Take back

After that, Nathn disconnected the call, and in his mind, he was contemplating a solution that would keep Karina safe and out of this mess. After some contemplation, Nathn made a decision and approached Karina. Karina was still sitting in the same position, thinking about something seriously. He sighed and stood near her.

“Karina,” he called her softly, keeping his hand on her shoulder. Shye came out of her thoughts and looked at him. "Come, let’s go. We will talk about everything later,” he said, and gave his hand to her as support. Karina kept her hand in his and stood up from her place without asking anything of him. She realizes her mistake and doesn’t want to add any more tension to his life.

He took her and was about to walk out of her mansion but the second he opened the door, he was stunned by the person standing in front of him. The person looked at Kaeina and Nathan and then at their intertwined hands. Kairn felt weird vibes when looking at the person standing in front of h
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