“So I’ve been living with a traitor in my own home?” Mrs. Maria whispered. “I can’t believe this.”

The capo finally decided to take matters into his own hands. He came forward and grabbed Miguel by the collar.

The fear that flashed in the bastard’s eyes gave Alex immense satisfaction.

“Why did you do this? My sister trusted you, damnit, why did you betray us?”

Miguel lowered his head but remained silent.

“I’m talking to you, goddamnit! Answer me!”

“I did it because I deserve it!” He roared, shocking everyone with his sudden out lash.

“I deserve to work in the big city, not David and most especially, not Eden’s pathetic father. None of them can be compared to me. I’m better qualified than them and I will…”


This time, the slap was so vicious that Miguel completely collapsed in the Capo’s grip.

“You will pay for what you’ve done. Mark my words.”


The next day was a very sombre one in the mansion. It was the mass burial of everyone who’d lost their lives during the attack.
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