The Guerrero mansion was under attack.

All around, the workers were screaming and scampering for safety while gunshots continued to rent the air. And the gunshots were getting closer and closer.

Alex swung into action immediately. He barged back into the abandoned room and motioned at Camila who was already trembling with fear.

“It’s not safe here, Miss Camila. Come on. I’ll take you somewhere safe.”

“What’s going on?” She asked, looking as terrified as she sounded. “Who’s shooting? Is it Miguel and his men?”

Alex paused to consider that she might have a point. Did Miguel actually choose to continue with the attack and reveal his evil intentions?

“There’s really no time to wait around and think, Miss.” He said, grabbing her hand and hurrying towards the door.

“We have to go. Now.”

He was about to pull the door open when a strange sound came from just outside. They both froze.

Despite the fact that Alex’s heart was currently in a pounding frenzy, he tried to appear
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