and powerful to settle for just any man.

After Elijah was thrown in jail, She had turned down over a hundred marriage offers from different eligible suitors.

According to her, they neither met her standard nor her taste.

Olivia's secretary followed her into her office. "Shall I also cancel all your dates? They're over two hundred emails from different men, begging for a date."

"Block and delete them all," Olivia settled down behind her desk and crossed her long lovely legs. "Anything else? I need my bloody coffee."

"Yes. Master Alexander called me earlier this morning. He told me to leave a message for you on your arrival," she said.

"My father?" Olivia was puzzled. "I'll take his call now."

As soon as her secretary left, Olivia picked up the desk telephone and dialed Alexander Lee's home line.

Her father picked at the second ring. "Olivia, I've been trying to reach you."

"I just left the penthouse about an hour ago," she admired her nails. "What's cooking."

"Well I've got news," Alexander Lee sounded disturbed. "About that bastard, Elijah."

Olivia knitted her brows in a frown. "I don't want to be reminded of that disgusting scum."

"But you must listen," Alexander Lee said sharply. "He got released out of prison today. He's on his way to Springfield city right now."

Olivia stiffened. "How's that possible? The judge sentenced him to—"

"I know," Alexander Lee interrupted. "Somehow, the president granted him a pardon."

This news caused Olivia to stand up sharply, upsetting the papers on her desk.

"What?!" She exclaimed. "How's that possible?"

"That's the story Judge Hughes relayed to me this morning," Alexander Lee answered. "We don't know the details but I've seen the pardon. It's legit. It even has the president signature."

Olivia gritted her teeth bitterly. "I don't believe this bullshit. Does the president knows that scum in person?"

"Two other prisoners were also granted a pardon. Judge Hughes believes Elijah just got lucky."

"Anyways that wouldn't jeopardize everything I've built these past six months," Olivia bit her lips hard. "I'm chairwoman now and I own the Lee-Wood enterprises."

"Yes," Alexander Lee said. "Elijah can't do anything about it. If he tries something, I'll crush him."

"You bet," Olivia smirked, spreading her hands on the desk. "I won't let that scum win."

"Meanwhile, have you heard?" Alexander Lee asked. "Smith's industries are expanding a major distribution branch here in Springfield city."

Olivia nodded. "Yeah I saw it on the morning news earlier this morning. I heard they're offering contracts."

"Olivia, I'll tell you something you don't know," Alexander Lee said sharply. "The logistics contract alone is worth over $300 million."

Olivia suddenly caught her breath sharply. "$300 million? That's insane."

"This is a golden opportunity for us to tap into the Smith's riches. We'll never get this chance. The contract is opened to everyone but only three slots are available. We must act fast."

Olivia was shivering with excitement. This was the breaking of the iceberg she had been waiting for.

$300 million was chicken feed for the Smith's family.

As time goes on, with contract renewals, the figure could soar up to $500 million or more.

Snatching her phone she called her secretary. "Cancel my other appointments for the rest of this week. I won't be seeing anyone for a long time."

Then she hung up and hurriedly left her office.

* * * *

Two major news broke that morning in Springfield city.

Smith Industries were establishing a major distribution branch in the city, and Elijah's presidential pardon.

Elijah had been long forgotten. Even his release from prison didn't garner much attention.

The Smith Industries expansion overshadowed his release from prison.

No one seemed to care about Elijah anymore.

Olivia parked her car outside the gates of Gregory & Sons and rushed out like a mad woman.

Gregory & Sons had recently bagged a partnership deal with Smith Industries to serve as their base in Springfield city.

To Olivia dismay, there was a large crowd of contractors outside the entrance, hoping to secure the logistics contract.

"You can't be serious," Olivia gaped at the crowd, her heart sinking. "Was I too late? There's no way I'm getting passed all these people."

Olivia recognised many of these contractors. They represented some of the top elite families in Springfield city.

The security guards were having a hard time keeping the crowd in order. This was a big moment for them.

"Lucky bastards," Olivia overheard from behind her. "Just because Smith's industries chose to partner with them now they think their shit don't stink."

Olivia turned around to see Franklin Black. He recently just took control as the new head of the Black family at such a young age.

The Black family were reputably one of the wealthiest and powerful families in Springfield city, even the Lee-Wood family holds them in high regards.

"Franklin, what brings you here?" Olivia asked, amused.

"Same reason as you," Franklin grinned at her. "The logistics contract is an attractive offer."

"But I thought your family are financially well off," Olivia said.

Franklin preened his tie. "Pretty girl, this is Smith Industries were talking about here. Anyone wouldn't want to miss an opportunity to work with them."

Olivia shrugged. "It's unfortunate neither you nor I might eventually bag the contract. The crowd here is overwhelming."

"Fear not," Franklin laughed. "I have a trick up my sleeve. Gregory & Sons has good relations with my family. Mr Gregory was literally my father's underclassmen back in college."

Olivia was surprised. "No way. I don't believe it."

Franklin grin widened, and he leaned in to whisper in her ear.

"When I heard Smith's industries had partnered up with Gregory & Sons, my father immediately arranged for Mr Gregory to reserve a contract for me."

Olivia's eyes widened. "He did that?"

"Of course he did," Franklin said arrogantly. "Mr Gregory owes my father a debt of gratitude for saving him from a financial ruin in the 90s. He'd do anything for my father."

Olivia envied Franklin. Despite her achievement, she didn't have the opportunity of meeting Mr Gregory face to face.

Now that Gregory & Sons had partnered with Smith's industries, they were now the biggest shot in the entire city.

Fixing an appointment would be extremely challenging.

Olivia wished she could had the same opportunity as Franklin. Then an idea crept into her mind.

"Franklin, why don't you put out a good word for me to Mr Gregory," she gave him her most charming smile. "Perhaps he'd consider me."

Franklin stroked his chin, lustfully thoughts filling his mind. "I can make a call. Mr Gregory loves me like his own son. He might reserve a slot for you if I asked."

Olivia heart raced with excitement. "Really? You'd do that for me?"

Gregory chuckled, then he raised her chin up, passing a tongue across his lips. "I could if you'd sleep with me."

Olivia's face fell with disgust. She didn't like Franklin one bit.

"Don't touch my wife so familiarly, you scum," someone snapped angrily.

Olivia stiffened. She instantly recognized that voice.

Turning her head, she was met with shock.

It was her ex husband, Elijah.

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