Sarah shared in Janet’s panic, her eyes wide with terror and her body trembling with confusion. Sarah had her heart in her mouth as she prayed silently for Lady Winston to get back to consciousness. The extreme convulsion was definitely a function of the antidote, she thought.

But was it something that was going to get better? She wasn't sure what was going to happen but she hoped that Lady Winston better respond positively. She couldn't even start imagining the way that Frank and even Janet were going to turn on her if she died just after giving her the drug that was meant to be the antidote.

“Yes, let’s just be patient. She would get better,” Sarah responded. Her voice was low and uncertain and her body language betrayed her doubt.

That was the most unsure response that she had ever given to someone in her life.

She started replaying in her mind the moment when she fought with Doctor Lopez. What if the bottle Doctor Lopez showed to her actually wasn't the antidote? What if it was on
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