Final words (Past - 17)

As Nathan looked at his father, he knew that no matter what the future held, they would emerge stronger than ever before. And as they navigated the uncertain road ahead, Nathan held onto the hope that their love would see them through, guiding them towards a brighter tomorrow.

The doctor came and checked on him but he understood something so he silently helped him remove the mask as she wanted to talk with his son. “Nathan,” his father’s voice echoed so weakly but he instantly approached him. My heart is sending too many bad vibes. With slow and steady steps, he approaches his father, keeping all his negative thoughts at bay.

“Dad,” he called him softly, holidinng his ahndn in his. “How are you?” He asked him, to which he smiled weakly and asked him to sit.

As Nathan approached his father's bedside, he couldn't shake the heavy feeling that settled in his chest. Despite the relief of seeing his father awake, there was an unspoken understanding between them that time was fleeting and th
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