Night of celebration


Before Merlin could get close, Mr. Fernando pulled out his pistol and shot him in the head. Blood splattered around the living room and a loud thudding sound was heard as his lifeless body hit the floor.

"He was starting to annoy me." Mr. Fernando uttered as he placed his pistol back in his belt. "So, as I was saying." He then shifted his gaze back to the crowd and noticed the frightful expression on their faces.

"Ice will return back to Mr. Leeray's territory and keep acting like his partner buy she would be secretly gathering information that might help us take him down. And while she's at it, I want you all to prepare our weapons. I know it might seem impossible but once we deliver the package to the Italian government we will have their whole army backing us, that alone gives us the upper hand. So make sure everything is ready. We need to be ready at all time because we have no idea when the war would start!" Mr. Fernando declared, and the whole crowd gave a resounding reply
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