Paul who was darting from side to side in confusion soon saw a figure in front of him. His ropes were cut off a lightning speed as he was escorted out of the hall by a figure.

Paul gasped in shock when he saw the figure that had come to protect him.

“Dane Michaelson?!” Paul gasped in surprise. “Is this you? What are you doing?”

Dane Michaelson was Paul’s long-term friend and high schoolmate who had always been like a guardian angel to him.

He always protected Paul from bullies when he was in high school and even had a young age, Dane Michaelson had impressive fighting skills that he used to defeat anyone who came across him to defy him or any of his friends.

Paul learned a few fighting skills from Dane but their friendship was put to a halt when Dane had to travel far away for a scholarship. He promised that he was going to be back though and that he would always keep an eye on him.

“I told you that I would be back for you, didn't I?” Dane spoke in a hurried tone, his words coming o
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