The Root Of All Evil

Chapter 157

"Just where the heck are they all coming from?!"

Amidst their travel towards the red light, Michael and his mercenary companions encountered yet another group of Brainless.

They've been seeing almost countless numbers of Brainless inside the city, and if they were to be released and known to the public, his image was good as gone.

Rather, his image was already gone when the whole attack began.

As the mayor of this city, he shouldn't have let those criminals fool him in the first place.

"Tch. Mayor! Go ahead, I'll have my team take care of this! You are to assist the Boss!"

The leader of the mercenary group would wield their Grants, taking on the three Brainless with his other companions.

He pointed in the direction where the red light originated, urging him to rush.


Michael nodded in response, following through with their suggestions.

Their group of twenty became reduced as similar encounters would happen, leaving Michael with the last three mercenaries that
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