A Stranger

Sharon took in a deep breath and ran after him, she stood in front of him and he sighed.

“Sorry Lexi, I am just trying to be friendly.” She said and he ignored her, he was about to walk away when she stood in front of him again.

“Stay away from me!” He snapped and pushed her roughly, she fell and groaned in pain, Lexi walked away and she hissed in pain.

“Such a jerk.” She scoffed and stood up, she adjusted her uniform and sighed.

“Okay, let's do this the hard way.” She muttered and walked back to the cafeteria.


The school was finally over for the day and Lexi walked to his car, his brother and sister rushed to him as he was about to enter and he gave them a questioning look.

“Oh my God, mum allowed you to drive her car!” Anita yelled and he nodded.

“I have always wanted to drive it but she wouldn't give me, the car is fucking dope, can I drive it, Lexi?” Austin asked.

“What about the one we brought?”

“Lexi will drive it, please Lexi,” Austin begged and he nodded, he gave the
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