I'm used to it

The Bentley drove through the bustling street with Anabel behind the wheel and Brie sitting in the backseat with Scott. Ever since the journey to Santino's Autos began, no single person in the car has said any word. The only sound that could be heard was the music playing in the radio.

Scott sat there with his back leaned against the seat and his arms folded. He has been wracking his brain on why Mr. Fernando would choose him to go pick up the said delivery and not one of his gangsters.

That alone made Scott questioned himself what the delivery might be and if it would be a dangerous stuff. But in the end, he had no other choice than to wait and see.

While Scott sat there in silence, Brie's voice caught his attention and made him shift his gaze.

"I'm sorry about Anabel, she just doesn't know how to control her tongue." She said.

"Nah, it's fine. I'm used to it already...same way I got used to yours." Scott replied softly before shifting his gaze away.

"You're not still mad at me, are
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